How Much is Too Much When Dressing Modestly Plus Chic Me Review

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How many of us have seen someone who is a devote woman of God wearing something and asked ourselves if it was too much? What about when we wear that new dress which we weren’t aware had so much cleavage, but we decided to wear it anyway thinking it isn’t that bad? These are both scenarios where we may ask ourselves how much is too much when dressing modestly and are we really honoring God with what we wear? 

Sidenote: Our dressing should be done as unto the Lord when considering the idea of dressing modestly; we can look for the nudge of the Lord when something is off. When we do not have that nudge―we are fine.

This is a personal question that cannot simply be answered by judging someone by how sexy or not she looks. It’s really a matter of the heart. Because we cannot see the heart of man, we have to be careful in how we approach people in how they dress ensuring we are walking in love and respect.

I’ll share some examples of some nice dresses by Chicme that I’ve worn later in the article.

When we attempt to force our personal convictions about dressing modestly on another; it is a form of disrespect. It disregards another adult’s right to decide for herself and it sets us up as the authority over the person rather than God.

It’s a very prideful act rooted in religious piety rather than humility rooted in genuine love and concern for our fellow man. This is where we have to be careful to check our hearts.

God’s word is clear in emphasizing women in dressing modestly (1 Peter 2:9.) However, we need to consider the cultural context of scriptures.

For example, women in Corinth are encouraged to wear a head covering. This was asked of the Christian women of Corinth in response to the culture of Corinth wear women who did not wear head coverings were seen as available to commit immoral acts. It was the cultural norm.

To not confuse the Christian women with the immoral women of that culture this precaution was taken among Christians. This is not a requirement however for every Christian woman who’d walk the earth. What many Christians do is take remedies provided in scripture to address cultural norms of Biblical times and make them a requirement for all believers.

Paul’s request for women to dress modestly in the below scripture was in contrast to the women of the day who with braided hair, costly clothing, and expensive jewelry prided themselves based on their outward appearance.

“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”

– 1 Timothy 2:9 (KJV)

I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

– 1 Timothy 2:9-10 (NIV)
dressing modestly

Priding one’s self based on the outward appearance alone is dangerous because the outward appearance fades and its perceived beauty is subject to the opinions of others. Paul warned the women to consider their nobility based on something more—things like humility, sobriety, and the appropriate good works that follow a woman of humility and sobriety. He was not opposed to women adorning themselves, however.

To adorn in this scripture comes from the Greek word: Kosmeo. This word means the below:

  1. To put in order, arrange, make ready, prepare.
  2. To ornament, adore.
  3. Metaphorically to embellish with honor, gain honor (Thayer Greek Dictionary.)

To adorn simply means to decorate one’s-self, properly arrange one’s-self—in a sense celebrating our God-given beauty. Because of the extremes taught in church culture over the years, some women feel as though arranging one’s self in a way considered too attractive is sinful.

The Bible does not call attractively dressed women sinful; it shares it is sinful to pride ourselves on our physical appearance, wealth, and ability to arrange ourselves in a particular appearance rather than what’s really important.

What does it mean to dress modestly? Modest in 1 Timothy 2:9 means to dress well arranged, seemly, modest. It also means to dress orderly and of good behavior. This simply means we should not be unseemly in our dress. We need to respect the rules and laws of where we are at all times.

When I go to court, I dress like I am presenting myself to a judge. When I go to a job interview, I dress like I would like to be hired for the position. I do my research. I find out what the culture is there and carry myself accordingly. This is the same thing the above scripture is saying.

One of my favorite authors taught this principle so well when she shared with women that dressing modestly has to do with wearing the appropriate thing to the appropriate occasion. When a woman gets ready to marry, she dresses like a bride. When a family visits the beach; the family wears swimwear including bathing suits and swimming trunks. This is considered modest or appropriate for the beach.

dressing modestly

Somehow, we’ve confused the word modest with dressing overly conservative or dressing conservatively at all times. There are times that it is inappropriate to dress overly conservative and we must dress for the proper occasion. There is a story in the Bible wear Jesus kicked guests out of a party for not dressing appropriately to the occasion. See Matthew 22:11.

Does this mean that women are free to wear whatever they want to whether appropriate or not? No. We already addressed that dressing modestly is dressing appropriately. However, what’s appropriate to one person may be inappropriate to another depending on the conscious of each person. The Bible says all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient.

Sometimes, people are off on their judgment as to what’s appropriate for a believer, but even in that case, it’s not up to us to put them down or to discount their faith in Christ. In this case, a trusted friend or mentor should approach the woman in love and respect. 

These cases should be clear that something is off. It should not be an assumption from someone based on their own personal convictions. Again, our personal convictions in dressing modestly may not be that of others.

There is not a law across the board that it’s okay for a woman to wear this and not that. This is subjective. There is a scripture that says that the law is for the lawless—meaning those who have no boundaries. It isn’t for someone who is mature and consistently practices appropriate boundaries.

We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers.

-1 Tim 1:9

There are those out there who do not live according to what would be considered an appropriate law across the board in dress as it relates to women, but they are a law unto themselves because of their conscious sharing with them what is appropriate and not. This is something that takes place between the believing woman and God.

For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves, their thoughts accusing or else excusing them.

– Romans 2:14-15

Many who take issue with others on not dressing to their particular acceptance have come out of churches of controlling backgrounds. Adults should not be controlled. They should be mature enough to make appropriate decisions. Children should be controlled in a sense to be guided and directed into a place of reference with boundaries showing the difference between good vs. bad. This way, when they become adults, they will have the foundation to make the right decisions for themselves. 

Below are some examples of outfits that some make take issue with that I’ve worn. These outfits were purchased through Chicme—a fashion website with great quality clothing at affordable prices. I found out about them from ads on social media and decided to give it a chance.

I’m always cautious when ordering clothing online as there are some scams out there, but believe me, Chicme is not a scam. What you see on their website is what you get. They take precautions to make sure the customer is happy.

I will say it takes a few weeks for the orders to arrive and sometimes the items come wrinkled, but the quality, look, and pricing is all worth the wait and ironing you may have to do. There are options to pay for expedited shipping. They even have a return policy where they will provide a full refund once the order is re-shipped back to them.

One way to avoid having to return an item is by double-checking your size with the website’s size chart. If you know the measurements for your bust, hips, waist, and the length you are looking for, you can choose the items you order according to these specific measurements.

I’ve ordered several dresses from the website and each one fits perfectly simply by utilizing Chicme’s size chart.

Chicme accepts 22 international currencies in the world including the U.S., Canada, and more. For questions about if they ship to your country check out their FAQ on their website. The shipping costs are also affordable. In most cases, buyers aren’t charged any additional shipping fees outside of the standard shipping cost.

I have a friend who shared that she’d been curious about purchasing with Chicme as she’d read some bad reviews. I let her know I did not have a bad experience with them. If you place an order with Chicme from this link you can get a total of 20% off. Chicme is a great place for us girls to start adorning ourselves with beautiful clothing to accentuate the beauty God has already placed inside of us.

Taking care of both our inner selves and outer selves will result in higher self-esteem, greater self-care, and better choices in men. Get Chic with me.

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