You Are Not Being Punished You Are Being Promoted Part IV

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Finally Here comes the Promotion

God had me to read Daniel in my space of transitioning and suffering. There were three specific examples back to back where Daniel had gone through suffering, having his identity attacked, and life threatened, yet he stood on who he was passing the test and each time being promoted for it.

1. Daniel and his three friends were assimilating into the kingdom of Babylon during exile as much as they could while maintaining their identity as Jews. The King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream in which no one could interpret. All wise men were to be killed including Daniel, and his three friends. This was suffering producing fear, and threatening who Daniel and his friends were as wise men. Daniel sought the Lord was given dream plus interpretation. What happened next? Daniel was promoted.

2. Daniel and his three friends again were targeted due to not bowing down and worshiping another God at King Nebuchadnezzar’s command. Their lives and identities in Christ were again threatened as their fate was to be thrown into the fiery furnace. We know how the story ends. God preserved them in the furnace going into the furnace with them, and they came out un-singed by the heat and once again were promoted.

3. This time, Daniel was under King Darius’ rule and the decree went out from the king not to pray or petition any Gods, but to petition only the King or else the punishment would be the lion’s den. Of course, Daniel prayed three times a day. He was taken and thrown into the lion’s den. God closed the mouth of the lion, and once again Daniel was promoted. What do we gather from this? Despite how hard the pressure gets God will preserve us. When we maintain our God given identity in Christ, it preps us for another level.

Things to do during suffering:

1. Speak and meditate on the Word of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance the word of God or to tell you what to meditate on from the word of God. The Holy Spirit is our helper, and he is very active with us in suffering if we listen to him.

2. Fast and pray – This provides clarity (Isaiah 58:8 – Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear) Light like the dawning is significant of clarity.

3. 1 Peter 4:13 – Don’t speak any evil out of your mouth. Only speak God’s word. Practic discipline with the tongue. It’s okay to be quiet; instead of speaking negative. While being quite, meditate on the Word of God.

4. Realize you are going from one level of glory to the next, but God’s process for sharing in his glory is to first share in his suffering. Romans 8:17

5. The joy from understanding what is going on and experiencing the five benefits mentioned earlier should assist you in enduring. For the joy set before him; Jesus endured the cross despising it’s shame. – Hebrews 12:2

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