You Are Not Being Punished You Are Being Promoted: Part I

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Have you ever been in a situation where it felt as though the ground was completely taken from underneath you? Yet, you still somehow we’re expected to walk. That is how most of us feel in the midst of suffering.  The Bible describes it like this:Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 1 Peter 4:12-13The Bible mentions joy on more than one occasion as it relates to suffering. How can we joy in suffering? One way is to realize some of the benefits that come from suffering and also to realize that God doesn’t allow it to punish us or destroy us, but to promote us and to strengthen us to be able to handle what he has for us.During suffering, it is of the utmost importance that we remember who we are. This means that we have to get a clear perspective no matter what things look like.
During suffering, Satan’s main goal is to cause us to focus on everything, but who we are in Christ.

It is often assumed that those who suffer in Christ have done something wrong, but in Ephesians, Paul writes specifically to a faithful church, and he makes a great point saying that he prays that believers would get a revelation having their hearts enlightened to the hope that God has called us to. In suffering, we are never to lose our hope. We are to keep a clear perspective by keeping our perspective rooted in Christ and his word.

Peter says that we all will suffer for something. Yet, it is better to suffer for doing what is right than what is wrong. It even goes on to say that if we are suffering for doing what is right, we are blessed, and that we should continue to do what is right. It is the person who continues choosing not to faint in well doing that reaps the reward when the due time comes.

There are two out of five benefits I’d like to point out  to participating in suffering in Christ in this first part of this series:

Identifying with Christ, Our Example:
Hebrews 12 reminds us when we are suffering to fix our eyes on Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith. He experienced everything we did, but he went through it willingly giving up his will for his father God’s will. We are to do the same. When we suffer for Christ we have a greater appreciation for what Christ went through for us. We recount that it did not feel good to Jesus in the moment. In fact, it felt so bad that Christ asked for the cup of suffering to pass from him, but in the end, he relented to the father’s will. This reminds us that it is okay to feel bad, faint, or discouraged in suffering, but it is not okay to remain there to the point of being stuck. We have to grow through it. Yes, it is making us stronger, and producing endurance in us when we grow through it instead of allowing it to disable us. In the end, God’s mission will be accomplished in us, and we will have great joy.

Invitation into intimacy with God:
This is probably one of my favorite parts of suffering in Christ. This is when we begin to know God in a new and more intimate way. It is almost like an invitation. In this place, we begin to see God move in ways, we had not before, such as sustaining us with a broken spirit, truly being near to us in the time of trouble. This is where God’s word becomes more than his word to us. It becomes how we know God. Think about Job and the conversations and revelations that he got of God concerning things that happened before mankind even existed. All of this from being in such a place of intimacy and dependence on God.
I want to know Christ–yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. – Philippians 3:10 (NIV)Apostle Paul knew the value in suffering with Christ. This is where Christ’s power in our lives is most individually displayed. In this stage, God often calls us to reset our focus on him calling us to totally depend on him. This is often a place where through the intimacy with God and him revealing himself in new ways, that we grow our trust in the Lord. Do you remember when God did this with his people while bringing them out of Egypt. They had to depend on God for the very food that they ate to the shoes on their feet, but God displayed that he was able to take care of them being all that they needed. Suffering with Christ, as we see on the second part of the scripture, kills the wrong things in us, such as pride, deception, self-will, and such. It produces godly character. In suffering in Christ; we die to our sinful nature, and become more sensitive to the nature and character of God. This should cause us to renew our minds with God’s word.

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