Why Real Men Love A Strong Woman:

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Real men are attracted to strong women because those women are secure enough to be who God made them to be without disrespecting nor putting down men. Strong women hold men to a reasonable standard and thus make real men feel like men. They feel appreciated and blessed to be within the company of a strong woman. A strong woman presents a challenge. It’s clear that she is not just entertaining anybody with her precious time because she knows her worth. Therefore, when the right guy gets in the door; he feels that he has really worked for her.

I have a friend who shared a story of meeting her husband and the thing that drew him to her was the fact that she wasn’t thirsty all over him like other women trying to impress him, but she was secure in herself, and she was real when it came to God. Another friend told me of her brother who got really serious about a girl who was a strong woman. She wasn’t putting up with just anything and if he wasn’t going to act right she was throwing up the deuces. He had never met anyone like that before and wanted to straiten up and fly right with her right away.

Many of us women have lots of guys who come to us all day trying to get in to our personal space without respecting the type of women that we are. Sometimes, you just want to say, “Do you know who I am bro?”, but it’s no use. We just kindly throw up the deuces.

That is always a great sign of a strong, and confident woman who isn’t depending on interactions from a man to build her worth especially from a negative experience with a man where she is reduced to a simple sex object.

Strong women are whole and complete. They don’t bring unnecessary drama and baggage to the table. She has already dealt with her hurts, pains, and unforgiveness toward men. She has entrusted herself to the only one who is able to heal her completely and that is God. She doesn’t see every guy as an opportunity for a mate, but loves everyone who crosses her path.

Her trust is in the Lord. She is strong she is beautiful. She is a builder who builds others up around her. She becomes noticed by the best of the best. The man who considers her considers the legacy of his household and how she will not only love, respect and build him up, but his whole household that he will establish with her.

This woman is highly sought after. There are so many women out there who have lost their strength their power and virtue. They have given it to men out of desperation, discontentment, lust, loneliness, and the like.

The strong woman has dealt with all of the above and overcome those things. She has let go of despair because her trust is in the Lord. She has walked her course. She has let go of discontentment knowing how to embrace God’s joy in every season of her life. She knows that the joy of the Lord is her strength not the joy of a man. It isn’t that the strong woman doesn’t want a man; she just wants the right man.

The strong woman has learned how to kill her flesh. She realizes that sexual flings will never satisfy her soul. Therefore, it isn’t worth it to her to entertain. She isn’t ruled by loneliness because God is very well able to meet every need of hers including companionship . She taps in to God’s presence who is always there with her. She also utilizes godly friends, family, and loved ones placed into her life. She is a giver, and when she gives of her time and love, more love and time with others of value is given to her.

She is a strong woman. A wise woman, who will soon become the wife of a wise man who will appreciate her. This is what happens when we wait on the Lord. We are tested and tried in so many things, but we overcome and when we overcome we come out on the other side with strength. Strength not according to the world but according to God. The world tells a woman that she is strong because she lives her life independent of a man. The Lord tells a woman she is strong because she lives her life dependent on him.

Let’s define what a strong woman is because there is clear confusion what a strong woman looks like according to the world and to what God’s word teaches. A strong woman according to the world is a turn-off to real men, but one according to God’s standard is the opposite.

Worldly Strength

Independent woman:

Godly Strength

The godly woman is dependent upon the Lord and the reason she doesn’t need a man right now is because, God has not provided him yet. God has been revealing himself to her and covering her showing her how important and loved that she is so that when he does bring the correct man into her life; she will not place unrealistic expectations on him.

I can control others therefore I am strong

The godly woman knows how to exude her influence in a graceful manner. She doesn’t need to control others because of the mere authority and respect that she carries when she speaks. She has a reputation that precedes her and demands respect without control. She knows how and when to submit herself to others. Respect is at the top of her list for dealing with people.

I don’t need a man. I’m good.

We all need one another. Although, this woman may not have a man yet, she utilizes godly men in her life loving, honoring, and respecting them as she prepares for the man that one day God will have her to submit to as her hubby. Men in her life as a single may include a father, granddad, brother, cousin, or appropriate friendships with men, also co-workers, and/or bosses. She knows how to deal with men well and her exposure to healthy male relationships despite the fact that she isn’t in a relationship allows her to see men in more than one light.

I will make the men pay who have hurt me

The godly woman says that her healing is more valuable to herself than making a man pay for what he has done to her. She realizes that men will only do to a woman what that woman allows, and therefore she has to start treating herself better if she wants men to treat her better.

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