What now that I have no reason to say no

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Up until now, I haven’t had a reason to entertain a guy for a reasonable length of time. Either the brothers were immature, in their flesh, or I just did not see them as a possible romantic interest or neither did they see me as the same.

However, recently I’ve found myself in a position that came straight out of the blue.  I met a godly and mature young brother over the Valentine’s Day weekend. How ironic. Ironic because, I live my life pretty content as a single. I had just written a blog on being thankful for the love that we have even in the absence of romantic love.

Now that I have the interest of a handsome, saved, mature, and considerate gentleman who is clear about his interest (not playing games) plus intentions toward me of seeking a wife; I kind of don’t know what to do. I had gotten so used to dismissing the wrong guys; that I was completely caught off guard when the right type of guy appeared.

Questions that I never really had to delve into as much before now come to surface, such as how should I now implore accountability, how do I continue to be consistently faithful to God as a single now dating, am I supposed to feel lovey dovey all of a sudden or does it take time.

All of these questions come to mind now because more than a desire for a godly spouse filled with intimate companionship and love, I want to please God. Instead of trying to figure everything out, I will enjoy the journey of getting to know the gentleman in a non romantic way. I don’t want to force anything, but want things to happen naturally.

Finally, I will continue to seek the Lord regarding everything while being thankful. Thankful, for being able to witness for myself that all of the lies that I have had to fight up until this point remain untrue. Lies that say: There are no good godly men, men don’t want women set apart by God, compromise is a must to have a relationship. The devil is a liar!

We as women don’t have to compromise who we are to get a man. It is our willingness to embrace who we are that sets us apart making us attractive to the right man. The right man will praise us for our virtue instead of seeking to entice us to lower our standards to meet selfish desires.

Proverbs 31:28 -30 – Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all” (He sets  her apart from the rest). Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Again, this type of a woman is set apart from the rest as a cut above. Ladies, we have to know who we are and be bold in who we are, and the real men of God will recognize that. It is similar also with men of God. True women of God will recognize that, and hold those men in high esteem.

Stay tuned for part II as I learn what to do now that I have no reason to say no.

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