What is the hardest part of being single, and also the greatest part?

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For me it has been my desire for intimacy, and yet the greatest part has been getting to know God in a more intimate manner. Intimacy is a closeness with someone exclusively. Those involved in an intimate relationship show each other parts of themselves that not everyone else gets to see.

So, last night I had an episode where I was feeling my need to be intimate with someone. I am 110% woman which means I don’t just want to be told I am loved. I want to be shown that. I want to be held, touched and so forth. So, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling alone. I needed to be held, but of course as a single there isn’t anyone there.

I got up went to the rest room and got back in the bed all wrapped up good in my blanket, and God placed a song in my heart. I begun to hum it to him as a prayer and the words went: I will rest in your love oh Lord, You are enough for me. I will rest in your love oh Lord. You are enough for me. I stopped humming and started singing the words. I am never alone, never alone. Lord, You are enough for me.

My desires had been quieted and fulfilled at the same time. I needed to feel like I wasn’t alone even though I already know that by faith. As a woman, it’s in my DNA to want to feel at times and to have a connection. I felt the warmth of God’s love and went right back to sleep. For the past few days I’ve been meditating on a scripture regarding God’s love to remind myself of how God loves me. I also asked God with expectation for a tangible reminder of his love and he gave me a song in the night.

In the morning, I Googled for scriptures on songs in the night and found the three below:
But no one says, “Where is my God my Maker, who gives songs in the night. Job 35:10, (NIV)

But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night, I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life. Psalms 42:8, (NLT)

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. Psalms 32:7 (KJV)

God is truly enough for us in every season of life. He is enough for the singles as well as the married. A lot of people don’t experience God in an intimate way because they don’t turn to him, but instead turn to things and vices. See more on vices at the link (click for vices blog posts). God wants us to turn to him so that he can show us sides of him that maybe every one else isn’t willing to turn to him to see. God is enough.

If you are struggling with a portion of your singleness or any area of life. Consider reaching out to God concerning it whatever it may be. I guarantee God will give you the grace and strength to endure until your season is to change.

I am very excited about the season that I am in, because I am constantly being reminded that God is enough. All I have to do is look to him. Before God delivers us from one season to the next, I believe that God wants us to know and to be sure that he is enough for us. Similar to how the Lord gave the children of Israel all types of precious gold, and jewelry when he delivered them out of the land of Egypt. It was almost as if, God wanted the children of Israel to have a reminder that he did this. He was their deliver and not anything else.

However, just as soon as the children of Israel had been delivered from bondage and slavery. They went into the wilderness and made an idol by way of a golden calf. If we are not careful as believers, we will allow God to deliver us where we get a little relief and run right back to an idol instead of God when things seem just a little hard.

The children of Israel thought it hard that Moses had been up on the mountain for so long getting instruction from God. They felt as though they had no leader, so they made an idol. However, in actuality, the children of Israel should have been up on that mountain with Moses or at least worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth to the point where God had to come down and see what the praise and worship was about himself.

We cannot depend on someone else to lead us to God, or to solve our inner problems as believers. We have to have enough faith and trust in God to be willing to go to him for ourselves allowing him to show us that he is enough.

What is the hardest part for you as a single? Please, pray to God for his wisdom and strategic instruction on how to deal with that hard thing turning it into a great thing that brings you closer to him.

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