What is God saying to you? (New Year’s Blog)

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I think it is interesting how the last two New Year’s blogs were prophetic in a sense of what God was doing in me within the new year. 2014’s New Year’s blog focused on me making some choices to be more deliberate on practicing the discipline of obeying God immediately when he shows me that a relationship is not for me. Also, discipline concerning various struggles that I had dealt with. It is amazing how during that year I was tested for the last time in those areas that I needed to apply discipline in and I passed those tests.

2015’s New Year’s blog focused on matters of the heart, and re-centering and refocusing my heart on the Lord for 2015. God did just that in 2015. He brought up various things that were in my heart that I did not even know were there. Some of it was just simply embarrassing. But God’s grace, mercy, and love got my heart where he wanted it to be.

2015 has been a year of positioning where God strategically placed me in position to receive the things that he has promised me for 2016. One of the main things that the Lord spoke over me in prayer at the beginning of 2015 was the word, “Stability”. God brought about stability to various things in my life such as perspectives, and fears that I had.

Last night, we had the Young Adult Encouragement Group at my house, and I shared with the attendees how each year I would go through something new that tested my faith and caused me to fear if I would be able to continue on. Especially at the beginning of 2015 there was one test, and trial after the next. I felt like my strength was on no go mode, but what the Lord showed me that he was doing was amazing.

He kept bringing the below scripture up in my spirit:

It is God who arms me with strength
and keeps my way secure.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
he causes me to stand on the heights. Psalms 18:32-33

God was showing me that he was making my feet like dears feet. I would always read that in the Bible and ask myself what that meant. Well this year, God decided to show me what that meant. I happened to stumble upon a commentary as I was researching this scripture and it described how the feet of certain deers are designed specifically by God to be swift in escaping their enemies as well as escaping harm. What ministered to me most regarding the above scriptures is the pictures that I found that show deers on the heights of mountains that are just chillin unafraid of falling or any such thing.

They were not afraid because they had been specifically designed and trained by God to trust how he made them, and because it is the Lord who holds them up. What an amazing revelation to have as God takes us higher in this new year. That we do not have to fall from where God is taking us, and that God was thoughtful enough to take a whole year to prepare us through trial and tribulation to trust him more.

This was confirmed to me by one of the elders at my church who prophesied the same thing over me after God had dealt with me about this.

Finally, there is a scripture that keeps coming up in my personal prayer time for 2016 is the below scripture:

The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22

Therefore, I am continually declaring this over my life for this year. I have an expectation for this year that many of the prayers that I have prayed and things that I have been believing God for will come to pass and there will be no additional sorrow added with it. This has been the plan of the Lord for my life, and he is surely bringing it to pass. God’s got us. We just have to continue to trust and follow him. What is the Lord showing you for the New Year? Have you taken the time to get before him and seek his face?

                     Happy New Years 2016!

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