What is an Intercessor?

An intercessor is a watchman who stands in between God and man praying on behalf of what he sees, and what God lays on his heart. Jesus Christ was the number one intercessor. He stood between God and man making intercession on man’s behalf.
The foundation of intercession is found in the book of Ezekiel where God looks for an intercessor before certain circumstances would have been allowed.

I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.
Ezekiel 22:30

In short, intercessor’s are God’s partner’s on earth that stand in agreement with the will of God that has been set in heaven. God’s intercessor’s pray that will based on God’s word, and insight from the Lord. God gave men dominion in this earth, and so when God gets ready to do something on the earth, he uses his people. In many cases, those people are used as intercessor’s.
I first learned about intercession listening to a radio broadcast from Apostle John Echardt. It was shortly after Tupac and Biggie were murdered. Echardt taught on how their murders could have been prevented had there been an intercessor standing in the gap on their behalf. I thought that was pretty cool. At that point, I decided I wanted to be an intercessor, and I asked God to make me one. God honored that prayer.
Intercessors may at times get a burden to pray regarding certain things:
Intercessor’s are very observant, and sensitive to certain things. God will often give an intercessor a burden on something close to his heart and allow the intercessor to pray regarding that thing to see God’s will done in a situation instead of what the normal circumstances would have ensued.
In some cases, intercessor’s have to have enough discernment to know when a burden is too heavy for them to carry alone. Some burdens are given to us by God to pray only, and others to take additional action along with prayer. The last burden that God gave me to carry had gotten so heavy on me that I lost sleep, and could hardly pray anymore. That is when I knew, I had to seek counsel from others to take proper action while praying concurrently about the situation that was going on.
Prophetic Intercession:
Prophetic Intercession comes about when something is revealed to a person by God to pray concerning because it will happen in the future. Sometimes, prophetic intercession can be us prophesying and decreeing in prayer by faith what God has shown us until it manifests, or it can be praying against something that will happen prior to for a different outcome to occur.
For example, one day I was eating while waiting for one of my friends to come over to my house to pick me up to go somewhere. I got an unction to pray, but did not know what to pray about. I put the food down and begin to pray in the spirit. When I felt a release as if the mission was accomplished in prayer, the Lord showed me what I had been praying about. He let me know that something would happen to the car when we were out, but everything would be okay. My friend picked me up and we had a blow-out on the expressway. We were able to ride to the nearest exit and could not change the tire because the lug-nut would not come off. It had to have a special machine to take off the lug-nut.
We ended up at a gas station where a man getting gas had a special machine on the outside of his truck that was able to remove the lug-nut. The man had been through a lot of hard things in life, and had given up on God and the church. We witnessed to him, and he helped us with our tire. All was well, and God’s will was done.

Another example of prophetic intercession is in a similar experience, I was led of God to pray. I prayed in the spirit again, and this time I ended up calling my co-worker’s name out before the Lord and binding up the spirit of death, and pre-mature death, and pleading the blood of Jesus all over him. At the end of this prayer as I got a release in my spirit, God showed me the young man standing outside of his car that had been totaled with his title in his hand. I got to work a couple weeks later, and my co-worker had been late. He apologized to the boss sharing how he had been involved in an accident sharing he has nothing left of the car, but his title in hand.
I shared this with my prayer-partner who is a prophet, and she shared how God used me to spare the young man’s life, and he was supposed to die that night.

Assignments of Intercessors:
As an intercessor, I have gotten various assignments from God to pray for a person, or leaders, and even some public figures as well. I believe in all families, God has set aside an intercessor(s) for himself to further his purpose, will, and plan for the family members and also to preserve life. I have been an intercessor for a long time in my family.

Often intercessors are praying for other people, and their prayers are prayed in secret as they see the manifestation of God’s answer in public. Intercessors are normally not self-seeking, but seeking God’s will.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6

Intercessors are natural teachers:
Due to the fact that intercessor’s hang out in God’s presence a lot in prayer, they get a lot of wisdom, knowledge, and insight that otherwise they would not have. This retaining of wisdom and revelation from God causes us to be natural teachers.
Attacks on Intercessor’s:
Intercessor’s take a lot of hits as far as spiritual attacks from the enemy. They can be misunderstood because of the revelation that they receive, but are refreshed greatly in the presence of the Lord. God is no respecter of persons and is in need of intercessors. Accept the challenge from God to pray and go to God on behalf of others.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint – Luke 18:1
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. – 1 Timothy 2:1

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