Tips on Fasting and Prayer:

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Fasting and prayer is one of the most important parts of a believer’s life, but it often is not talked about or emphasized. There are so many benefits that come with fasting and prayer that are both natural and spiritual (see 5 reasons to fast and pray). Some of those benefits include clearer skin, cleansing of the body from toxins and unnecessary waste, healing, a clarity of thought, weight-loss, and a closer walk with the Lord. Although I am not an expert, I will share some tips that I have learned during the course of fasting through the years.

Don’t try to fast like someone else.
Fast like God gives you the grace to fast. The Bible talks about how every man has been given a level of grace (Romans 12:6). Many people want a pattern when they fast and therefore they look up Daniel’s fast or they try to fast like the Pastor when that may not be your calling. Fasting is personal between you and God. It’s not to impress other people, and other people should not lord over you their ability to fast forcing you to fast like them.

As long as you walk in the Spirit acknowledging God about your fast there is no condemnation to you (Romans 8:1.) You should never feel condemned for not being able to fast like someone else.

It is common to become under spiritual attack when you decide to fast. Jesus was attacked by Satan on his fast being led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).

Daniel was attacked on his fast with not getting an answer right away (Daniel 10:11-13), and we will be attacked as well. Some of the strangest thoughts come to my mind during a fast, but you have to press pass the attack and continue to set yourself apart to seek the Lord and deny your flesh.

Ask God for wisdom on how to fast.
It is amazing how much easier everything in life becomes when we acknowledge God concerning those things. Proverbs 3:5-6 says for us not to lean to our own understanding, but it tells us to acknowledge God in all of our ways and he will direct our path. It is not uncommon for people to only acknowledge God in certain segments of their lives while leaving many important segments up to their own discretion.

The danger in not humbling yourself enough to seek God in certain areas is leaving those areas to be handled on our own accord in our own strength without God’s grace. The Bible clearly says that he resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (1Peter 5:5). It is a proud thing not to acknowledge God. It is equivalent to saying I got this Lord, I don’t need you for this.

That is why many people fell in not only fasting, but in various areas of their lives. Finally, I want to share Jeremiah 33:3 which says “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

We should have an expectation when we approach God and ask him for wisdom knowing that he will answer us. Also read James 1:5[i].

Ask other trusted people who have successfully fasted for tips.
Other people can be a wealth of information and aid in helping you during your fast. This is a good way for new people to get started as well as children under the supervision of an older trusted adult.

Don’t fast like the hypocrites.
“Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward (Matthew 6:16).” Fasting to show off or to appear deep is just like the equivalent of not fasting at all. God is not pleased with that neither will he honor that sort of fast.

Fast with someone.
A person can go on a corporate fast fasting with churches or friends. This is a way to make it fun and to provide some support for strength as you complete your fast.

Make a list or journal what you are fasting for or what your prayer focus will be. Also ask God for the spirit of consecration which means to set yourself apart for him.

Below are some general types of fasts:

3-Day liquid fast: A person normally drinks water, or some sort of juice that will not bloat them. I had to learn that I could not drink a lot of apple juice on a fast because my stomach at one time had become so bloated, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Fresh tea can be brewed as a liquid and fresh fruit can be juiced instead of store bought juice to eliminate unnecessary sugars while fasting. A friend of mine gave me the tip about brewing my own tea, and juicing my own fruit because I would buy bottled green tea, vitamin water, or V8 juice and drink those along with water.

7 – Day Liquid Fast: See Above

Fruit, Veggies, and whole grain for 21- days: This is one of my favorites. The last time I did this fast I found a recipe for avocado salad and had that with beans, and cornbread. That’s what I mean by prepare a meal. I have several ideas for meals for this type of fast. pre-planning what you will eat and or drink keeps you faithful to your fast.

1 – Day liquid fast: See Above.

Really a person can do various variations of fasts. At my old church when a fruit and veggie fast was done fish would be eaten on the weekend. Just stick with whatever the plan was in the beginning. A person should know their own bodies and what they can handle. It may be necessary for some people on certain medications to check with their doctors regarding fasting.

Pray, pray, and then pray some more. Listen to the word of God or godly preaching in your car on the way to work. Read your Bible. Limit or eliminate watching television, social media, talking on the phone in order to focus in on God.

I hope these tips helped anyone wanting to learn a little more about fasting. What are some of your tips for fasting and prayer? Do you have any meal plans or suggestions for fasting? What has been your experience in attempting to fast and pray?

[i] If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

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