The Worship that God Requires:

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Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. John 4:23

It’s a whole lot of worship going on in the church, and the body of Christ as a whole, but it all isn’t the worship that God requires. People who worship and follow Christ intimately understand that true worship is rooted in obedience to Christ. It is rooted in denying one’s self for the glory of God. What we have going on too often is the exact opposite. It’s almost as if we get all that we want as far as worshiping ourselves, flesh, and own desires and we give God what is left over.

Here is a little worship Lord, a little singing, clapping of the hands, and attending church, but my obedience to you is on hold, my life is mine, I am not willing to give it up for the sake of glorifying God. This is the exact attitude that got Cain’s offering rejected by the Lord. Able took his best, the first-fruits of what he had giving God his best; while Cain gave God what was left-over. Obviously, he did not understand the Lord that he attempted to worship. He did not reverence the God that he “worshiped” in his self-ordained routine.

Our worship is a reflection of our heart. The Bible says that where our treasure is there our heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). This scripture is not just in reference to money, but treasure can be anything of importance or worth to us. Whatever we give our hearts to the most becomes what we worship whether money, things, people, sex, lust or God.

The problem comes in when we have one ideal of worship and God has another one altogether. Who’s ideal of worship will we believe? Unfortunately, we often take on our own opinion of worship because it is easier for us; however, at some point in time if we are going to worship God and deal with him on his terms, we are going to have to humble ourselves. It is a wonderful thing to humble ourselves before the Lord and do things on his terms because it increases our intimacy and that is what worship is any way. True worship shows an understanding of the one that we are worshiping. It shows an affinity and passion for that person or thing.

We should not worship things, but we should reserve our worship for Christ alone [i ] There is an exclusivity to worship. It is pure when it is given to God only and not anything else. Just like the husband and wife who get with one another and no one else. It’s a pure stream.

Worship is not giving God our last after we have satisfied our flesh with sin, but it is denying ourselves rejecting sin while giving God our best because he gave us his best. He gave us his only begotten son. It’s our reasonable service to be a living sacrifice unto the Lord. Do we realize who we attempt to worship? He is the one who is God. He made the world. He sits high, but looks low and is concerned about us. He considers us to the point of answering our prayers, being patient with us as he was with Cain sharing that if he acts right he will be accepted.

True worship is rooted in truth, and truth is rooted in God’s word. When we take on perversion which is to go out of the way of truth; we dishonor God instead of worshiping him we instead worship perversion. I am sure it grieves the heart of God to have to reject our worship that we attempt to offer him, when we worship perversion, but he only loves us and desires truth for us. God is truth and cannot compromise with sin. Therefore, he will not intimately commune with those who love sin. We have a choice to either love God and worship God or to love the things of the world and to worship them. There is no in between.

Lastly, worship is rooted in a fear and reverence for the Lord holding his word above all with the ultimate respect.

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth. Psalms 96:9 (KJV)

Oh worship Jehovah in holy array: Tremble before him, all the earth . Psalms 96:9 (ASV)

The above scriptures reference the exclusivity of holiness again or being set apart in a beautiful manner that shows exclusive allegiance to Christ, and secondly it promotes fear, reference and respect for God. These are the things that make up the worship that God requires.

If you find yourself worshiping something other than Christ and walking in something other than truth, humble yourself before God and ask him to change your heart to a true heart of worship that he will accept. Worship that is rooted in truth, intimacy, holiness, fear, and reverence that puts God first before your own needs #Living Sacrifice.

i Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt you serve. Matthew 4:10 (KJV)

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