The wise woman is a builder:

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Godly men cover and wise women build: It is amazing how God made men and women to compliment each other. It is truly a gift from God. A wise woman when she sees her husband’s insecurities or weaknesses makes a consistent choice to deal with them in a manner that will build her husband up instead of to tear him down.

Sometimes doing so will require a woman to be silent, while other times she may just apply wisdom in how she says something or she may only say something if what she says will validate her man. This can be practiced for the single ladies who one day desire a husband as well through practice on male figures in her life whether a father, brother, teacher, mechanic, pastor, or brother in the Lord.

For example, one day I was driving my parents home from somewhere and as I got to the intersection of the expressway ramp I got in the correct lane to face the direction of where my parents lived. My dad adamantly told me several times I was in the wrong lane. I knew I was in the correct lane. So, the first time I just said this way was the correct way, I take this way all the time.

After several wrong attempts to get me to switch lanes as we waited at the stop light, I just decided to remain silent and when he sees the familiar landmarks after the light changes he’ll know. Finally, the light changed. I continued to make my turn and walla, my dad could see that I was right. Instead of making a big deal, I simply said that’s okay, I used to get confused too while taking this exit. I could tell my dad was embarrassed, but not for long because it ended with the correction.

Not dwelling on mistakes, weaknesses, or faults, but covering, reaffirming and building up instead ought to be our model as women to maintain the respect that men need just as we need to be reaffirmed in knowing that we are loved and worthy of love.

I imagine myself now building up my husband making him feel 9 ft. tall despite his stature or insecurities. I would say something like this G rated version lol:

“You are the best man I have ever met in my whole life.”

Next, I’d tell him why. Okay, this is TMI, but I secretly imagine myself telling someone this that I’ve got my eye on. Blush face…That real man of God stuff has chicks like whoa!

But until my opportunity comes, I make my resolve to be a builder.

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