The Confident woman

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The Confident woman!

A woman should have some healthy pride about herself. A healthy pride is a

godly confidence that comes from a woman knowing who she is in Christ. She

knows that she is loved, covered, valuable, and has purpose. All of these

things the godly woman learns and grows into despite the difficulties of her

background. The confident woman finds a place of rest, and peace under the

shadow of the Almighty God. She is covered. She knows that God’s very

shadow is enough. Enough to ward off any person with wrong intentions

covering and protecting her with strong and careful discernment. Her beauty is

carefully crafted by the best, coupled with her spirit of gracefulness just

glorious. Her beauty is used for God’s glory as God brags that’s my daughter.

Yep, I made her. Isn’t she beautiful both inside and out, and her graceful and

kind spirit points others back to me. I’m proud of my creation and in her I am

well pleased. That’s why I got her covered on every side because she is

committed to me. It’s easy for me to show myself strong in her life and,

although certain times in her life gets shaky, she still keeps her trust in me

. She knows it is impossible for me to disappoint her, and so she rests in who

I am, my protection, acceptance, and confirmation. She rests in confidence

because she knows I’ve got her. The secret chamber of her love is reserved for

someone strong who mirrors her God’s love. She isn’t taking just any man’s

hand, but only the man, God her heavenly  father has approved. She has a

healthy pride

and godly confidence. If you are a woman with a healthy pride and godly

confidence, purchase a t-shirt . Click the picture to visit the

t-shirt website.

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