The Burden of Being Young:

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In a young person’s 20s there is often a burden to get certain things done by a certain age. A young person may say by a certain age I want to make my mark doing A or B. I also want to have checked off of my list buying a house, getting married, dashing into my dream career, all while avoiding the process that builds character, causes us to have patience, become stable well-rounded adults, and most importantly causes us to learn to depend on the Lord.

Many of us have grown up hearing older people say go get it. You can do anything. All things are possible, and yes these things are true, but one of my mentors shared something additional with me. She said that I know you have your plans and the things that you want to do and you ask God to make it happen for you, but you need to learn how to follow God.

Sometimes, we can be anointed and appointed for something, but God wants to take us through a process to build our character and cause us to rely on him first. One of the most important scriptures in the Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33).

King David in the Bible was specifically sought out by God through the prophet Samuel. He was anointed and appointed by God to be the king of Israel in place of Saul, who displeased God.

I love David because him and I have a lot in common as far as being rejected and off to himself as a shepherd tending to the sheep and worshiping God. He was not sought after by men who overlooked the many gifts that God had placed inside of him. When Samuel first came to Jesse’s house (David’s father) to anoint a king; Jesse never called for David until Samuel specifically asked if there were any more sons. Jesse bought out all of the best looking sons that appeared strong and prepared according to man’s standards.

David, however was prepared by God. He would not take the throne right away, but he even after being anointed had a process that remained for him to go through. God would create an opportunity for him to defeat a Philistine named Goliath which gave him favor with the current king Saul, yet also it placed him at odds with the king to the point where he had to run for his life.

David displayed godly character in having an opportunity to kill the King, but continuing in respect he humbled himself and allowed the king to live. It was clear that God was with David and he had to seek God several times to figure out what to do. In seeking God first as young people we allow seeking him to become a part of our character where it is a normal thing to acknowledge God in all we do. When we are placed in position to do the things that God has shown us we will be better for it.

Today, we can see many young people in their 20s and 30s with their hands in so many things trying to make that mark, but God is saying that the mark is right here with me in my presence is where you will find your identity, your vision and goals for life and guess what the responsibility to bring those things to past also falls on God as well when we seek him first.

I mentioned this before in one of my blogs, but I will mention it again. I can remember one day I was on a fast seeking God laid out on the floor praying asking God how to deal with all of these different desires and passions that I have inside of me to do various things. I asked God how would I do these things seeing how it is so much. Where would I begin. God gave me a scripture as a response.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

That scripture took the pressure off of me and placed it on God who is well able to carry it and bring it to pass. He bears the responsibility of bringing the things he has placed within us to pass, and our responsibility is to follow him, but if we aren’t prioritizing seeking him how can we follow him?

As young people we have to learn to place our burdens on the Lord, and he will give us rest as he carries us. He will give us instruction, ideas, witty inventions, as we walk by faith and God’s leading into his promises for our lives whatever those promises may be.

When I was a late teen in college about 19 or so, I used to lead a prayer group called, “The Prayer Closet” at the school. We would pray in a designated empty class room in between classes. I remember praying in their one time with a friend of mine who is a prophet. She told me not to worry about what I was to do when I graduated that God had me. She said that I would be working at a non-profit.

Yep, that happened just like she said. When I was 22 years old I got my job at a non-profit. That is the full-time job that takes care of most of my needs. I have been there for going on 9 years. All the while I do additional things that the Lord has placed on my heart such as the Abstinence education, blog writing, small group leading with a young adult encouragement group and radio program. God has given me favor, grace, and the ability to do these things preparing the way for me.

If we would seek and trust God, he will direct us. God has got us. The Bible says that God enlarges our steps underneath us to keep us from falling (Psalms 18:36). That means that a lot of scrapes and bumps can be avoided as young people through following God.

When we do things on our own without following him; we run the risk of being so out of whack that we don’t know what we are supposed to do, rejection due to not meeting other men’s standards or standards we have set for ourselves, or pride if we are successful.

There is nothing wrong with having ambition, and a burden to do something great, but we are greater when we follow God. Either way we are covered as believers because of the covenant in Christ that we have. When we fall all we have to do is come to God and he will restore us, cleanse us, and cover us. We are such a blessed people and we need to realize that as we walk with God and allow him to take our burdens for his burden. The Lord is with us and for us. If we come to him and ask him for wisdom he will not look down on us (James 1:5), but love us and gently guide us to our purposes found in him.

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