Ten Sexy Things about a man other than the Physical:

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Some men spend a lot of time and money trying to become the perfect fit of what they feel will attract a woman from shaving, purchasing suits and cologne and doing all the things that scream man, and those things are nice, but may not be the thing that makes the difference when it comes down to snagging the right type of woman.

Most women may not be physically attracted to a guy the first time she meets him so all of the physical preparation goes out the window if that is what a man was banking on to get himself the girl. A woman of God will take the time to get to know the man and she falls in love with his great traits, such as character, and genuine love and affection for her. Normally, after the guy has met the non-physical traits he becomes attractive to that woman in every way and the possibilities become endless. Below are ten of some of the sexiest traits I’ve noticed in men:

A man who follows the instruction of the Lord

This man is very attractive because he carries a certain amount of humility where he realizes he is not in control. He realizes that there is a head over him and therefore he will have fear and respect to treat his woman with because he knows that God is watching. A woman will feel safe to trust his leadership as well knowing that her husband is trusting in the Lord. When this man is wrong, a woman doesn’t have to worry that he will continue in wrong, all she has to do is pray and the Lord will deal with this man and the man will follow the Lord.

The Humble Man

The humble brother is real cool. He carries an aura of peace with him wherever he goes. He isn’t trying to compete with his lady or anyone else, but he is just thankful for who he is and what he has. Humble guys are usually hard-workers who greatly appreciate the big and little things in life. To the humble man his wife is a great jewel and she stays polished with his love bringing honor to her husband wherever she goes[i].

A respectful man

This man considers others in addition to himself. He doesn’t only consider his opinion knowing that he is only human and can be wrong at times. He treats others the way he wants to be treated whether male, female, child, or elder. Because he understands the value of respect, he gives much respect, and receives the utmost respect in return. His lady will have no problem submitting to him because submission is rooted in respect for one another [ii]. This man will be made to feel like a king from his lady and any children that he has especially if his respect is something that he genuinely shows all the time.

A Man of his word

In a world where so many people play games and say they will do something when they actually don’t; the man who actually does what he says he is going to do raises the eyebrows of interest in a woman to be curious about what else could be there. If the man is just genuinely a man of his word; This will be very attractive to a woman. Even if the guy cannot meet an expectation that he has set; he will honor his word enough to call the woman and say, “I wanted to or I tried to, but I just could not do it, let’s do something different” or whatever the case may be.

A man who pursues his God-given vision

This man already listens to God, who has given him vision. He is therefore walking by faith as he takes steps toward his vision. This man is wise. He counts up the cost before he makes a decision. He plans wisely and becomes successful because he is willing to sacrifice according to wisdom for his vision to come to past. His sacrifice includes not doing what he sees other men do as far as wasting time, getting drunk, high, and living the fast life. He knows that he has to be sober to think, plan, and accomplish and that is what he does. He keeps his eyes on his goals, which keeps him out of a lot of unnecessary trouble and makes him a very attractive potential.

A man who is stable

A man who is stable provides security for a woman. He isn’t double-minded one day wanting to live for God and the next wanting to live for the world. The double-minded person is a a person caught in a cycle of instability.[iii]. That person can never get ahead because they have not made up their mind to follow Christ all the way; therefore whatever that person births will be unstable. A woman of God does not want to follow that. A woman needs stability. The stable man who has made it clear that he is submitting himself to God, and when the time comes to one woman, with stable and sustainable income has a few stars in a woman’s eyes. Notice, I did not emphasize income by putting it first when talking about stability. That’s because stable income is not enough to get a woman of God. A man can have income but be unstable in other ways that can hurt the relationship before it even gets started. That’s why it is so important for both men and women to learn themselves and grow as singles before stepping into the responsibility of marriage so that they can handle it better.

A man who listens

This man is not chauvinistic. He doesn’t feel that his opinion is the only one that matters because he is a man and his woman is beneath him, but he understands the value in having a wise woman by his side and therefore listens to her opinion respecting her for the help-meet that she is instead of looking at her like a door-mat or an object to be used and discarded. This man will build his marriage on good communication understanding that communication is not one-sided, but it means listening as well as speaking, not thinking about what he wants to say while the woman is talking to continue to disregard her opinion. The man who listens shows value for his woman, respect, affection, care and love. This man is always to be greatly appreciated.

A man who is handy

I used to talk to a gentlemen who was always multitasking his skills to take care of business and make extra money on the side. He had his regular job, and then when he was off he would remodel people’s bathrooms replacing sinks, towels and such. He also did his own brakes on his car and he was just handy with a few things. I thought to myself wow this dude is so manly Ummm, but the most important things he wasn’t as far as being committed to God and such, so there was no reason for me to continue talking to him. He did have me impressed with his handiness however.

The Manly Man:

While women are credited for many skills such as multitasking, being nurturing, and great care-givers, there are some things that just kind of go along with being a man and they are very attractive. Things such as a man’s communication style offering another perspective that a woman would not have thought of. A man’s willingness to help to solve problems even though he may not always have the clear answer. He will take time with trial and error until he finds a solution. The covering of a man when he naturally protects a woman in a loving way. He may not even know a specific woman, but he may offer to walk her to her car at night, carry her groceries, or hold the door for her. He speaks with strength and authority and enjoys just being a man. His walk is manly. Can you say manly swag? Lol. His talk and manner of dress is manly. He is just an old-fashioned man.

The Mature man

The mature man is a totality of the above mentioned great traits in men. The mature man marks growth, strength, and a readiness for promotion. Maturity shows that a man can handle what he is given. He possesses the very things needed to take on the responsibilities that come his way, and he does it well because he is mature, learned, polished and grown in the ideal of what it means to be a man.

This list is not meant to be a check each one of these off and you will be able to get any woman, but whether to honor and encourage godliness, character, and strength in men. There are still other things involved like God’s will, timing, and whether a woman can see herself committing to a particular guy. Even if a woman isn’t interested in a guy for marriage, if he has some of the above qualities she will definitely pay attention. Thanking God for the men!!!! Hey!!!!!!!! A man and A man!!!!!!!!!! Lol!

i A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. Proverbs 12:4

ii Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:25

iii For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:7-8

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