Series on Sisterhood Part 7: The Ultimate Jealousy Test – Liking the same Guy

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I’m sure lots of girlfriend relationships have been severed over this especially if the guy has shown interest in both of the girls. This could be a test to test the relationship and the love of God that should be operating inside of us. This situation tests what we say we believe, whether our trust is in God. Also, whether our self-love and love for our neighbor is intact.

The best thing to do in this situation now that you have a foundation of self-love, contentment, value and worth, and loving and valuing others is to make your resolve or decision to humble yourself in the situation preferring to honor your sister above yourself, not to compete with her, but to continue to love her, and that is what real sisters do. Even in the face of testing, and trying temptation they will love at all times (Proverbs 17:17).

She will love for real enduring all things with you, not being self-seeking. If she has to give up the idea of being with a brother to preserve the love for her sister or add to the well being of her sister she will do so because she is a woman characterized by love. That is what real sisters do.

They love one another and cover one another even when it is hard. In the time, during testing is when we will either make a choice to walk in our flesh following the wisdom of the world that says girl you better compete, it ain’t hardly no good dudes out here, get yours while you can, or you will walk in the Spirit trusting in God saying I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread (what is needed, proper nourishment.) We have to trust in the Lord to take care of our needs. It is a choice to love our sisters and to remain in proper fellowship with them.

There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand. Proverbs 19:21

What wisdom will you follow? What choice will you make?

Watch the supplemental video below regarding liking the same guy:

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