Series on Sisterhood Part 4: Self-Love

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 A woman who embraces a spirit of jealousy doesn’t have a problem with her sister. She really has a problem with herself, and the emphasis placed on her sister is a distraction from her dealing with her own self-rejection.

The greatest commandment is to love God with all of our hearts, all of our souls, all of our minds and all of our strength and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

It is clear based on scripture that the best way to love someone else is to first love ourselves. In order to love ourselves we have to get the appropriate image of ourselves which comes from God. God says that he made us in a manner to be fearfully and wonderfully made. That means that he cut no corners in making us but was very specific about how he made us. We have the beautiful skin that we have intentionally by God and he calls it wonderful. We have the eyes, face, and nose that we have intentionally by God and he calls it wonderful.

We have the voice that we have intentionally by God and he calls it wonderful. We have gifts discovered and non-discovered intentionally by God and he calls it wonderful. We have a God-given purpose specific to us given by God and he calls it wonderful. We each and every last one of us are God’s masterpiece or work of art. We’ve been made in God’s image bearing the reflection of the highest and most honorable that there is and God calls that good and wonderful. We have to know this for ourselves however, and this comes through our intimate relationship with God. The more time we spend with God the more he can make us better and reveal to us who we are causing us to love who he’s made us to be and to love others.

As it pertains to our beauty, the word of God tells us to adorn ourselves. That means we are supposed to look in the mirror at ourselves and say wow! You bad girl! We should adorn ourselves so, that it doesn’t matter if we are in a room with the most beautiful women in the world, we should not shrink back in becoming jealous because we know that we are our best and our best is necessary and intended by God.

Ask God to give you a style that looks radiant on you. Ask God to help you with your hairstyles and makeup and so forth and he will. If we lack any type of wisdom God is able to give us that wisdom that we lack. I pray all the time about styles of clothes, hairstyle ideas, make up etc. Sometimes, we have those moments as women where we can get in a slump from of neglecting to take care of ourselves by taking care of others.

We are natural nurturers you know. In those times, we need a pick me up quick to feel beautiful, whole, and valuable again. Go get your nails done or do your own sometimes, by a new outfit, take a cute selfie here and there, try a new doo. Schedule workout time or plan healthy meals, and take quiet time for yourself to just do you. All of these things will help us as women to be in a position where our self-love will be on full and thus we can pour that love on our sisters instead of jealousy, envy, and strife.

Lastly, God reminds us that we are loved and worthy of love as women whether single or married. Sometimes, he will allow a mentor to take interest in you who may be older or more mature. He may also speak into your spirit reminding you that he loves you and you are beautiful. He also uses family members, friends, and others to re-affirm how he feels about you. Other times, he will use a nice gentleman on the street to speak to you in a respectful manner reminding you that you are beautiful wanting nothing else but to say hello and to compliment you. We need to take all of the good in so that we can pour out good while rejecting the bad.

Watch the supplemental video below:

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