Recap of First Comes Contentment Than Marriage:

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Approximately, two weeks ago, some blogging friends and I did a live discussion on contentment. We discussed what contentment is, how to become content and some of the benefits of contentment.

Lisa Gordon shared that contentment is a place of peace and being happy and full of joy with where you are in spite of what you have and what you do not have. It’s also enjoying the moment. She mentioned how sometimes we want something so bad, that we cannot enjoy the moments of what we already have.

I shared how it is a place of rest, and how some think that abiding in a place of rest isn’t doing anything, but that is not true. Abiding in a place of rest is abiding in a place of total trust in God regarding every area of our lives. When we are in that place of rest we do not allow ourselves to be distracted. We do not compare ourselves to others, and if we catch ourselves comparing ourselves to others, we bring ourselves back with the Word of God.

Finally, in that place of rest and contentment, we relinquish the right to control the how and the when marriage and courtship will happen.

Tatianah talked about how contentment is having that peace for where you are at, and being satisfied with that. It means to be satisfied with our portion. Sometimes, we get to comparing ourselves, and we forget what God said. If he said he would provide a spouse, kids etc. Then he will do that for us because he is faithful, and we have to remember that.

Kristen shared a definition of internal satisfaction. Contentment doesn’t mean everything in your life is perfect. She said when you are content, you have an internal satisfaction that does not put demands on your external situations. She mentioned how she had a moment where she just felt really okay with her life. This happened after a ridiculous season of warfare. She no longer felt a need to put a demand on the Lord, for example, she wants to be married by 33. Why? She learned to be content like Apostle Paul in the below scripture:

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13-14

Another point from Kristen that stood out to me was the fact that whether we are single or married, we are still women. Our singleness does not take away from our womanhood and femininity. This is a very important key to remember because there have been times where being a single woman has been a battle of our worth or worthiness as a woman to be treated like ladies. Rather we are single or married, our worthiness to be treated like ladies and more importantly to carry ourselves like ladies still stands.

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