No she didn’t come at Meagan Good Like That

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Recently, I watched the taping of the interview that Devon Franklin and his wife Meagan Good did with Toure’ Roberts for Valentine ’s Day. During the interview, there was a question and answer session. A woman skated around the issue of when Meagan Good had worn a dress to the Soul Train Awards show that revealed large parts of her breast.
Finally, the woman spoke with such condescending judgement and strife that even if what she was trying to say was right, it would not be well received. Her words went something like this: I was in the store and I saw a magazine cover where your breast were out, and I just think that what we say should match up with what we do, and therefore, “You are going to cover up next time right?”

The audience became upset and Devon quickly came to his wife’s defense saying, “That she is going to wear whatever she wants to wear.” Meagan was clearly hurt, and shed a few tears, but the conversation eventually moved on.

Three things:
There is a way to communicate our convictions in a non-condescending and a non-judgmental way. It should always be done in love.

We are at different levels of maturity and grace in God, which means where one person is in their convictions it may be totally different than another person’s and that person still deserves mutual grace, love, and respect even if we disagree.

Thirdly, we are not to take the place of the Holy-Spirit, who convicts men of sin and wrong doing. God doesn’t even force men to obey him. He places on our hearts his word and gives us a choice to obey or disobey. If God does not seek to control us then we ought not seek to control one another, but to submit those things to God in prayer that we are tempted to control another on.

The above can be a hard lesson which takes discipline, but it can be done.

See the video below:

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