Moving in Silence While Dating

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Moving in Silence While Dating

Moving in silence while dating can be wisdom. This doesn’t mean blocking out your total community regarding the fact that you are dating or who you are dating. It means not giving too much too soon, not posting the new dating relationship on social media before it’s had time to mature into something substantial, and not sharing it with family members who are anxious for you to meet someone and who will continue to ask you about the dating relationship after it’s over if it doesn’t work out.

Moving in Silence While Dating is a Part of Guarding Your Heart

The Bible warns us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. This means we do not want to so readily or easily let our new dating love into our hearts and thus we can do so by not sharing our new dating relationship with everyone. We don’t know the person we have just started to date. We need time alone with them to get to know them to see if we even want them to maintain a regular place in our lives. It takes energy to date.

We have to get dressed up, be of sober mind, ask open-ended questions and simply enjoy ourselves. It’s much easier to do that when we don’t have to explain to our entire family who the new person is and how it’s going. It’s okay to let maybe one or two people know for accountability and safety, but these people should be just as sober and not applying pressure to you to try to make things work out. A date is just that—a date. It isn’t a full-on relationship. It’s getting to know someone. We want to maintain that mindset while dating with no additional pressure.

Moving in Silence While Dating

Posting on Social Media While Dating

I know. For the ladies, I know it’s so few and far in between that we have someone to pursue us seriously, so we may be super excited to share with the world that we are finally dating. However, again we are just dating. Dating means gathering data. We are gathering data to determine if the person is a good fit for us. If he isn’t then we have to update our social media status again and possibly take pics down that remind us of the good moments.

It creates unnecessary pain when it’s time to let go of what was not for us. Not to mention, the having to explain to friends on our friend’s list why we are no longer dating our potential suitor. Let’s just move in silence while dating so we can save our social media posts for the dating relationship that turns out to be the genuine life-long and committed relationship that we are looking for.

One Day it’s Going to Happen

While dating is something that we do to get to know others and it can be disheartening when it doesn’t work out; we have to keep in mind that one day it is going to happen. One day we will meet someone who meets our standards. We will mesh well with our future lover and walk off into our happily ever after. Moving in silence while dating is something that helps us to maintain that hope. Once we’ve met the person and we are sure that this is leading toward marriage; we can then begin to share some things on social media showing the world we are no longer available on the dating market. To read about how dating should look for Christian singles click here.

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