Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith:

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Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Yo, today is good Friday, and we have been celebrating holy week all week, which is where we celebrate Jesus Christ dying for our sins. This Sunday we will celebrate not only the death but the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I was chilling Wednesday night as my pastor nailed prayer requests to a cross that we have at our church and I was immediately hit in my spirit to remember the Lord as I heard the sounds of the nails, I began to worship.

It all hit me reminding me of when I feel like I am going through a difficult path to remember the path that Jesus Christ took. Jesus took a path that was mapped out specifically to benefit not himself but someone else. That someone else was us. Jesus took on that path by choice, not by force to give his life for our sake. The Bible says that his life was not taken from him, but that he laid it down.

He held any shame in contempt. In other words, he was focused. He did not allow himself to be distracted by anything. He had a one track mind to show the father’s love to us by paying for our sins once and for all.

Jesus was a voluntary sufferer for our sake. That is so deep and so real. Often as believers in America we do not want to suffer for ourselves let alone someone else. We can be very selfish placing our needs and wants above what we really should be focused on. In those moments when we get lost for whatever reason we can look to the Lord. He lived a life of consecration meaning to be set aside for a specific purpose.

All while Jesus was alive and went through the many shared experiences that people of his day went through whether it was going to school, learning to work, help around the house or make friends. He had his purpose or consecration in mind all of the time. He must have been thinking to himself, “Don’t get to caught up in what is going on around you; you are here to save the world.” That is what he did.

That is the highest calling that he endured. He shut himself out of a lot of things that many of us are bent on experiencing such as finding a wife, having kids, or paying off a mortgage. He had a greater calling with us in mind. Anytime, we want to feel as though we are giving up a lot, we need to again look at Jesus.

He was faithful to his path unto death, and resurrection.

Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. Hebrews 12:4

Lastly, Jesus saw the result of his consecration.

When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.Isaiah 53:11

After enduring a life where his primary focus was to live until the age of 33 not experiencing marriage, or kids among other things, but experiencing being misunderstood as a crazy person who saw himself equal with God, and upset religious authorities, was spit on, put down, and diminished to be much lower than who he was which was the Son of God, he saw the result of it all and still sees the result even unto this day.

He is at the right hand of the father interceding for us reminding the father that he shed his blood for our sins. Therefore many have come to know him. Jesus Christ has the largest family known to any. He is the most famous person in the world spanning through out every generation that has hit the earth and that will hit the earth. He has his very own bride which are us his believing church. He sanctifies us, loves us, and calls us his own.

So, whenever you feel like giving up from carrying your cross no matter what cross you have to bear, remember to look to Jesus. He has done this already and won! We love Jesus!

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