Learn to Recognize the Counsel of Fear:

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The only way we will not make decisions based off of our fears in life is if we learn to recognize when fear is speaking to us. Fear has a voice. It urges us to make decisions based on fear of the unknown, the future, or the way things have been.

There will be times where we will have to push through and past fear making choices in spite of the feelings and ideas of fear. There will be other times where we will be required to walk in a whole new direction ignoring the voice of fear altogether.

Recently, I was on the phone with one of my sisters in the Lord sharing with her how fear tried to counsel me into speaking with a gentleman that I in the past did not feel was a good match for me. We briefly had a conversation that showed me he was not ready for a woman like me. He still had many old-school ideas of the woman being under a man instead of walking with a man side by side to help him and partake in a mutually satisfying relationship.

I decided no, and he did too. A year later, we ran into each other at a conference, and I could tell he thought I was cute in person. We had only met over social media and on the phone before. I was honored to meet him as well because I grew up listening to his music. He is an artist. I got a text message from him later the next week, and the thought crossed my mind again of whether I should consider him or not.

I prayed about it and considered why we did not pursue anything further before and was settled with that. However, the next morning, I awakened and strange thoughts of fear were in my mind. Thoughts like, “You are getting older, who knows how much longer you will have to wait, You don’t want to be in the same position several years down the line.” Immediately, I recognized those thoughts as the counsel of fear.

Those thoughts stemmed from a pull from the enemy to get me to think of my future from a position of fear and perceived lack. When we make choices out of fear we only settle. We should make choices out of fullness and surety that we want to move forward. God will give us peace when he is counseling us. God does not speak like fear. God speaks the language of more than enough.

This is why we have to be familiar with the wisdom of God; so we will not follow the counsel of fear. Anything that seeks to lead us by fear is not God. God does not give us a spirit of fear. He gives us love, power, and a sound mind.

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