Journey to 30: A Single Woman’s Guide to Living Unapologetically… (Book Review)

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Journey to 30 is a book written by a brave young lady, Tatianah Green, who has been growing by leaps and bounds. Instead of holding to the negative stereotypes that plague women as we approach the age of thirty; She has chosen to shift perspectives from worldly expectations that only lead to frustration to God’s expectations that lead to security in Christ and fulfillment in God’s timing, purpose, and plan for our lives.

The book covers some of her personal journey up to the age of 30, and it also includes the interviews of 10 women in the book with one of the interviews including myself. My section discusses our relationship with God which is the foundation of who we are. I even share a story in the book about how thoughtful God is of us.

One day when I was going through in my mind and emotions wondering and asking God if I was doing something wrong because of the pain and trials I was experiencing as a single woman; my mentor called me right in the middle of the questioning, and without me mentioning what was going on she said to me, “ no, you are not doing anything wrong.” She encouraged me to stand firm in what God had given me even though things did not manifest for me yet.

Standing firm, bold, and unapologetically is just what  the book encourages single women to do. It encourages us not to be swayed by our personal clocks and timelines, but to trust in the Lord. It shares advice and testimony of women who have been sexually active, and decided to obey God and begin waiting, and what that looks like.

It even shares wisdom on taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and financially. The part that stood out to me the most was the interview with Felicia Houston. Felicia Houston is the owner of Anointed Wives Ministry. She shared how she was waiting into her thirties for her spouse. She spoke of the pressure that she felt from others questioning why no one courted or asked to marry her yet. She said she had to question where is this pressure coming from and why is it important.

She continued to stay focused, and wait on God and at age 34 she was blessed with a spouse. She shared wisdom of having proper expectations of marriage, and to hang around some married people to know what to expect. She had even taken a marriage prep class while she was super single so she would know what to expect. It made her more patient to wait for the right one. She realized that she was still selfish and unready for marriage.

I feel this book is a perfect answer to our generation as things are expected to happen so fast. Things that we expect right away such as the career, spouse, perfect business, house, or bank account. We often avoid the process and the nuggets of wisdom that we learn in the process. This book will help to settle that fast-paced impatient spirit that so often disappoints heavily when dreams aren’t realized in the expected time. This book will help to appreciate every part of the journey to 30 and beyond. It’s a journey to be enjoyed, not a race to be over and won or lost. Find out more about the Journey to 30 at Amazon. You can also follow Tatianah Green’s Blog BLISS (Black Love & Inspiration For Saved Singles)

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