I Got Rid of My Vices Now What?

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I Got Rid of My Vices Now What?

Hebrews 13:5 simply says let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

God wants us to know that he is enough. I’ve been meditating on the above scripture re-acclimating myself with what it means to be content. To be content in the Thayer Definition dictionary means:

1. A perfect condition of life in which no aid or support is needed.

2. Sufficiency of the necessities of life.

3. A mind contented with it’s lot.

4. To be possessed of unfailing strength.

5. To be strong, to suffice, to be enough.

6. To Defend or ward off.

7. To be satisfied or to be contented.

Do we see ourselves as possessing all of those things that contentment makes up? Most of those who read this blog are in their 20s and 30s; therefore, we all have heard a thing or two about contentment. However, because of the pressures placed on us from expectations of others, we at times have gotten out of our place of contentment and tried to meet those expectations for ourselves; instead of waiting on the promises of God.

But God wants us to get back into that place of contentment looking to him because he is enough. Normally, when we give up a vice, there is a void left. There is an in contentment, a feeling of what do I do now?

Some of us attempt to seek God, and if there is no answer right away we like the fool return to our vomit.

“As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. (Proverbs 26:11)”

Everyone at some point in their lives has played the fool, so don’t feel bad if this is you. Just don’t continue to play the fool. Know your worth. Know that you are worthy of more than vomit and mess.

One night after I had given up a vice, I had those feelings of what next, emptiness, and needing to be replenished. For clarity I will share my vice. My vice was talking to a gentlemen who was not good, nor right for me and I knew it all along, but held on because he met a few emotional needs. Even though my vice was not what most would consider sin, it could have easily led to sin.

I could not wait to seek the Lord the next day after work. I prayed to the Lord and God was silent. I believe in keeping it very real, so I told the Lord this is not the time to be hiding yourself with intentions on upping my Jesus-stalking tendencies LOL.

I had an expectation of the Lord. I had made a choice to be obedient and give up what did not please God for his presence knowing that God is a watcher of his word to perform it, and that his word says that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek after him, and that if I drew near to him that he would draw near to me (Hebrews 11:6, James 4:8).

When it came time to go to bed, God begin to minister to me. He told me that he was enough as I began to weep in his presence. He bought up Moses again reminding me that he was up on that mountain alone w/the exception of Joshua in the distance, and how sometimes when we are in that place of intimacy with God people don’t understand it, and it can sometimes be a lonely place, but in that place that can sometimes be lonely God is there, and he is enough. He is enough to fulfill us, to make us whole, and complete to the point where we are lacking nothing.

We have to remember that God is on our side. He has given us the Holy Spirit to comfort us. One morning, I woke up and I heard the Lord speaking into my spirit clearly saying that you are whole and complete in Christ. God wants to remind us that we lack nothing in him. Single, married, divorced, or whatever the case may be we have more than we will ever need through Christ. If we could only see the way that God sees (Meditate on that).

God is bursting at the seems to surpass our needs and the things that we ask of him, but our faith has to be there. God patiently waits for us to come up to where he sees us reaching and when we get there it’s like yes their ready for what I have had for them all along. So, don’t be distracted by the things that you think you need right now. Entrust everything that you feel you need to Christ as he leads you to grow in trust and faith towards him even more. He wants to provide for you manna from heaven in your wilderness seasons to reveal to you who he is. God is a real God of intimacy with his people and that is what he desires with us. That is what I believe is part of the reason why God instructed Moses, when he rained manna down from heaven, for the people not to gather too much. God warned that the people who gathered too much manna would have rotten manna the next day, but the people who gathered just enough manna would have more than enough (Exodus 16:4, 16:17-18).

The people who gathered just enough manna we’re the people who trusted God to show up every day meeting their consistent need because God was enough.

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