How We Wait Determines Our Outcome

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Everyone has to wait for something in life. As believers that is part of our development in learning how to trust in the Lord. In my new book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide.” I discuss how I have been blessed as a single to see both sides of the spectrum. Meaning, I have been blessed to see both singles and married couples waiting on the Lord for something.
Waiting on the Lord does not stop when we get married. It is something that we will experience for the rest of our lives. When God fulfills one promise, we will wait for him to fulfill the next. I have married friends who are waiting to have a baby, others who are waiting for their children to grow old enough to work on fulfilling their dreams. Waiting is a process that helps us to increase our intimacy with God. It causes us to be in situations outside of our control whereby we have no choice, but to trust God.
God reveals himself, and our faith is made stronger. The children of Israel had to wait until God raised up the deliverer Moses. Had the children of Israel not been in bondage for 400 years, how would they have known that the Lord could deliver. Waiting on God produces intimacy with God. It also solidifies our relationship with God to know that he is a keeper of all of his promises.
How we wait on God also determines the outcome of our waiting on the Lord. I have been meditating on Matthew 25 where there is a parable given about 10 virgins. 5 virgins were wise, and the other 5 virgins were foolish. The wise virgins kept their lamps filled with oil, while the foolish virgins took for granted their need for oil and ran out. They ended up missing the bridegroom when he came because they had to go back and prepare at the last minute instead of remaining in a position of readiness like the other 5 wise virgins.

We know that this parable is in regards to Jesus Christ coming back for the church, which is figurative for the bride of Christ, and those that were unprepared will miss Christ’s coming and be shut out of the marriage ceremony to take place between Christ and the church. However, the principal is still the same regardless if we are relating the story to Christ and the church or singles waiting for the spouse that God has promised.
There is something that we have to do on our parts. We have to remain faithful as we wait. If we read the story of the 10 virgins, we see that they all became drowsy, restless and fell asleep. In other words, they all faced the same temptations, hardships, and pulls from other things to neglect what was necessary in staying ready for their promise. However, some remained faithful and ready while some did not.

We have a choice as singles how we will respond to this waiting process. We do not have to give in to compromise and things of the world that would rob us of our position of readiness. We can remain faithful knowing at the appointed time, God’s promise will show up suddenly like the bridegroom in the story and we will not have time to re-prepare.

At that point, if we aren’t in position to receive, we may have to take a pass on what God had for us in that moment and prepare for another opportunity. Thankfully, by God’s grace he does provide us with other opportunities.

This is what I believe is going on right now in the body of Christ. Those that have been faithful (not perfect, but faithful) waiting on the Lord, being obedient all that they know how, trusting the Lord all that they know how, and looking crazy in their obedience; God is getting ready to suddenly bless those people with what they have been waiting on.

Singles that have waiting on the Lord for a spouse and were faithful in their singleness are about to get blessed. There are many relationships that God is getting ready to build this year in the kingdom of God for his glory.

Those that have been unfaithful, and have walked after the spirit of the world, even putting their mouths on some of those who remained faithful are going to see the Lord bless those that have been faithful, and they will be provoked to prepare and to begin to wait like the 5 foolish virgins who had to return again to get their oil and prepare for what was coming.

Those that were unfaithful are going to willingly take a pass because they know within themselves they are not ready. They will began to prepare, and wait for another opportunity when they are indeed ready, and God will get all of the glory.

It is not a vain thing to wait on the Lord! We can remain faithful in our waiting with full assurance that God will bring his word to pass that he has promised! God is good!

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