How to Get Rid of a Scarcity Mindset

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How to Get Rid of a Scarcity Mindset

As single believers, we have to constantly renew our minds to maintain a mindset that says,Yes, we can have God’s best.A scarcity mindset, however, seeks to rob us of God’s best. It is a precursor to unbelief. Essentially, it tells us that what we believe God for isn’t out there. Therefore, we have to settle for what is out there. Here, I will share 3 ways to get rid of a scarcity mindset.

Feel Yourself Up with Truths

First, we have to fill our minds with truth. Satan will send lies to our minds to attempt to make us believe untruths. Examples of untruths are godly men aren’t out there. Godly men do not want godly women. Or, you’ll die alone if you continue to practice abstinence.

You’ll have to keep examples that clearly show the lies for what they are—lies. Immediately, remind yourself of all of the godly men you know. Think about healthy couples that are godly and remind yourself of those who’ve shared their testimonies of abstinence until marriage.

The simple below proverb expresses clearly how to cure scarcity:

One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry, everything bitter is sweet. – Proverbs 27:7

In other words, when you fill up on sweet things—you have something to help you resist what is bitter. When you have nothing and you are only hungry—you are more vulnerable to consuming anything. This is scarcity.

Scarcity is dangerous in the dating, marriage, and relationship realm. Our dating partners need to share the same values as us. Thus, we need to fill up on friendships and relationships with those who share similar values as much as possible.

Be Willing to Build God-Honoring Relationships Consistently

How do you consistently build God-honoring relationships? Ask yourself this question. If you don’t know the answer—start getting intentional about meeting others. There are several groups and pages on social media that bring Christians together with the same values. The Sexless Tribe is one page that brings together those who believe in practicing abstinence until marriage. hosts monthly events such as dancing, indoor mountain climbing, cooking classes, and more.

These are group events that help singles to meet new people. The Holy App is a dope dating app that has a friends feature if you don’t want to be romantic initially. Churches also have life groups. If yours doesn’t; then, visit various local church websites to see what churches do.

Go on Find a travel group or other groups of interest. Of course, we now have a group of 60k plus going strong on Facebook,Singles Living for Christ. By consistently putting yourself out there—you’ll always be reminded there is always someone else. You always have a choice of who you decide to allow into your world. When dating—you’ll need to keep this in mind to avoid settling out of a scarcity mindset.

This should build your confidence and help to pull you out of that scarcity mindset. Make sure you’ve been working on your health and wholeness as a single person so you aren’t vulnerable to challenges that come with interpersonal relationships. Grab The Wholeness Action Plan, The Single Christian Woman’s Guide Book, or Patterns of the Heart: Discernment in Choosing a Potential Spouse.

Have you experienced a scarcity mindset before? What helped to get you to change that for yourself? Share below in the comments.

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