How Should You Deal With Fear of The Future?

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You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. – Isaiah 26:3

There is a steadfastness that God desires to get us to. God improves our steadfastness by allowing us to go through trials and tribulations that force us to a place of seeking God that requires us to grow. In that process, we begin to keep our minds steadfast on Jesus through keeping our minds steadfast on his word. I’d like to share some of the scriptures that I like to meditate on when I am faced with things such as worry and fear concerning my future.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delights in his way. – Psalms 37:23

Sometimes, I think we go over the scriptures to quickly, and only receive the word as a formality instead of what it is actually saying. In order for our footsteps to be ordered of the Lord, that would have to mean that our footsteps have been set up by the Lord. This means that our future is already set. Our future is already sure, firm, and stable. God has everything already planned out. Because this is the case, Satan seeks to distract us from God’s way for us and to cause us to distrust the Lord, and his plans for us.

“Our future is already sure, firm, and stable.”

The more that we trust the Lord, the surer our future will be to us. We will at that point simply walk into the way that has been set up for us. The second half of the scripture even goes as far as to say that God delights in our way.

God takes delight in the way that we take. God takes delight in setting things up on our behalf and watching us rest into his path for us. His delight is so great toward us that his mercy endures forever on our behalf to gently guide us back into the way of trusting him and his path for us when we get off. Perhaps this is why the follow-up scripture to the above talks about how a righteous man falls yet he will not be utterly cast down.

“Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholds him with his hand. – Psalms 37:24”

Another scripture that encourages me when I feel a little wavering about my future is:

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. – Psalms 32:8

We are not alone in this life. Don’t ever believe the lies of the enemy that seek to make us believe that God is too distant or that he is dis-interested in our lives. God watches over us carefully to guide us in the right path. The covering of the Lord is actually the greatest covering to be under. Don’t allow fear, mistrust, and doubt to make you push away, or disregard the covering of the Lord. He is trustworthy and our futures are secure in him. Just take some time to sit back and think meditating on how God has been orchestrating things in your life in the past to work together for your good. He has not stopped constructing things for your good.

Believe him. Believe his word, Trust him, and watch all of his promises, providence, and purposes come to pass in your life.

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