Holiness & Freedom from Sexual Sin

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Last month’s single’s virtual meetup featured me teaching on Holiness & Freedom from Sexual sin. I began by discussing what is holiness. Many of us have been taught holiness in the wrong way. However, it is simply to be set apart. It has two very pertinent benefits. It allows us to see God in a unique and intimate way and it allows us to reflect God’s image in the earth.

Holiness is a result of the process of sanctification. Sanctification is the act of God’s word washing us from our old lifestyle into the image of Christ through God’s word. This draws others unto the Lord to be saved and transformed as well.

Finally, we discussed how God is for us and not against us. He isn’t counting how many times we messed up to disqualify us. Instead, his grace is more toward us. Like a parent’s grace and support is toward a child learning to ride a bike. The parent is patient enough with the child until the child is able to mature and ride the bike on his/her own. God helps us in walking in holiness and it cannot be practiced without his help.

We learned it’s a good thing to come face to face with our weaknesses because he leads us to the path of God’s strength.

Watch the video below and share your thoughts in the comments:

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