Guard Your Heart!

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The Bible reminds us that we ought to guard our hearts diligently because it is the well-spring of our lives (Proverbs 4:23.) From our hearts, we produce joy, gratefulness, perspective for life, bitterness, anger and more. Our actions and reactions to things will be dependent on what we allow to get into our hearts. This is why it is so vital for us to guard our hearts.

Naturally speaking of our hearts, it’s the center of life for our bodies. Our heart has the responsibility to work with our lungs to provide life-giving oxygen to our blood. The oxygenated blood travels back to the heart from the lungs and is pushed to the rest of the organs in our body providing vital nutrients.

This process allows all of our organs to function resulting in a healthy functioning body. When this flow of blood from our hearts to our organs is interrupted by things such as clogged arteries or high cholesterol the life flow that naturally takes place in our bodies becomes interrupted and sickness in our bodies is produced.

Heart failure due to such things can cause death. It’s the same thing with our lives. Our emotional, mental, and spiritual health can be threatened if we allow the natural flow of our hearts to be interrupted. If we fill up on the wrong things: negative thinking, talking, false doctrine, ungodliness, it will eventually affect our hearts.

Further, this is why it’s so vital that we guard our hearts because our very life depends upon it. The Bible discusses the armor of God in Ephesians 6 sharing about specific tools God has given us to assist us in guarding our hearts and continuing to stand. The breastplate of righteousness is worn over our chest which protects the vital organ of the heart. We must be careful to keep this on along with the other tools provided. Righteousness in our actions is to continue to remain in alignment with the righteousness God has given to us through his son Jesus Christ.

If we allow ourselves to meditate on the wrong things; the wrong actions become one easy step away and cycles of sin and unrighteousness are produced. This is how many end up in unrighteousness because they failed to guard their hearts. Be aware of what you listen to, the conversations you absorb, and what you gravitate to in your heart. Check contrary thoughts immediately with the Word of God. Set boundaries and learn to speak up regarding boundaries when inappropriate conversations are bought to you of gossip and doubt. You are too valuable. What God has invested in you is too valuable. Remember it’s God’s will that you have life and life overflowing. Shut down anything that seeks to produce death in your life.

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