God is the Covering for Single Women

God is the covering for single women

This post is not about bashing men. We know that God covers both men and women as he gave his life through Jesus Christ for both men and women. However, there is a natural desire for safety, security, and cover that a woman has where while single—she may find it difficult to rest regarding this.

The Single Woman on Her Own

The single woman can feel up in the air, on edge, or even anxious about life circumstances when she isn’t aware that God is her covering. As single Christian women, we are often required to deal with things on our own. To have someone available at all times to listen to us, consider us, and extend covering to us—is a dream yet to be fulfilled for many of us. It can leave us feeling forgotten while suffering through various longings in hopes of genuine love and care.

I’d experienced this recently after being price-gouged on a trip I took. I guess the gentleman felt I was a woman traveling alone—I would just pay up. He may have also thought she’s American—they are rich. That just isn’t the case. The service should match the cost. God used this little incident to show me I was not alone and he had me covered even though I was a single woman.

I spoke with others about it on the way to the airport on the airport shuttle. They agreed it was price gouging sharing that the normal price for the service I received was $50 while I was charged $145. I was encouraged to call my credit card company which is through Chase Bank. I explained what happened upon calling. Chase understood and said they’d open up a dispute on my behalf and only charge me what I thought was fair.

Not Alone and Covered

I ended up deciding $60 was fair after some research—although I would have paid the gentleman up to $99 if he was open to negotiating the price. He was not. Chase shared they took the loss for me of the $85 that I felt was over the normal amount I would have been charged. I was floored. The customer service lady for Chase said they’d reach out to the gentleman and if he is willing to take less—he’ll pay the difference but if not—Chase will continue to carry the difference.

I immediately felt covered. I paused and asked her to repeat saying I didn’t know they’d be willing to take a loss for me. They said they wanted to make sure their customer was satisfied. Again, I felt covered and thanked them. This, of course, isn’t a feeling I’m used to experiencing as a single woman. It’s so nice and reassuring to feel covered.

God, I believe, was using this instance to reassure me I was not alone but covered. I began a consecration just after this experience and while in prayer was led to read Romans 8 which also reminds us we aren’t alone but we are covered as believers.

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God Takes Responsibility for Us

I’d dealt with some fear. So, in Romans 8:15—I was reminded that God has not given us the spirit of bondage that keeps us in fear but he’s given us the spirit of adoption that calls us sons and daughters of God. This means God takes responsibility to cover us as his children. Therefore, we call him father.

Later, in Romans 8—it’s discussed how the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s sons and daughters and the entirety of creation is rooting and waiting for us to come into the knowledge of who we are. Lastly, Romans 8 talks about how God makes intercession for us covering us in prayer.

To reiterate the above isn’t just for women but men too. However, due to our need for safety and security, this article is addressed to women. Some women will go to great lengths to feel that covering from a physical man, even if he isn’t a healthy man. When all we have to do as women is to sit with the Lord.

The Bible says a prudent wife is found in the Lord. That’s because God is her covering. He’s shielding and protecting her. He covers her with wisdom as a defense while she is being made into a wife with God.

Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD. – Proverbs 19:14

The prudent wife cannot be gained because one is wealthy but she is put together by God with God. He takes full responsibility for her. He also entrusts her to a man worthy of protecting her heart. She is worthy of covering and God makes sure she receives that.

Later, I was led to Genesis 32 to further deal with my fears. God was showing me through that passage of scripture that I was not the only one dealing with fear surrounding something God had promised me. Jacob was also dealing with fear concerning a promise God provided to him through his father and grandfather. That promise was that God would make a great nation of him as multiple as the sands of the sea.

Jacob was afraid he’d be killed by his brother Esau. Esau had promised to kill him the last time they’d met because Jacob stole his birthright. Because Jacob was operating out of fear—he tried to figure out how to appease his brother. He came up with offering him several gifts of cattle from his wealth before his brother sees him. Perhaps, his brother would be convinced to have mercy on him from this act.

When We Do Not Feel Covered We Attempt to Find Ways to Cover Ourselves

That’s a lot like us. When we do not feel covered—we attempt to figure out ways to cover ourselves. I’ve tried everything I could to open myself up to find a natural covering in the form of a husband. Nothing has worked. I simply have to live with the void of romantic love while trusting God. At least, until God changes things for me.

Jacob came to a similar conclusion. He’d done all he could think to do in the natural. Then, he recounted God’s promise toward him—trusting in God.

Then Jacob prayed, “O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, Lord, you who said to me, ‘Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,’

I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps.  Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children.  But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’” – Genesis 32:9-12

Wrestling Through Our Fears & Challenges With God

Next, Jacob began to wrestle with the angel of the Lord. He told him he would not let him go until he blessed him. This is when God changed his name from Jacob to Israel meaning God prevails. I believe God was letting Jacob know—he did not have to be afraid anymore. He is covered. God had already taken care of it and changed his brother’s heart. Therefore—he would overcome the fear prevailing in the situation through God.

That is just what happened. When Esau met with Jacob—they embraced one another. I don’t even believe Esau accepted the gift. He was simply happy to see his brother.

God was covering me and the fears I was experiencing. He was letting me know I’d prevail through my worries too. My fears would not prevail over me. I pray for everyone reading this—men and women to know if you are a son or daughter of God—you are covered. You do not have to lend yourself to fleshly things lesser than who you are for a feeling of being covered. Always, remember God is your covering.

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