Giving honor to whom honor is due: A small conversation with Richard Smallwood.

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I was a little reserved about interviewing Richard Smallwood due to the fact of him being from a different generation. I wondered if I knew enough about him to hold a conversation. My knowledge of him was limited to some of his biggest staple songs. However I had an interview with him that went very well. Due to minor technical difficulties, the interview will be covered in writing instead of audio.
First of all, Mr. Smallwood is a very humble man of depth with God. That was made very evident and clear in his conversation and in the manner that he carried himself.

He was asked  the following questions:

Russelyn: How does it feel with several churches across the country singing your songs?

Smallwood: You know I never really get used to it. It’s an amazing experience every time.

Russelyn: You are known for so many staple gospel songs, what is your process for getting music.

Smallwood: I really do not have a process. Sometimes the songs come through experience or I will just hear music, I could be on the bus or even asleep in a dream.

Russelyn: What do you feel has been your big break in music?

Smallwood:  Well, I have always been in music. My mom said since I was very young I would hum full songs from church. I think when my music really start to become more well known was when I did, “I Love the Lord.” Whitney Houston re did that song and it became even more well known.

Russelyn: What was the most rewarding experience that you have had as an artist so far?

Smallwood: Wow, that’s a good question. I would have to say the most rewarding experiences I have had as an artist has been when people have told me how my music has touched their lives. People will come up to me and tell me your song kept me from committing suicide or your song really helped me through a bad situation, and that is what has been most rewarding to me.

In short, the above is a summary of what Mr. Smallwood and I discussed during our interview. I was really honored to talk to such a legendary and humble man of God. It’s very important as each generation moves forward that we take lessons from the previous generation realizing what really matters and that is living your life for Christ in the most sincere way possible.

Thanking the BRL Awards and staff for affording me two great interviews.

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