Dating Vs. Waiting Part IX: What Waiting Looks Like

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Waiting looks like keeping an open communication with God regarding all things:
It requires a respect that comes from the humility toward God realizing that we cannot handle everything on our own and that is why we seek God. In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. Psalms 10:4 (NIV)

The person who doesn’t seek God because of their pride is consistently brought low. As much as a person is prideful, that is the same extent to which that person will be brought low.

Waiting looks like obedience:
Obedience is simply submission. Submitting to the will of God, wisdom of God, and instruction of God which is one of the most important parts of waiting. Without obedience all of the open communication between God and the individual waiting just becomes a religious function instead of a respectful, trustworthy and committed relationship between God and the person who is waiting. God wants our obedience rather than our religious sacrifice. He wants to know that we trust him enough to follow what he is showing us even when it gets hard or we do not understand.

Waiting looks like learning:
Nobody is born doing everything right. We actually have to learn to do things in a manner that is pleasing to God and beneficial for ourselves. That means there will be some bumps, bruises, and mistakes along the way of waiting, but know that we are God’s beloved through it all. God’s love does not change toward us. He still loves us just as much as when he first decided to give up his son. God loving us is a permanent decision and because of that, we can learn with grace.

Waiting is being open to appropriate and godly fellowship of both the same sex and the opposite sex:
The Bible says that a brother was born for the day of adversity. That means that there is going to be some ease, some mending, some safety, and some solace in the fellowship of brethren especially godly brothers and sisters in Christ. Brothers and sisters in Christ not only have a natural bond, but a spiritual bond in Jesus Christ whereby if the bro or sis is true, there are certain standards of expectation that they can be held to.

Unfortunately, there has been a sort of rift in the body of Christ where several single brothers and sisters have become isolated from one another. Maybe, this has been in an effort to keep purity, but a lot of singles suffer from this especially women. Because a lot of women do not have examples of godly mature men their age, they falter in their faith toward God and begin to compromise. They feel they have no choice. In seasons, where godly men appear to be scarce we have to walk by faith as we ask God to bring godly examples into our lives.

In godly fellowship with men and women we sharpen our gifts and glean from one another. The fellowship found in that makes the wait easier.

Waiting is honesty and not playing with brothers and sisters in Christ’s emotions.
It is not taking advantage of every opportunity to be around someone of the opposite sex to try to get booed up. It requires a level of responsibility and integrity. It is walking, and growing together and whatever naturally develops from that will develop whether friendships, marriages, correction, or growth.

Waiting looks like growing, maturing, and developing:
After a few bumps, bruises, and taking of the joys and pains involved with waiting, we should start to notice a difference. We should notice that we have begun to change. We are no longer willing to compromise with suitors unworthy of us. We began to value our time a little bit more. We slowly believe that trust in God is the only thing that we have. Our faith begins to grow as we are being made in the wait.

Waiting is carrying your cross:
Our cross is our purpose that God shapes us for. Our cross is the purpose that God ordained for us before the foundation of the world. Everyone’s cross does not look the same, but everyone gets a cross in life to bear. The good thing about bearing our cross however is that there is honor on the other side. Jesus, our #1 example bore his cross and was exalted far above all powers and principalities just from the obedience of bearing his cross. If your cross lasts for 10 years, 15 years, 20, 30, or 40 years, it doesn’t matter. Just as long as you bear the cross assigned to you, believe me there is grace assigned to you right along with that cross from God himself. Learn to find the joy of intimacy with Christ in bearing your cross.

Waiting looks like rejection, loneliness, and being crazy because so few people decide to wait:
Obedience to God in waiting is often misjudged. People who wait in obedience to God are looked at as being extreme or having something wrong with them, but if all of the above are practiced then that is not the case at all. Often, people who are obedient in waiting have to be the bigger person when they are put down, misjudged, and misunderstood. In waiting, we need to remember that God also sees the shame that we suffer because others may not understand, and when we are rewarded for bearing that shame, we will forget all about it. Like Jesus again, our # 1 example, who despised the shame that he had to endure for the reward of bearing his cross.

Hebrews 12:2 – fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Waiting is becoming aware of you:
As we develop spiritually, and emotionally no longer depending on others to feel valued, but looking to Christ; We become more confident and assured of ourselves, which causes us to walk out our gifts and passions. Those who wait wisely are not your average Janes/Joes, but they are being made into mature women unstoppable. Waiting is not something bad, but waiting is a gift by God himself. Waiting doesn’t mean being inactive. It just means being active with the things that concern God’s heart above our own. Waiting looks like someone who has been well prepared for God’s best.

  Waiting is being hopeful of the future that God has for us.

Please watch an interview of what Gabrielle and Breck’s wait looked like and also read a blog on Gabrielle’s wait at the link below:
Gabby & Breck’s personal website where they share their love story:

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