Dating Vs. Waiting Part IV: Is the Wait Harder for Men or Women?

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A bold woman got up during the question and answer session asking the question of what can women do in the waiting process? She continued saying that it seemed that women were expected to just wait while a man could just go find him somebody. She shared how frustrating it could be at times for a woman to just wait, while in short men when tired of waiting could end their waiting just like that. The room was in complete expectation of what the panelists would share on this topic, while the woman caught her breath from her passionate expounding of her question.

The panel was moderated by BJ Thompson of Build A Better Us which is an organization dedicated to discipling marriages in small groups toward maturity and the image of Christ that marriage is to reflect. Find out more about BJ Thompson co-founder of Build a better Us at the website link:

Others on the panel were Chad Jones, a gospel rap artist, and Pastor Rich Perez who has seen a significant increase in godly marriage in the church he pastors in New York.

Pastor Rich Perez starts out talking about the woman’s freedom to pursue godly friendships with men that can possibly lead into a more committed relationship if it turns out that way.

Chad goes on discussing the ratio of men to women as well as where are the men? He talks about how women in a sense have less power in the situation of waiting on a man. BJ began discussing a healthy culture of family where single men and women learn to be healthy brothers and sisters in Christ, and when we don’t have that as singles we tend to find it in unhealthy places. 

Of course, some of the girls I set with in this workshop wished that at least one of the wives of the all male panel would hop up on the panel and speak, but the men did good. The below video shows what they had to say. Leave your vote below on the survey whether you feel it is hard for men or women during the wait. Let’s just say, I am of the belief that both men and women go through similar situations as singles and need to have grace and love for one another. That always makes the wait a lot easier.

Watch the discussion below and take the polls:

Do you think it’s harder for women or men to wait on the Lord?
I think it’s harder for men.
I think it’s harder for women.
I think it is about the same.
Poll Maker
Do you have healthy friendships with the opposite sex?
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