Dating Vs. Waiting Part III: Should Men Wait on the Lord too?

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I am of the belief that both men and women should wait on the Lord. When I say wait on the Lord, I am not referring to the sky cracking with earthquakes as God says pursue her my son lol. When I speak of waiting on the Lord, I mean developing a personal walk with the Lord as a single where we become sensitive to the voice of the Lord and the leading of the Lord. That coupled with learning who we are what we need and possibly want, and taking a position of readiness and maturity for a godly spouse.

A man will have a little more responsibility in this area because a man is responsible for the pursuing. If a man pursues after the flesh, he will probably get a fleshly result. Whereas, if a brother pursues as led by the Spirit of God, he will get a more peaceable result. There can be more pressure on men to just pursue without taking the carefulness of seeking the Lord because he is a man.

Other men may place pressure on him in ignorance as well as thirsty women. A man may also think that pursuing someone quickly without including the Lord will be an answer to his private hormone issues. I have seen men pursue and marry women immediately without God’s guidance and the next month, they were in divorce court or separated only to divorce shortly there after.

Unfortunately, the church has given men too much power in telling them to just choose or find a wife based on Proverbs 18:22 without preparing men to be responsible and mature enough to know when he is ready to find a wife and seeking God through out the whole process. This has resulted in a lot of confusion and frustration among singles in the body of Christ especially single women. Just as a woman is to mature and grow into a quality woman who is willing to take on the responsibilities of being a wife; so must a man if not more because he is the head or the one who will be held responsible for what goes on in his household.

If a brother wants peace in his home, picking a girl who goes to church and has a big butt is not going to be enough. Like women are taught, men also have to be taught to apply discernment, patience, and the leading of the Lord. Just because a man may be approaching thirty doesn’t mean he is ready. Men should apply as much if not more wisdom, knowledge, and preparation as they too wait on the Lord.

This wisdom does not come from assumption, but from my observation over the years of the many men inside and outside of my life. Please, read the story at the link of a young man who as he grew in the Lord; he then became ready for a relationship and also see the supplemental video below:

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