Characteristics of a Good Leader:

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A  good leader knows that whatever office or task that God has called him to, God will anoint him for. In other words, God gives us the ability to do what he has called us to do. This morning I was listening to my Bible over my cell phone and it read saying:

And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. And this spake he not of himself; but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad. John 11:49-52

A little background on the above scriptures. Basically, the religious authorities in that day were in an upheaval over Jesus. Some of the religious leaders felt that Jesus was a blasphemous crazy person who was demon possessed going around telling people that God was his father and such.

However, because the high priest Caiaphas sat in the office of the priest, he had been anointed to speak what the Lord was saying. It wasn’t that he had some special knowledge that no one else knew of, it was just that he was in a position of authority where God could use him and God did use him.

Therefore, when God is calling us to lead we don’t have to be afraid of the what and how we are going to lead. We can trust that God has already put in us everything that we need to do the job and if we are in a place of faith trusting in God, he will use us and it will flow in an easy manner.

Moses is one of our first examples in the Bible of this fact. Moses was a man who God had set apart to be a leader before Moses even had a clue as to what was going on.

Once Moses had his experience with God learning who he was and what he was to do, he began to doubt. He made excuses telling God what he could not do. Of course, God got upset at that because God is God he can make us do anything.

What we may naturally feel that we cannot do, God can give us the grace and ability to show us that we actually can do those things with faith in him.

Of course, Moses did not have God’s word like we did, he was one of the guinea pigs while the book was being written, so in that case God gave Moses his brother Aaron to assist him in speaking.

It’s my own personal thought that if Moses had the faith to trust in God to show him how to speak, he really would have been able to speak for himself without the help of his brother Aaron, but without God’s word like we have it how could he have had the faith.

Moses had some fear in the area of speaking instead of faith. Fear has the ability to cripple a person causing them to ignore or not even try to do the things that God has destined for them to do. I’m sure as Moses’ life and ministry went on with the Lord that his faith grew stronger as he learned that God had him all along.

God’s anointing was with Moses because Moses was the man God set in that office for the job. Again when God calls us for a job, he equips us to handle it so there is no need to fear, but there is much need for faith.

Another great characteristic of a good leader is humility. A humble person is in a place where he or she can hear, be corrected, and speak graciously yet with authority maintaining respect and consistent growth.

A perfect example of this is a leader among the Jews called Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee, yet humble enough to hear Jesus. When he came to Jesus by night, Jesus corrected him making this statement, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? (John 3:10, KJV)

Jesus was explaining to him that he had to be born again and how he would go about becoming born again. He basically said to him, dude, you are a leader in Israel, and you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Because Nicodemus was humble enough to listen, Jesus went on to share some other things with him stating how he had to die because he loved the world so much. After Jesus’ death I’m sure everything became crystal clear for Nicodemus and he grew in faith toward Christ just like Moses.

Later we see that Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus Christ and that he bought Myrrh and spices to anoint Jesus’ body after his death (John 19:39).

In contrast to other leaders in Israel at that time, many of them were not able to hear nor receive revelation of Jesus because of their pride. They were fixed in their own way of thinking and that wrong thinking caused them to seek to kill Jesus and silence his voice.

It is a stunting thing as a leader to be caught up in a spirit of pride. It can stunt growth and cause others not to want to be around. Therefore, the leader is stuck doing everything on his or her own.

What are some of the characteristics you have noticed in good leaders?

And he said, The things which are impossiblewithmen are possible with God. Luke 18:27

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