Blurred Lines

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One of the most popular songs right now is a song called Blurred Lines. I’ve watched the video and the video portrays young women dressed in all white appearing somewhat docile or innocent similar to a child.
The women are encouraged to let their wild-side loose sexually because they really want to. This song can’t help but to remind me of the battle between the spirit and the flesh that we face on a regular.
The battle for a single who is battling her sexual passions and desires from being expressed outside of her season of marriage is similar to the metaphor in the song Blurred Lines. The believer in scripture is encouraged to be like a child (Matthew 18:3). In some ways as a single believer, it is wise to be as a child.
It is wise to be pure, to keep your innocence as a single, to lock up your sexual passions until the time of unveiling within the marriage bed, car, truck, kitchen table lol (added for humor.)
As with a child, if the child relinquishes his purity or innocence too soon, the child will feel robbed of a portion of his childhood. The child will feel like he hasn’t experienced being a child fully and enjoyed the carefreeness of going outside to play everyday with his friends or eating ice-cream as if it’s pure gold.
Therefore, we guard and protect the innocence of a child. Similarly, we as single believers must guard and protect our purity from lust as singles. Lust brings about temporary satisfaction. It is not permanent. Lust has a way of taking from you instead of giving to you. You will have to chase another lustful experience to capture the joy of lust again which is fleeting; while waiting on the joy of real love is the opposite.
Real love is giving. Real love is permanent. Real love is signified by covenant. Covenant meaning an everlasting commitment between two people which is filled with all of the ups and downs of love. That’s why in the marriage ceremony two people who pledge love to one another pledge through the good times and the bad times, sickness and health, poverty or wealth, until death does them apart.
That is what I want. A permanent friendship/relationship/intimate partner. This is one of the things that has helped me to hold on for so long as it pertains to waiting to have sex until marriage. As singles, we have to be careful not to give into the moment of temptation. The temptation that says let’s grab this temporary lust fix because I’m hot right now or I’ve been trying to stay pure, but I really want it like the song says.
Of course, we really want it. That is the way God made us with a healthy sex-drive. However, the sex-drive was not designed by God for temporary sexual fulfillment. Once that fire is started, the Lord has designed the fire to burn, burn, and then burn some more. That is why it is so important to wait for that committed marriage relationship because if you don’t, you will find yourself trying to manage that fire with various sexual escapades that lack the intimacy that comes with a committed marriage relationship. Therefore, you may have the physical intimacy that you desire, but the emotional and spiritual intimacy may be lacking.
Why trade one part of intimacy for the other. Why not have it all. Jesus Christ came to give us the abundant life where we will lack nothing. (Psalms 34:9-10)
Don’t allow satan to blur the lines of how God says single believers ought to manage their sexual passions, and how the world says we ought to manage our sexual passions. The world acknowledges the sexual passions and says you want it go get it. They don’t tell you what could come with just going to get it outside of God’s plan.
The Bible tells us to put our flesh under subjection, and to deny ourselves. The bible tells us we will suffer for a little while, but afterward there will be glory. The word of God sets us up for the abundant life. While the world sets us up for momentary thrills.
Let’s be clear on what we believe as it relates to our sexuality as single believers putting our trust in God for the grace to cover us as we wait for the right sexual relationship that will be oh so pleasing to God and us within the covenant of marriage, true love and commitment that lasts for a lifetime and not just for the moment .

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