Why Does God Allow Disasters & Heartache That Man Experiences On Earth?

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God created us in his image
This is a very common question that many men bring up, and it has been answered in the word of God. God gave this responsibility over to man. God gave every man free will. In addition to a free will, God gave man dominion over everything concerning the earth. That’s every living creature, vegetation, skies, seas, everything within the earth realm has been given over to the dominion of man.

The Bible is also clear that we were made in God’s image and likeness. That means that we are to reflect God in the earth. If we aren’t clear on how to do that; we have an example of that in Jesus Christ, yet not only Jesus Christ, but others in the scripture who have understood this mantle and taken it on well.

One of the way’s God expresses his image is to preserve life
Noah is one of the early people who understood that mantle well to reflect the image and dominion of God in the earth as a man. We see that through the story of the flood, Noah allowed himself to be used as an instrument to preserve life. Not only was he used to preserve the lives of his wife, sons, and their wives, but all living creatures on the earth. The earth was subjected to destruction because of the evil of man. The innocent animals were subjected to destruction because of the evil of man, but God found one man willing to be used as an instrument to preserve life, and thus a pair of every living thing that man had been given dominion over was preserved through one man’s obedience.

Your obedience is attached to preserving someone else’s life
The scripture talks about how the earth was subjected to decay by the will of the one who subjected it in the hope that the sons of God would come into the revelation of who they are and experience God’s intended glory (See Romans 8:19-21).

What are the scriptures saying? They are saying that mankind has the authority to stop the earthquakes, mass shootings, drive-by shootings, and all of the ill things that we experience. How? By coming into the revelation of who we are and what we are to do here. Jesus Christ is referenced in scripture as the last Adam. Adam, meaning man (See 1 Corinthians 15:22). After the first Adam, in the Garden of Eden, gave away the authority he’d been given to the serpent through deception; God had to send himself as a man to gain that authority back as a man—exampling to man how we ought to walk out our authority.

We ought to obey God when it is hard, tough, and sometimes doesn’t make any sense, and in doing so, someone else’s life will be saved. With Jesus, all men have a chance at salvation. With Noah, the human race was preserved through the judgment of God on sin and evil. What will be your story? In what ways is God challenging you to obey him, so that someone else’s life will be preserved? Let’s walk worthy of the calling of God in Christ Jesus.

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. – Ephesians 4:1

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