What is Your Decree & Expectation in 2019?

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Welcome to 2019! Prayer is one of the ways that we build our faith. I want to challenge you to listen for the Lord as you seek him in prayer to give you something specifically for you to believe for in this year. If what God gives you is attached to a scripture, rehearse that scripture and that word over and over again in your mind. This will help you should you meet challenges that look like things will not pan out.

I challenge you to believe and act toward your decree in faith. A decree is a word that comes out from an authority. This means it has power and expectation behind it. Setting our expectation for the new year can and will keep us moving in faith.

My personal decree for myself is below:

I believe this is my year of exceeding blessings. With every corner, turn, and shift of this year, I will see exceeding blessings on my behalf. Back in 2015, I had begun entering into a season of trial and tribulation that prepared me for this year. I had asked the Lord that year why were so many things happening at one time–one right after the other. This year I will see a response to that prayer in that I will see layers of good things happening one after the other. This is my decree. Just as God gave Job double for what he endured. I am expecting double.

Whatever I put my hands to will prosper. In addition to my decree, I’ve been taking some steps of faith working on things behind the scenes. This word propels me to continue to move forward. You see faith without works is dead. We have to also move by faith because we believe. I will be sharing my testimonies on social media as the year goes on.

​I’ve been made ready for this year!

Final encouragement: Don’t despise small beginnings. If the steps you are taking are small or people cannot see them; That’s okay. All of the most successful people in life started out doing something small consistently and that is what allowed them the capacity to handle the big things. Keep going!

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