We Cannot Be Fully Committed to Christ & The Republican or Democratic Party:

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Woo! Chile’. Our country along with the body of Christ has been through a rough election season. There has been much tension and discourse in the body of Christ.

There have been Republicans who have judged those who have voted for Democratic candidates and vice versa. Some Christians have been so passionate and devout about their political opinions and affiliations that it would be easy to assume they love one particular party or its ideas over Christ and the gospel itself.

As believers, our full and total allegiance should be given to Christ, his Word, and his ideas. Because neither party Democratic or Republican subscribes to Christ’s ideas fully neither party can ever or will ever have my full allegiance.

The Republican party is full of those who very sharply reminds me of the Pharisees and religious elite in the Bible who constantly looked for something wrong with others. Similar to how the Pharisees sought to find something wrong with Jesus to demote him from his position of authority as the Son of God and representative of the kingdom of heaven. 

Republicans use two main issues that are obviously wrong abortion and homosexuality. The fact that Democrats leave it open to a Woman’s choice is twisted to mean that Democrats support killing babies which may not be true. They just may support the woman’s choice. There is an obvious difference between the two ideas. The Bible and Christianity are touted as the basis for Republican support and ideas which in my opinion borders blasphemy and taking God’s name in vain.

The Bible nor Christ or Christianity was not provided to us to condemn people, but to bring us into fellowship with the living God who changes our hearts and produces the fruit of righteousness within us through abiding in him. It isn’t about appearing righteous, but being righteous from the inside out.

Republicans appear righteous for being adamant against the two sins of homosexuality and abortion but fail in the most important act of righteousness of which the entire gospel hang on and that is loving God with all of our heart and loving our neighbor as ourselves. To assert self-righteousness based on not supporting two sins while neglecting the basis of the gospel in loving others as ourselves is blasphemy and hypocrisy. It’s hard to take someone’s religion or “relationship with God” seriously when they fell in the very foundation of the gospel. Simply put, it puts a reproach on the gospel.

The below scripture shares the importance of seeing this from the perspective that is above that of a Pharisee:

Blind Pharisee! First, clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. – Matthew 23:26

Democrats seem to be more laid back on the harsh judgments of people. They seem to be more caring and reflective of loving people. You may not be able to perceive fully what a Democrat believes as they do not often speak about religious things. In some cases, it could be due to the fear and reverence they have for religion or perhaps not all Democrats are religious.

True religion Biblically is not perceived by those who are the loudest about their religion, but on those who know how to treat others in particular the fatherless and widows (James 1:27). The Bible is also clear that the whole law and gospel hinge on our love for God and others as we love ourselves. When this is genuinely done, there is no need to harp on others not to commit abortion or to practice same-sex relationships, perversion, or whatever the sin(s) may be. The process of salvation and sanctification will occur as the Holy Spirit changes the heart and cleanses man through the renewing of our mind with the Word of God.

We will not be able to perceive a person as a Christian just by appearance. It will be by the fruit produced in their lives. On the surface, the Pharisees could not prove Jesus was sent from God or not, but his fruit was obvious. 

Where the Democrats err is that some Democrats have used the Bible’s message of love to condone sin. There was an Illinois politician who read scripture about love as he made civil unions legal as to compare a homosexual relationship to love and if it’s love it must be okay. An overemphasis on the idea of love irresponsibly condones sin. Real love will correct sin.

Thus, the Republican party nor the Democratic party is completely balanced in the ideas of Christ, the Bible, or the kingdom of God. This is why my full allegiance will always be to Christ above American politics.

Christ is the fulfillment of the law. Rather it comes to not killing babies, practicing homosexuality, fornication, drunkenness, cursing, anger, unforgiveness, adultery, stealing, or any other sin, Christ is the way we experience freedom from all sins. The law by itself isn’t enough and a love for people who practice sin isn’t enough. We all must submit to God individually by faith working out our own salvation as the Bible teaches.

So, before you start to judge your brother or sister for voting differently than you, realize our votes no matter what aren’t enough to fix sin in the hearts of man. Are we truly trusting God?

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