Sharing My Journey: How I came to Resolve as A Single Woman Over 30

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Three years ago, I started chronicling my journey as a single woman via video blogs. I started at age 33. Now, at age 35, I am more resolved than I’ve ever been before. In the most, recent video blog, I cover a few perspectives that helped to get me to that place of resolve. If you’ve been following my blogs on Intercession For A Generation, much of this will be a review for you.

No Longer Looking at Myself from a Perspective of Lack

One of Satan’s greatest strategies against those who seek to honor God in their singleness is to cause us to believe the lie that we are missing something. He will show us all of our friends, associates, and others who have disobeyed God in areas where we have taken a stand and how blessed they are.  Then he wants us to look back at ourselves to see that we are without a relationship or loving spouse.

This breeds the lie that it isn’t worth it to obey God and that we need to modify who we are to compromise like others to be blessed from God. It is, however, a lie produced by fear.

Romans 8:15 discusses how we have been adopted as sons of God and thus are no longer slaves to fear. Fear of what? Fear of lack and doing without? When we look at what we are doing to glorify God as work that has not paid off; we operate out of fear.

When we look at what we’ve done for the glory of God out of submission to Christ as his son; we operate out of expectation of our inheritance in Christ. We will not be blessed with a spouse because of our work for Christ, but our inheritance in Christ as sons.

Further, we aren’t sons because we are good, but because God adopted us. This is the proper perspective that frees us of the perspective of worry, lack, and fear, and it gives God the proper glory due to his name.

Competition Becomes Defeated With the Proper Perspective

Competition no longer becomes an issue when we understand that no one receives from God because they are good, but because God is good, and God adopts us as his children not the other way around.

A Greater Resolve to Obey God During the Hard Times
I mention a scripture in the video where many of Jesus’ follower’s turned away from him during a hard time. Jesus discerned them pointing out that they were only seeking him for what they could get from him. The hard times that we go through in Christ show us what’s in our hearts. Are we seeking God for what we can get from him? Are we only seeking God because we want a spouse? Those that seek God for what He can do for them only do not remain. Those that seek God for who He is; receive his power and grace to obey through the hard times because they have learned to love him.

Suffering is a prerequisite in the kingdom of God before inheritance. It actually proves we are ready for it. It proves we want the God who gives it more than the gift. Examine yourself as to where you are in this process. The Lord will correct anywhere where we may be off if we come to him.

“From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” – John 6:66

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” – John 14:15 

“Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” –  Romans 8:17

Resolved to Enjoy My Life Right Now
We have to keep our focus on Jesus to enjoy life right now. Focusing on what everyone else is doing, and what everyone else has to say will cause us to long for the future so much so that we despise today. This will cause us to begin making desperate choices to change our today into something else God may not be calling us to just yet. Do you trust God to lead you, guide you, and to get you ready for the inheritance that he has for you, or do you out of fear feel like you better work for it or else you will lose your chance? 

Enjoying today is not a place of complacency or fear so we should not worry about losing out. This place actually provides greater clarity for what we are supposed to be doing now. It makes us more productive. Operating out of fear for the future causes us to lose time trying to work for something God already intends to give us. Seek God on this and allow him to settle you.

Watch the video below to listen to the Word of God taught in such a way as to settle you. God loves us so much that he would have me go through the same thing that many other Christian women go through while giving me his word to teach and settle our hearts toward the Lord:

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