Overcoming the Fear of Man:

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Last week we discussed the fear of man. We discussed the fear of man operating in religious people who seek to confine others to their understandings, personal convictions, and lifestyles. This is indeed a form of bondage that prevents us from being ourselves and causes us to walk in disobedience toward God by obeying the voice of man over the voice of God.
This is a very serious sin because the church is full of people who refuse to use their gifts, talents, or to walk fully in their purposes because they are afraid of being seen the wrong way. These people have not fully developed into their own identity in Christ, but hang on to the idea of how others see them. They find their worth and acceptance in being seen in a particular light by others. The dangerous part of this however is that God has sown seeds of purpose in each one of us.
The purpose God has sown in us is to reflect Christ leading others to him. Those who impose the fear of men on others seek to lead others to themselves instead of Christ. It is deep. How can someone become free from this?

One must learn who they are in Christ and what God says about them:
Have your own intimate relationship with the Lord. Read your Bible. Fast and pray yourself. God will show you things giving you discernment. You’ll know who is operating out of prophesying the Word of the Lord over you and who is operating out of control only seeking to shape you into a replica of themselves. He will begin to illuminate to you your purpose. Your purpose is what God has called you to do. God has a parable in the Bible about talents he’s given men. In the parable, God was upset because some knew better.

They knew God expected a return on the talent he’d invested, but in fear, the talent holder hid his talent. He never sought to multiply it increasing the return to God who’d given it. Who in your life are you fearing more than God that you are willing to disobey God in hiding your talent?

God’s word tells us to stir up the gifts in us. This particular scripture is of apostle Paul, who shared with his mentee Timothy that he has a gift of faith. He had noticed this gift of faith not only in him but in his grandmother Lois as well.

He is building up Timothy’s confidence to know that the gift of faith is his and it has been a gift that’s been prevalent in his bloodline. Therefore, Paul continues by sharing with young Timothy that he is not to be afraid because God has not given him a spirit of fear. What is Paul saying? Paul is saying operate out of what is coming from God not what is coming from man.

The fear of man comes from man. It does not come from God. We are not to operate out of it.

When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that it’s in thee also.
Wherefore, I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:5-7

Next, Paul lets Timothy know that he should not be ashamed of the testimony of Christ, but he must embrace the afflictions that come with carrying our cross. Facing the pressure of the fear of man is all a part of carrying our cross and walking out our purpose. As I said last week, God will send those who will walk with us and support us to remind us that we aren’t crazy. We do need that for our own personal stability. Paul was an appropriate example of that for Timothy. When Timothy faced opposition for walking out who God called him to be; he had the support of the Holy Spirit as well as reminders in apostle Paul, and his grandmother Lois that he was doing the right thing. God will give us discernment to see this when we walk with him.

Once we know who we are; we can become bold:
The Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion, but the wicked flee when no one pursues after them. God increases our boldness by allowing us to walk through uncomfortable tests and through the test on to the end of the test we see that we are okay. What we feared was not as big a deal as we’d thought. When we walk with this assurance that God is with us and what we face; he’ll bring us through. We learn there is no reason for us not to be bold.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of them all.

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