Forming Habits for Healthy Emotional Management – Part 1

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We all have situations from time to time that causes us to go up and down in our emotions. It could be a life circumstance or often something that we did not deal with and in some cases, no reason at all that our emotions go up or down.

I’ve been listening to the audiobook from Joyce Meyer entitled, “Living Beyond Your Feelings, Controlling Your Emotions So They Don’t Control You.” In her book, she shares several insightful and key points that provide a strong foundation for controlling our emotions in any given circumstance. Below, I’ve compiled some of the points she’s made that stand out to me.

Don’t Sit in Negative Thoughts nor share with People Who Would Cause You To Sit in Negative Thoughts:

Joyce shares that when we talk about the negative circumstances too much or with the wrong people; that gets our emotions out of wack; we make ourselves feel worse. Instead, she shares that we should talk about it with God or a trusted minister, or counselor when we can no longer handle it on our own. She talked about an example of David in the Bible who went through many hard circumstances that caused him to feel several negative emotions. She said that instead of complaining as many of us do; David simply shared all of what he was feeling with the Lord. She used the scripture reference below:

O LORD, how long will you forget me? Forever?
    How long will you look the other way?
 How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
    with sorrow in my heart every day?
    How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
Turn and answer me, O LORD my God!
    Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, “We have defeated him!”
    Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
But I trust in your unfailing love.
    I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the LORD
    because he is good to me. – Psalms 13

Joyce points out that we do not have to deny our emotions. We just do not need to let them control our decisions. She shares how in the above, David did not deny how he felt, but he petitioned God for his grace entrusting himself into God’s hands.

Finally on releasing negative thoughts Joyce shares:

​”I believe it was spiritually and even physically healthy for David to express to God how he really felt. It was a way of releasing his negative feelings so they could not harm his inner man while he was waiting for God’s deliverance.”

Next week, will be part II of forming healthy habits to manage your emotions.

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