6 Things We Can Learn From Michelle Obama’s Book, “Becoming” – Part I

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If we are determined in our thinking to do something, We will accomplish what we are determined to do:

Her father had  Multiple Sclerosis. He did not allow that to stop him at accomplishing great things in life. He continued to move forward not complaining about the disease that he had, but he was a conqueror in spite of the disease. He was still able to get up and go to work and maintain paying for his children’s college along with his wife. They, together, pushed their children to go farther than they ever have and it paid off.

Don’t despise small beginnings

Briefly, I discussed the family’s small beginnings, and how they were cooped up in a small apartment in Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood. However, they were faithful in the little things. When Michelle complained to her mother that she wasn’t learning in her class; her mother raised hell getting Michelle into a class that would allow her to flourish.

Michelle became friends with Santita Jackson, Jesse Jackson’s daughter. It was through this friendship that Michelle was able to get an inside look at what it meant to be in politics, and what it meant to even run for the presidency. I’m sure at the time, she was not aware that she would one day be the 1st lady. However, God allows small situations in our lives to prepare us for the great future that he has for us.

Ignoring a Problem Can Cause the Problem to Get Worse

Michelle shared the hard lesson she witnessed in her father of his unyieldingness to get the medical help needed to treat his M.S. The family watched it get worse and worse while her father said he’d be okay. He had not trusted doctors like others in her family that she mentioned in the book. This could partially have been in part due to incidents like the Tuskegee institute experimentation done on Blacks where Syphilis was unknowingly injected into Black participants of a medical study. However, the lesson is to seek help anyway when something requires help beyond our scope. By the time, her father had gotten to the hospital by ambulance, things had gotten worse. So, worse that he further began to deteriorate and die by a heart attack. Had he gone to the hospital earlier; any health issue he had may have been monitored and treated saving his life.

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