Benefits of Being Thankful:

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Sometimes we need to be reminded to remain thankful especially when we go through challenges that would tempt us to complain and murmur about our situations. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to give thanks in every circumstance stating that it’s God’s will or bidding for us to do so. Being thankful also comes with certain benefits.

We began to get closer to God when we thank him: Psalms 22:3 says that God inhabits or dwells in the praises of his people. God’s word tells us that we can enter into the courts of the Lord through praise and thanksgiving (Psalms 16:11). Isn’t it nice that we as believers can have our own peaceful little sanctuary of praise wherever we are at and no matter what is going on around us just by tapping into God’s presence with praise and thanksgiving. Abiding in God has benefits of it’s own. John 15 states that when we abide in God, we bring forth fruit. In other words, we end up doing what we should do as believers just by abiding in God, and depending on him and his word.

I think abiding in God increases our appreciation for him because we are reminded of how good he is, and we are provoked by what he did for us in sending his son and his word, that we are able to do the things that we naturally would not do in order to live for him and bring forth good fruit.

Thankfulness fills a person up with joy: Because thanksgiving is a way to enter into God’s presence, once we get there our joy can become full because in God’s presence is the fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11).   When we go back to John 15 it states that God shared the things in that particular chapter of John so that our joy would be full. Things such as abiding in Christ Jesus, bringing forth fruit, and asking what we will if we are asking according to his word, and it will be done for us[i].

It’s easier to be happy when we are thankful, not complaining or murmuring about our situations, than when we are complaining and murmuring. Ever noticed how unhappy we feel after we complain? Complaining and murmuring do not solve our issues, but being thankful does, and it helps us to get through negative situations much easier with joy and gladness instead of with discontent and anger. We need to be careful when we start getting into our flesh over circumstance. What helps me in those situations is to pray and ask God to re-focus my attention on what he is saying in the moment.

The Lord knows how to work things out in our favor. Recently, I had to pray to God to re-focus me on what he was saying due to a situation I had with a professional associate of mine who I felt was acting against me. I was reminded that when God is pleased with us his word says he will make our enemies to be at peace with us[ii]. This scripture has been the case in the situation, and I am at peace with the individual despite the wrong done.

Focusing on God first, and abiding in his word is really the pattern to which we as believers should live our lives. It’s always a good thing to re-focus on this at the end of the year to begin the new year on the right foot.

Finally, when we are thankful, we make room for more: Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6). Being thankful makes us content with the things we have instead of complaining about what we do not have which makes room for God to bless us with even more. Years ago when I was still in college, I used to work at Fuddruckers’ restaurant. One time it was the end of the night and we were just about to close when several congressmen came into the restaurant, Jesse Jackson Jr., David Miller, Rev. James T. Meeks and a whole entourage of congressmen, their wives, and children came in at the last minute. I told Jesse Jackson Jr., “I’m sorry we are supposed to be closed. I will have to check with my manager to see if we can take more customers.” He responded, “yes please.” I went and talked to the manager who had us stay a little later to make sure that they were served.

After making sure they had everything they needed, I was tipped $5 by the Rev. Meeks so I threw my hands up and said thank you Jesus. He then pulled out $5 more, and said since you are praising God, I will give you five more dollars. I was happy at the end of the night because I wasn’t expecting to get ten extra dollars. I normally did not get a tip at all from working at Fuddruckers unless I filled in for the busboy for the night. Back then ten extra dollars was a lot of money as a college student. There’s just something about being thankful that makes a person want to do more to go above and beyond.

[i]  If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.. John 15:7 (KJV)

[ii] When aman’swaysplease the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7 (KJV)

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