Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part III (Control & Rudeness)

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Broken People Exhibit Characteristics of Control

People often mask their insecurities and weaknesses with trying to control things, people, situations as to appear to have it together. Control is one of the worst manifestations of the broken. 

Those who walk in control; have to learn to relinquish the things they are trying to control over to the Lord. They have to become humble enough to ask God for wisdom and then humble enough to apply that wisdom.

And they said to each other, “We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” Numbers 14:4

Now, Israel already had leaders, but in the spirit of control, they wanted to circumvent the leaders God had set up to find other leaders who would pursue their broken agenda. This is a very dangerous characteristic of the broken because their control, stubbornness, and rebellion actual work against them to keep them from moving forward. It sets them backward every time. We don’t want to be in cycles of moving backward instead of forward.

Rude & Prideful
Those that operate from a broken perspective often set up walls of pride to protect themselves, their opinions, and the way that they see things. The Bible says that Korah and Dathan, two leaders in Israel became insolent: 

​Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect (Google Dictionary).

Those that operate from a broken perspective have in many cases already exalted their opinions above everyone else—even leadership. They’ve become rude and prideful. If you start to notice this type of behavior in your own life, you my want to do a heart check asking the Lord to reveal where these patterns are coming from, and to give you the grace to deal with it so that it is resolved and no more.

Those that are whole recognize these patterns and begin to humble themselves; while those that are of broken perspectives simply accept this behavior as if this is the way it is. God calls us up higher. He does not allow us to stay the same.

For more on wholeness click here for new book, “The Wholeness Action Plan.”

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