Babygirl, You Ain’t Gotta Do All of That to Get a Man:

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I’m noticing some of my younger sisters in Christ walking on dangerous territory in the name of trying to be loved. Some of my younger sisters in Christ are experimenting sexually and trying to learn to become good at sex acts in the name of attracting and keeping a man.

Women who value their worth simply based on what they can offer physically do not love themselves, know themselves, nor trust God enough to provide a man for them who will treat them like they are worth more. A woman who does this shows that she isn’t whole enough to even pursue a relationship.

She has skipped some of the first foundational things that ensure a healthy relationship. Those things are first a healthy relationship with God, ones-self, and with other people. This is foundational. A woman who has these three things will know that she has more to offer a man than what’s in between her legs.

She will then be able to discern properly who is appropriate for her and who is not. She will be saved boatloads of heartache, and have enough energy to pursue her dreams and healthy friendships on top of her foundation. A woman who leads with her body has no foundation and is headed for hard times.

I understand that many women have been rejected or had improper things planted during the upbringing years, but that is no excuse. We all have had hard challenges to deal with, but God is a healer. We have a choice to make. Will we do things according to the standard of the world and make things worse, or will we submit to God and allow him to heal us?

Not only do women place their hearts at risk for brokenness and hardness from allowing themselves to be used for sex, but their very quality of life as women is placed at risk as well. If a woman thinks she has experienced rejection, imagine experiencing the rejection of knowing that you have an STD that makes no one want to be intimate with you again. These are the things that occur at greater risk to anyone who opens themselves up to sexual exploits outside of the safe place of marriage.

You have to recognize your sexual exploits for what they are a coping tool to cover and heal yourself when only God can heal you. If you get an incurable STD, you will lose your coping mechanism and only be left with God to heal you.

Why not choose God’s way now? I know God’s way is not easy nor glamorous, but it is worth it, and you are worth it. You don’t have to try to figure out how to be the best at oral sex, and various positions. When you do that you only diminish your worth, and value plus you only arouse more sin within yourself. Sin’s only payment is death. You cannot get life out of an arrangement of death. There will be death to any healthy view of yourself you had as your worth becomes contingent on a man wanting you physically.

When you do that you only diminish your worth, and value plus you only arouse more sin within yourself.

Sin’s only payment is death. You cannot get life out of an arrangement of death. There will be death to any healthy view of yourself you had as your worth becomes contingent on a man wanting you physically.

There will be death to your dreams as you are forced to shift focus on surviving in the cold world of lust and selfishness that you have opened yourself up to. Some women go on anti-depressants because of the emotional damage alone, not to mention the STD factor or pregnancy factor. Think about what you are doing now while you are young, and have a chance to work toward a better future for yourself.

Get together with some other women who have chosen differently, and learn to walk with them so that you all can encourage one another. If you want a better future, you gotta start preparing for it right now. Don’t leave your future up to chance.

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