A place of intimacy and rest for singles as they wait on the mate that God has for them:

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There is a place of intimacy and rest where single believers and all believers alike should get to with God.  That place of rest is a place of trusting in God, not worrying or caring about what other people think about you. For example, why you are single or why you don’t have a man or woman. When a person is at rest; they aren’t worried about what’s going to happen, how it’s going to happen, they simply rest in the one in whom their trust lies knowing that he will bring to pass everything that has been promised.

Similar to  the child in the picture who rests in her dad’s arms knowing that he’s got her and whatever she isn’t able to do for herself her father is able to go above and beyond. Just like that father has his daughter; God has us singles as well, and we should utilize our time as singles to bond with God resting in him and establishing a close and intimate relationship with him.

Recently, I’ve been meditating on Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 where it talks about how God had a purpose for Adam as he created him. Genesis 2:5 talks about how God created several plants, and vegetation and fountains of water to come up from the ground to water the plants, because there was not yet a man created to do so.

Man, was God’s prize creation, God had created him in his image and his likeness. God had planned out what he was to do before he was created, and Adam was the creature of choice for God to fellowship with. We see Adam and God becoming close as God created man in vs. 7 and 8 and placed man right in the middle of his purpose to take care of the ground.

God was all Adam knew. Adam was God’s creator. Adam did not buck against God and argue with God about what he wanted or what he lacked. To Adam his relationship with God was enough. Fulfilling his purpose in God’s plan was enough. There is a place where we can get to in God where being in fellowship with him is enough and we don’t even realize what we are lacking because it isn’t our season for those specific things that we may lack just yet.

The Bible doesn’t show how much time went between God and Adam before God presented Adam’s wife Eve to him, but it was in God’s plan, and when the appropriate time came that is when God presented Eve to Adam.

During that time we see God begin to prepare Adam. He says it is not good for man to be alone I will make him a helpmeet for him.  (Genesis2:18).

Next, the scripture goes to the below verse:

“And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.  And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. (Genesis 2:19-20)”

I used to wonder why would the Bible say it’s not good for man to be alone; I’ll create a helpmeet for him, and then shift to talking about creating animals, but now that I am older, I believe that was to show Adam what he was preparing to do for him.

The animals when they were bought to Adam to be named; I would imagine we’re in pairs of male and female, so that the animals could be fruitful and multiply after their own kind like God had commanded them to do.

This had to bring up a question in Adam’s mind. Why do all of these animals have a male and female pair someone who looks like them and they can identify with, feel understand, and have companionship, but I don’t have a male and female pair.  At that time it was still just Adam.

However, after God used that experience to show Adam what he was going to do he caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep where he took out the rib and created the compliment to Adam, which was Eve. Adam, then responded with gladness, “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She will be called woman because she was taken from the man.” Adam had finally gotten his compliment in which it had always been God’s will for him to have, but he had to continue to walk in trust and intimacy with God as God worked on his behalf to bring it to pass. He had to rest in the fact that what God promised he would surely bring to pass.

Adam and Eve continued to have close fellowship with God. Chapter two closes out stating that both Adam and Eve we’re naked, yet they we’re unashamed. I remember a few years back. God dealt with me concerning this scripture that says and they we’re both naked and unashamed.

Naked means uncovered or lacking a covering or something that is needed. Even though they did not have any clothes on; they did not feel any shame because God was covering them. God’s perfection, fullness, and completeness being I am that I am, all that we need causes us to lack nothing in his presence.

The bible also says that in God’s presence is the fullness of joy and at his right hand are treasures forever more. In other words, God has the authority to give you everything that you need and in fact its in his plan, but we have to learn to walk with God to the point where he is enough. Where the things that we lack aren’t even on notice because what we have in our relationship with God is so much more.

God’s word says that he that seeks the Lord shall not want any good thing, and that God knows the plans that he has for us plans to give us a hope and a future. Oftentimes, when it concerns the blessing of a spouse, there are so many voices giving us advice telling us to be open, you may have missed out on your spouse because you don’t talk to just anybody, your standards are too high, you’re not approachable, you are too deep and the list goes on. However, when we rest in that secret place of close intimacy with the Lord like Adam he will begin to prepare us for our spouses by showing us the need that we have for them like he did with Adam. Finally, he will present our spouses to us, and we will not miss a beat.

It’s important that as a single individual that you guard that place of intimacy between you and God. Because it’s in that place of intimacy with God that your faith and trust in God grows for what God has already planned for you in your life. It’s important that you don’t allow other people’s opinion of you, even if the opinion is coming from another believer, to cause you to make decisions outside of God’s will for your life and alter your destiny altogether.

Ultimately, it is unbelief that Satan uses to try to get you out of that place of intimacy with God. That place of intimacy is a place of rest, and a place of trust. It’s a place of assurance and confidence that what God said he will bring to pass. Hebrews 3:18-19 makes it clear that unbelief prevented the children of Israel, who we’re God’s people in the old testament from entering into the land of promise and also into God’s rest. The old testament is our example as new testament believers. Therefore, we see that it is unbelief that keeps us from entering into God’s rest. We also see that their is a rest to the people of God through having faith in God, and that faith is nurtured in a close or intimate relationship with God.

Hopefully, this blog has encouraged someone to grow closer to God, and to put their trust in him who never disappoints.

We have to be careful not to fall into the same trap of unbelief as we wait for the promise of our mate. We have to realize that the closer we get to our mate, the harder it will become for us to believe God for them because Satan will throw everything at us that he has. We will need to continue to hold on to our confidence in the Lord for that season.

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