5 Reasons Why Kevin Samuels Teachings are Dangerous for Women

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While we live in this world we are not to live as those of the world’s system. As believers, we operate according to a different system and that system is the kingdom of God. This means as believers we have to be discerning about the wisdom and knowledge that we take in as it will either lead us to continue on the straight and narrow path or to veer off the path. The things that Kevin Samuels teaches on his YouTube channel can very easily lead many away especially women.

Sadly, many women are seeking advice from a father type figure, yet everyone who attempts to fill that role doesn’t have the heart of a father to protect, provide, and act as a priest—one who leads people to Christ and the full life God has for his people. Below are 5 reasons I believe Kevin Samuel’s teachings are dangerous for single women.

He encourages women to devalue themselves

At a woman’s core, she desires security. Many men interpret this to mean financial security, but this will differ depending on the woman. In most cases, when dealing with a whole mature woman, she is secure when she is with a man who genuinely values her, is willing to love her, protect her, and cherish her. God has given women the right to practice discernment in communicating with a brother and vetting him for marriage if she so chooses; however, that right is gravely diminished for women who follow Kevin Samuel’s teachings. This process should be rushed according to Kevin because a woman should be elated that a “high-value man” took interest in her. Thus, by the 3rd date, she needs to gap her legs open for sex to repay the man. At that point, the man will decide if the woman is someone he can choose for a spouse.

God’s word shares that when we commit these sexual acts outside of marriage, we sin against ourselves. We are opening ourselves up to become one with someone who may or may not want to proceed further with us. This type of behavior requires a woman to become cold and bitter if she continues to endure this type of treatment from men. It requires her to put off her natural needs to be loved to be used. Men are excused of responsibility in this scenario because they are high-value. They make so much money that women should just be cool with this behavior according to Kevin.

However, women have a responsibility to protect themselves. This means ladies that if a man isn’t valuing you enough to protect you; you have to protect yourself. You are not obligated to sacrifice your peace of mind on the altar of a “high-value man.” Women who follow Kevin’s teachings are taught to idolize the high-value man at their own expense. Something the Bible clearly warns against.

See 1st Corinthians 6:18

He fails to give grace and mercy to single mothers

Out of all of the women, the high-value man should be able to become sexually involved with it should be the single mother according to Kevin’s videos. There is a greater demand and expectation for the single mother to be easy when it comes to a high-value man because she is looked at as having already been sexually active; thus, she should not have a problem continuing her previous behavior with the high-value man. After all, no high-value man wants a single mom when other younger women are available with no kids. This is simply manipulation. It’s a mind-trick to make the single mother believe that she is somehow less worthy of waiting until marriage to have sex because she’s done it in her past. Does this sound familiar to any of my readers? This sounds like condemnation—a trick that Satan pulls on God’s children to convince them to continue in sin because they’ve already sinned in the past. There is no redemption for the single mom according to Kevin. If the high-value man cannot count on any woman for sex, for sure, he should be able to count on the single mom. She should be so desperate and thankful that a high-value man chose her that she should be ready. Why does such a high-value man need to manipulate a woman to get her to want him? Why can’t he just present himself as an awesome guy and court the woman according to her standards and the woman of her own accord decides to give her hand to him in marriage and surrender herself to him including her body? This is because the high-value man excuses himself of working on himself. He hides behind the fact that he has money hoping that will draw a woman to him who agrees with his behavior. This is similar to a pimp, who breaks a woman down, sends her out on the street to do the dirty work, and collects the money from her. It’s irresponsible and not characteristic behavior of a suitable husband. In other words, the high-value man, like a pimp, puts the woman at greater risk by pimping her to men who do not value her and he receives the benefit. Do you see the correlation?

Even God himself humbled himself and he is the highest value man there ever was to win the favor of his bride—the church. He displayed his desire for the church by having mercy on her not holding her sin against her, but forgiving her, protecting her, and covering her with his covenant. God’s bride in turn willingly submits to him and God doesn’t have to beg for what he wants. We are willing in light of God’s goodness toward us. This is the type of relationship we ought to seek to have. This is the type of relationship we are worthy of—someone who values us as God does—someone who loves us like Christ.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1

He encourages men to draw their value and worth from the amount of money they make

A high-value man is a man who makes six figures. Supposedly, this is the man that all of us women are supposed to want. This man dresses nice and can have his pick of the best of the bunch. I shared earlier how if the main thing a man has to bring to the table is just his money and not integrity, well-developed character, a fear for God, direction, love, care, humility then the high-value man isn’t worth much to many women when it comes to choosing a marriage partner. Money can buy a body, but it cannot buy love. Money cannot keep a relationship together for 40 years. There are women out there who would be open to a relationship based on money and not love. Perhaps that is the audience he is targeting. It should not be the church and those of us in the church should not value a man off of his money alone.

The Responsibility for Marriages to work seems to be placed on the women and not both the men and women

This point I’ve noted from my male friends who listen to Kevin Samuels as though he is speaking for them and defending them from all of the rejection they’ve ever faced from a woman in their lives. An emphasis is placed on the low marriage rate in the Black community and the high incidence of single motherhood. Feminism and the advances that came because of feminism are the culprits behind this they say. Thus, Black women need to get with the available brothers to bridge this gap. Women of old before the advances of the feminist movement were able to get married young and marriages stayed together for a long time they say.

My thoughts: First, it cannot be assumed that women are single because they are feminists. I do not know any feminist women single or married. These are assertions that are assumed of women without having a conversation with them which is disrespectful. What many women are aware of are the positive aspects of living in 2021 as a woman. We can go to work as women and make enough money to take care of ourselves which eliminates one of the main reasons women of the old school got married which was to leave their parent’s home.

The requirements to gain a wife have gotten higher since the 1950s. Men have to bring more than money to the table. Women have to be genuinely interested in the man. This is good for both sides because both the man and the woman have an opportunity to have the peace of mind that someone is choosing them for them and not their money. This is true if we vet people well. This isn’t a bad thing. It simply requires more effort on both sides, not just one side.

The responsibility for marriages to work should not simply be placed on the woman. This is a huge turn-off to feminine women when a man wants her to take responsibility for herself and him instead of him taking responsibility for his role in a potential relationship as well.

Another important note is as women became freer to work and to vote and have a respectable place in society; domestic violence has decreased. This is in part because women aren’t staying in those scenarios as much as they used to because the man was the provider and the woman could not take care of the children financially on her own. Again, another positive aspect of the women’s suffrage movement. Finally, it’s not a woman’s job to take on a savior complex for the Black community to lend herself out to a man she isn’t interested in to save the marriage rate in the Black community. A woman’s standards should be respected enough to make herself available to the gentleman of her choice. Period!!!!

He takes away or doesn’t respect a woman’s right to choose for herself

Kevin was in a video I viewed on Instagram telling a woman that she should not be attracted to her potential husband or suitor. It’s not about her but him. She is the attractive one. This is in line with the woman being treated like a trophy wife. A trophy wife is there for appearances. She simply makes the man look good so he has bragging rights to other men on how he was able to bag her―this reeks of emptiness. This type of relationship is only one-sided. Only the man gets the benefit he desires and the woman gets to feel like she is on parade. Does she get love? Perhaps not. Does she get exclusivity? Perhaps not. A woman’s desires, needs, and vision for her life are important too. No woman will get what she needs by caving into chauvinistic selfish men. We have to hold up standards for ourselves. Our standards protect us. If a man doesn’t meet your most valued standards; move on. You have a right as a woman to do so.

Any man who treats you like you are his property because he is a man and you are a woman and thus you need to fall in line isn’t worthy of you. He simply doesn’t respect you. There seems to be an entitlement spirit with Kevin and his audience of men because they have money. Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of mutual respect, not one party controlling the other. Control is normally a trait of the insecure. A person is so insecure and full of fear that they make extra concessions to ensure things will work out as they wish. If the high-value man is so valuable, why does he have to control what a woman does? Why does he have to trick her―manipulating her out of her values? This is witchcraft and mind control. The Bible is clear that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Don’t rebel against your God-given values and standards for yourself due to witchcraft and mind control from others. Remember our boundaries and values we set up to protect us. They also show us who genuinely cares about us and who only wants to use us. Without proper values, we are like desperate men groping and grappling for stability. People who abandon their values live in a broken place.

Add a woman has a right to choose without providing an explanation why she did not choose a particular gentleman. A woman doesn’t have to say yes or welcome a guy’s attention she isn’t interested in and that should be respected just like a man’s choice should be respected. If a woman isn’t attracted to a brother, she doesn’t have to pretend she is.

I could go on. Many of Kevin’s teachings for men are rooted in narcissism, which is such a self-indulged way of thinking that satisfies one’s self-indulgence does so at the expense of others—particularly women. We cannot raise strong families on narcissistic, chauvinistic thinking. Both men and women need to be treated like two equal parties in Christ who value one another and the unique aspects of manhood and femineity that complement one another. Men and women were made together in the image of God to complement one another while honoring God—not to fight against each other. None of Kevin’s ungodly doctrine should be championed in the church or among church circles. Simply put it’s dangerous and reckless.

Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither is the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so, is the man also by the woman; but all things of God. – 1 Corinthians 11:11-12

Simply put, both men and women need each other. We should be working on humbling ourselves to one another to become one instead of fighting against one another and pointing the finger. It only breeds further division.

Disclaimer: This is a Christian blog. Therefore, I cannot allow comments that demean a person based on their ethnicity, race, gender, familial status, single status or has provocative language such as using four letter words. Thank you for being respectful with your comments!

110 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why Kevin Samuels Teachings are Dangerous for Women

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  1. I honestly suspect a lot of his audience actually don’t have money like they want us to believe. I think most are hurt and rejected men who ride on his coattails. I commented on one of his videos that I don’t believe that real high value men actually have time to be watching his videos. Some of the men were furious with my comment, only for them to admit that they never claimed to be high value men in the first place, thereby proving me right. My brother, cousin and ex are high value men and have crazy schedules. I think they’d be way too busy to be watching that.

    1. Well my money is good and I listen to him. I own big rigs and drive one as well. I have multiple hours to listen to podcasts and I agree with many of his stances. FYI, I have been married to a black woman for 16 years.

      1. I agree with a lot of he says it just hasn’t been said or a platform for this. I’m blue collier making 6 figures with a fat 401k and a single dad and know the game and women hate it when they hear this .

      2. I agree with a lot of he says it just hasn’t been said or a platform for this. I’m blue collier making 6 figures with a fat 401k and a single dad and know the game and women hate it when they hear this .

    2. What an interesting point. Definitely truth to that. I’ve tried and yes I ended up just ffwding, lol.

    3. Ma’am as a woman, I will say, HVM DOES LISTEN TO KS platforms, even celebrities listens to his platform and its the women who are angry about not attracting high value men for marriage that makes his content go viral to get more and more of those type of men to watch. Just like you probably never been with a High value man BUT you claim you dated one…ookkayyy…so it would be safe to say, you’re a woman that can’t get a HVM to marry you. Ya’ll women be on KS platform hurt, angry, lying and rejected too.

    4. Rose,

      Kevin Samuels has never purposed the videos to be for the consumption of, “High Value Men”. The videos are an attempt to vocalize the values, concerns, and needs of the multitudinous,”High Value Men” he has engaged over the years. This is one of the extremely rare platforms where their voices are heard. The voices of the, “Rank and File”, man are also heard on occasion. Women have been bombarded by the media to only pursue and accept this elite group of men. Kevin Samuels is only attempting to point out how unrealistic it is for EVERY woman to feel “entitled” to these rare men. Multitudes of male high caliber marriage prospects are overlooked as a result. BTW… I personally make over 6 figures annually, but I lack the charisma, and network to be considered a, “High Value Man”. However, I still see myself as High Quality because of my relationship with Christ.

    5. First, lets get rid of the “high value man” talk. What Kevin is really talking about is a bunch of amoral simps in suits with “high income.” Kevin is a simp. He rambles on about how women should carry themselves and then dates a woman who is known to have been violent and an alcoholic from Love and Hip Hop.

      Most wealthy men don’t even wear suits. When I worked in corporate America all of the suited men at the office were the middle class guys. The wealthy men were walking around in shorts and t-shirts while the men in suits were at the office making their money. Kevin himself only started making money when he got on Youtube. There is evidence on Youtube of him just paying off his child support that he owed in 2021! Yet he claims a “high value” man needs to “earn six figures” for five or more years.

      Then why was he behind on child support if he was so rich?

      That being said, most of the guys that watch him are these “PUA” and “red pill” guys from Youtube and their followers. You’re correct in stating that they do not earn six figures. Which isn’t saying much because most men in America (regardless of race) don’t earn that much. Blacks are the only people that sit listening to a homosexual man tell them they are “low value” and I am referring to the women and the men.

      Blacks are also the only people that believe they can’t have children and happy families unless someone is making “six figures.” Black people really need to turn social media off and sit down and talk with one another while following God’s commandments. Stop following every trend that comes out. Hispanics are the longest lived, healthiest people in America while making less than Caucasians and blacks. They also tend to have huge families with multiple HEALTHY children.

      The establishment knows how greedy, insecure, and materialistic both black men and women are. That’s why they put an old man on Youtube with a suit on and tell you to follow his advice. No other group of people is this gullible. Again, hispanics have huge healthy families with LOWER INCOME. They don’t have any set rules for a man to go out and earn everything while the woman sits home. Most Mexican women work just like their men but they still follow their men. The man provides but the woman helps out.

      We are the only group listening to the mainstream media and basing our lives off of what someone online says. Its ridiculous. You even have these “level up” feminists with the same rhetoric telling black women to NOT value black men and just “get them for the bag.” These same women are getting arrested for pulling scams AFTER they told you to devalue your mate for money.

      We are the laughing stock of the world.

    6. I guess you can’t do work and listen at the same time. You ever heard of audiobooks. You should try it out since doing multiple things at once is diff equations for you.

    7. Yep yep yep…I met a man that follows his teachings like a cult and I’m sorry he is fair from “The Catch”….He is bitter from his last relationship so much so to where he can’t see it stifling his new status as a newly single man. He states he doesn’t like to date but won’t take the steps or time to work on himself and the pain he properly needs to do heal for the next situation. He wanted to date me and I refuse. He tells me a woman should submit. I told him when he first came at me with that crap that a woman will only submit if the man makes her comfortable enough.

  2. Thank you Rose! Great observation. Yes, I’m not surprised at all at the response of those men. It’s really a trip! Hopefully, they get the healing they need. We really need to come together and love one another instead of continuing to hurt one another.

  3. I have started to watch him, while some of his views of woman may be harsh, there is some truth in them. But his delivery and lack of accountability for the men trumps all of that. I have one question for him, why does he feel that women are so beneath him? Is he closet homosexual? and he has had two failed marriages , I think he is condescending and disrespectful to women. Especially women of color. I would rather find a man who is chasing after God than one that is chasing after the prettiest and most trophy like woman.

    1. Great observations and yes he does provide some value, but the value he provides isn’t worth it. We can get that from somewhere else. Listening to him is like drinking poison hoping to get nutrients. No thank you lol! I honestly think something happened with him that caused him to be hurt and perverted in his understanding of a woman’s value and place. I think he needs counseling and an intervention with the Lord. No one should ever feel that putting someone else down lifts them up. I’m praying for him.

    2. Go watch his podcasts from earlier on. He talks to men is just the same manner. The difference is that men take it without having their feelings hurt unlike women who are more prone to being emotional.

      1. My friend, even if men “take it without having their feelings hurt,” it is still wrong to condescend the way he does. Besides, I’ve seen so many men who are conditioned not to admit when they’ve been hurt that they suffer their own private hell or just end up lashing out because they never got to address hurtful situations.

      2. No. Black men and women need to stop listening to every new shill that gets propped up on social media for them. Instead of watching Kevin or anyone else on social media they need to start following God’s commandments and talk to ONE ANOTHER.

        Leave all of the “high value man/high value woman” crap out of it.

    3. I agree with everything you said also Bianca. Also, look at Samuel’s stuff on Instagram. He is DEFINITELY on the low.

  4. Thank your for your well written take on Kevin Samuels- from a Godly perspective. Although there is some seemingly “wise” rhetoric in his diatribes, through my discernment I have felt what you have written to be true- you have put it eloquently into words. I decided to stop watching him when he manipulated and utilized gaslighting to misguide a lady, who was clearly hurting from her ex husbands infidelity, into accepting the infidelity and stating that the ex “respected” and “cared” enough about the lady to “keep the infidelity hidden from her”. That was the last straw. I agree with you and other commenters here, something happened to KS. Instead of healing in a healthy way, he followed the adage that “hurt people, hurt people”. His voice and ability to reach others could be an agent of Good, but unfortunately it is the opposite.

    1. Yes, you’re right. That gas-lighting is definitely dangerous. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Preach it sister! I agree with a lot of what you have written and understand the need to protect the information we consume. However, I can see a lot of bias as well but understand you are focusing on one aspect of it that justifies your viewpoint (the topic at hand) – why you think it is dangerous for women.

      I do not agree with KS’ tone and choice of words but reason with ‘some’ of the things he says – some are practical truths that modern men and women need to hear in a ‘preach me happy’ world we now live in. Unfortunately despite being a guide, the Bible does not offer practical advise on everything. For example, we know a woman should rightly leave an abusive man despite the Bible not specifying this – this is where the Holy Spirit comes to play.

      There are many things he says that are good for some women. He rightly advised a woman that left her husbad because she thought could do better to return to him after 12 years since they were both still communicating, had no partners and have children together – people do not pick some of these up. The session with the young nurse that wanted to leave her husband just because she did not like him anymore is another good one – the doctors at work were talking her happy and it ‘seemed’ she’s happy at the prospects of being devoured by the beasts as opposed to nurturing her decade young marriage. These 2 cases I could related with regarding how my ‘Christian’ ex-wife broke up our marriage of 10 years and put our children in a broken home. If she could have gotten a honest insight of what kind of life really awaits many single mothers out there – especially those that had a good thing they could nurture but believed they could do better. Her dad (a priest) gladly welcome her back home despite the fact that nothing crazy happened – no cheating, no abuse, she got involved with a guy at work and that was all forgiven… Even the most Christian people around us talk us happy nowadays because nobody wants nobody to be upset. 3 years later, the grass was not greener and she wished she had not kicked me out and moved the kids 200 miles away just because she felt like it. She and her ‘Christian’ family who encourage her rebelion and move away from her marriage now try to guilt-trip me with every scripture they can find. But it’s already too late, God healed my wound and helped me move on. I would never have left her on my own accord despite being the only one fighting for unity for the last 3 years of 10.

      The modern women need to abandon mere feelings and embrace perseverance and logic. I have seen many homes around me break just because women ‘felt like’. In more than half the cases, the women wished they knew better. These kind of women are better off hearing the honest truth no one else is telling them. He is trying to tell them this truth in his weird ways – single moms that are honest will tell you it is hard out there to get two to tango aright. It is not impossible but expectations have to be realistic and sound – not 6 figure and this physique…

      However, like I have said, a lot of what KS said is wrong and does not add up because like every human, he is yet limited by his on bias knowledge. Therefore, ‘Guard your heart above all else’ (Prov 4:23) and don’t commit it to every random thing you read or listen to online.

    3. It’s funny that persons who claim to be Christians are so unfamiliar with the Bible’s position on Polygamy, and marriage in general. The Bible patriarchs from Abraham to Moses etc were polygamous and hid was fine with it. God even offered to provide David with more wives if he so desired.
      Secondly, scripture makes it clear that the woman was made FOR man, and not the other way around. The man’s headship over the woman was compared to Christ’s headship over the church. Women were never given equal rights as men in the Bible because god never considered them to be equals. NEVER.

      1. Good morning, Bradley. Thank you for bringing up all of those scriptures. It”s important to rightly divide the Word of God as the scripture says. Yes, there were practices of pologamy in ancient Biblical culture, but just because God deals with someone within their culture doesn’t mean he condones the culture. David, was a man after God’s own heart who committed murder to sleep with another man’s wife and cover it up, but God did not condone that. However, it’s something that happened in the Bible. God’s focus in the old testament where many of the pologamy is shown was not God’s focus, but God’s focus was using those people to point toward his Son, Jesus Christ, who was to be revealed in the future. In the new testatment, God addresses polagmy saying that an elder or leader in the church should be the husband of one wife, 1 Tim 3:2. Secondly, 1 Cor 11:9 that speaks of the woman being created for the man and not the other way around was a part of Apostle Paul corrected the culture of the Corinthian church located in Corinth. Like now, Christians can very easily take on the culture of what’s going on around them instead of God’s way. Corinth had a culture of sexual worship that was connected to false gods such as Artemis and others. In this culture, men would wear a head covering as a sign they were submitted to the false God. God was saying through Paul, no. As a man, you are submitted to Christ not a false god. Just like the woman is submitted to her husband. The woman was to wear a sign or something on her head signifying that she was not available to practice sexual worship with other men to the strange gods in that culture, but she was already in a committed and sexual relationship with her husband. This is what the scriptures meant. They were an explanation and a sign of man’s submission to God and the wife’s submission to her husband. It was not to put women in bondage to be underneath the control of a man. Women have the right and command from God to practice discernment, which is good judgement in choosing an appropriate husband to submit to. It will be really hard for a woman to submit to a man, who isn’t on the same page. The Bible says: How can two walk together unless they agree (Amos 3:3.) And yes Ephesians and Genesis shares that the marriage relationship between a husband and wife is a metaphor between Christ and the church with the man representing Christ and the woman the church within the metaphor. This is why if we have questions on how the man and woman are to relate to one another we can look at Christ and the church in scripture. Christ draws his bride–the church through love and kindness–not through control, disrespect for our choice(s), or rudeness. The Bible says Christ’s bride–the church in response to God’s goodness surrenders to Christ offering herself to God as a living sacrifice. Women are willing to sacrifice their bodies transforming through child-birth, schedules and priorities shifting for the right man who is willing to love her. See Jeremiah 31:2-4 and Romans 12:1. Just like the Word of God should never have been used to put Black people into bondage and condone the American slavery system. The Bible should not be used to place women into bondage or condone women being treated poorly, disrespected, or made to feel forced into marrying men who do not meet appropriate qualifications set by that woman and God. Finally, men and women are equal in value and what we bring to the table for one another. This is why the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11 that the man is not without the woman nor is the woman w/o the man, but we both need one another. 1 Peter 1:7 says this: In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered (NLT.) A mature woman who is ready for a husband should practice discernment looking for a man who is already treating himself with love, care, and investing in himself and his personal development. Ephesians says that men should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. It goes on to say that no man yet hated himself, but looks out for himself etc. A good sign a man isn’t ready for a wife is if he doesn’t properly take care of himself. He will then not properly take care of his wife. A woman would be foolish to entrust herself to a man who isn’t willing to take care of himself unless she likewise doesn’t take care of herself. The point in this is discernment has to be had on both sides to choose wisely a partner that will provide a basis for the couple to become one operating in unison instead of division. These wars between men and women largely stem from bad choices, pride, and an unwillingness to prepare on both sides.

      2. THANK YOU BRADLEY. Somebody had to say it. You can dress up misogyny in a three piece suit and it’s still misogyny.

  5. So are men supposed to be great to women who settle for bad fathers and the step dad Is the savior?

    1. That’s totally up to the individual man. Each man has a choice in if he wants to take on that responsibility. If he says no; that should be respected. There are men out there who will say yes. One man cannot speak for all men and I think that is what many men do who follow Kevin is they discourage single moms to believe no man will want them and that’s simply untrue. Thanks for the honest comment bro!

        1. Every man like every woman is entitled to their personal preference, so that part is fine. However, no man or woman has the right to devalue another human being. Just like we value our Black men who have been through the prison system because they made mistakes in their youth before they had the maturity to discern the criminal justice system’s targeting of Black males; we value single mothers the same way. It’s honorable for a single mom to not repeat mistakes made in her past. We all need to give each other a little more grace when it comes to valuing one another. We don’t have to date outside of our preference, but we can value others outside of our preference.

          1. “so that part is fine.”

            Well it’s fine if you want ooooooodddddddlles and odels of unmarried women. KS is trying to get more women to get married.

          2. No black, Christian woman wants to marry any man earning less than her. Why the double standard against K.S? He is clearly worldly on his views but dont you take orders from a heathen government and bosses. This man though he may have a questionable past, is atleast trying to help black women who are christians, get out of feminism and get back to God’s pattern of marriage.
            This shows us that our church women are so worldly that it takes a person of the world to hold us accountable.

          3. Nobody is devaluing anybody. KS is only asking women, and men too, to REVALUE themselves and their expectations. A child from another man is considered a liability by most men. It would take a lot for almost men to wanna take on such a demanding responsibility.

          4. They live on another planet if they believe a man wants to take on another mans children. We migrate to the 3 major cities for better opportunities and I know tons of men with no kids that are straight the biggest complaint we all have is all the women have kid(s). The further south the more they have. It cost 250-300k to raise a kid to college age. I make 200k she has 3 kids and makes 68k …. Why would I date her? The math doesn’t add up at all.

      1. Trust me, that’s how majority of men think. It can also be argued that many women are also fine with KS position but it’s quite ironic that you’re trying to speak for all women even though many won’t agree with you. Do you see how your argue doesn’t hold water? Kevin speaks for majority of men and because women don’t know how men think, it’s shocking to them… even thought it is mostly true. I dare you to go ask men what they think about taking on another man’s kids, and you’d be shocked at the results. All you have to do is look at our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, the dominant males always get rid of the offspring of other males. It’s just how nature works.

      2. Ma’am Kevin Samuels is not speaking for all men, even he says that, he is speaking for MOST MEN, HE SPEAKS FOR THE MAJORITY, not the minority. Just like minority of men will accept a big woman for a wife, but statistcally MAJORITY of men desires a slender, gym wife. And you use Ciara as an example of a single mom/baby moma who was able to attract a HVM for marriage. Unfortunately ma’am! most BW women are not a celebrity and have the looks like Ciara and had they first baby by a Famous rapper. SO CEE CEE is not a good example because she has advantages and good looks that most black women single moms DON’T HAVE…Ciara can be a Victoria Secret Model and she is submissive, friendly and corropartive…she was like that even with Future.

  6. Great reply. I pressured myself to continue dating a guy i was not attracted to because Kevin Samuels said i was 37 and therefore cannot find a man that wants you. I basically had to force myself to settle for something out of fear

    Anyways that guy made me drive an hour to see him and changed his mind about meeting up when i arrived. He blew me off. Women know when they are mistreated, and should never settle for dirt even though its too late for us. So many married women tell me not to get married

    1. Great point Anonymous! I’m glad you’ve decided to continue to value yourself. That’s a basic principle God has afforded to every human being no matter their age. It’s why God listed it as one of the greatest commandments. I’m 38 years old and I am currently dating a beautiful Black male who values me for me. You keep believing you are worth it and you will attract an awesome man who feels the same way about you.

      Jesus in the below scripture places the command to love ourselves and then others as the 2nd of the greatest commandment:

      Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. – Matthew 22:36-40

    2. “Anyways that guy made me drive an hour to see him and changed his mind about meeting up when i arrived. He blew me off. ”

      So you be saying that you were unable to find a man that wants you?

      “So many married women tell me not to get married”

      For you, that may indeed be best at 37. Especially if you cannot value an avg earning man for whatever reason.

      1. Lol, so it’s just broke men that are mad at black women. This is his audience, short broke men who are upset that the athletes are getting the beautiful ones.

    3. A person tells you not to do what they are doing is always suspicious to me. Do whatever you want as long as you can live with the results.

    4. Now you can’t blame Kevin on you making bad decisions, that was on you not Kevin, women should use their wisdom and common sense when it comes to dealing with men. Kevin Never SAID THAT BECAUSE YOU ARE 37 NO MAN WILL WANT YOU…see ya’ll twists his words to try and fault in him instead of looking at yourself. KEVIN simply explains that when a womans gets older, the least she becomes top pick on the dating scene, he never said you or not cabable of getting a man at all… but you should be more humble in considering men because you would be a lesser choice than younger women. Kevin didn’t tell you to go and see a man you barely knew, or felt like something wasn’t adding up with him, that was your. Kevin do not tell women to be foolish!

      1. So kevin told you to stay with a man that wasn’t treating you right?? Let clear this up he never says stay in a abusive relationship he would tell you to seek counseling and find someone you wouldn’t mind dealing with. His whole thing is to not seek high value but go for what’s near you that you like. I don’t agree with everything he says but he leans towards becoming a better person ie why he tells people to seek counseling and heal. Hopefully you left that situation and find someone in your smp.

    5. Kevin Samuels is a black greek hence a hedonist as are many of the blacks on Youtube. That’s all they allow on Youtube nowadays. Any other channels get flagged and banned. They are there to mislead you.

  7. This article was very well written. I love the comments too! I think Mr. Samuels has some very worldly views. If you don’t “value” character and spirituality, you’re asking for trouble.

  8. Throw this whole article away. KS is telling me that they have to live in the same reality men have always lived in.

    You cannot be a 5, thinking you are a 10, just because your own friends don’t want to hurt your feelings.

  9. I get it and I know why many people are confused. He’s applying a totally different dynamic that has never been used before in Modern America and it may feel narcissistic or misogynistic but the men who agree aren’t stupid, that’s the reality. If you watched his two latest broadcasts you’ll see that there are many women who agree with him on Instagram and YouTube
    He also never said you WILL NEVER get the man you want if ur a single mother but you need to make sure the man is comfortable with you and the child, especially a childless man.
    Also I don’t think kevin devalues women, he only tells them to consider and lower your extreme standards in men especially if you really want a long term relationship.
    As for the biblical aspect, he only brings that up when a woman says she’s a avid church goer and wants a godly/religious person. Are you a virgin? Is your father/pastor vetting you for marriage? etc

    And yes not all his followers are high value but the traditional values of household still apply.

    I hope your doing well though. This was as long as my high school essay Damn 😅

  10. I read thru some of the previous comments.

    I’m a 51 year old man that has been divorced since 2018. I was married for 19 years, I got 3 boys ages 15(twins) and 13 from the marriage. I now own my own logistics business after 20 plus years at a big 4.

    My ex wife filed for divorce while i worked at the Big 4 accounting firm so my salary at the time was over 200k in 2018. My ex has not found anyone similar to me to date as a majority of black men don’t make what i made or currently make and we are in the WashDC area. She is 3 years older than me.

    Here are my KS content thoughts as a legit HVM:

    i love it.
    it’s entertaining.
    i personally will not date anyone under 40, my friends have children graduating from college so i can’t see myself with my buddies young daughter. Not my style.
    Seems like women on the show are clueless on their future prospects.
    i actually feel sorry for the single mother’s including my ex.
    i personally will not take on the responsibility of another mans children. i don’t expect whoever my ex deals with to be responsible for my boys either.

    1. I love how you’re bragging about making 200k in the DMV area in 2018 and calling yourself a “legit high value man” because of it. Like all Kevin Samuels followers, you’re full of yourself. You better go research the people in your hometown, dude, bcos most of us are unimpressed. In MD 1 out of 7 residents are LEGIT high value (millionaires). I’m a 41 year old woman, no kids, in the DMV area as well, working in STEM, have friends that are doctors and lawyers and entrepreneurs, and in my circle we all earn at least 100k more than you. At least. Guys AND girls. Sorry. But guess what. We’re not going around beating our chests calling ourselves “high value men” and “high value women” based on the money we make (or not). That attitude alone reveals how low value you really are. You’re a whole 51 year old man acting like a child thinking you’re so “high value” when no woman in her right mind would want someone like you. Someone who follows Kevin Samuels, a random misogynist on the internet that believes self-professed high value men are entitled to cheat, that black women are objectively uglier than other women, that the only biblical purpose of a woman is to serve a man, and other 19th century chauvinistic mess, is a man NO healthy woman will ever want. Have SEVERAL seats sir.

      1. Wow, what a horrible thing to say. So what if he was bragging about making $200k a year? That’s in the top 5% of earners in the country, I don’t care if there are other wealthy people that live in the area.
        You reply is quite common though. “What, you make X amount of money? Well I know someone who makes more than that”. Whoop dee do. There’s always somebody better. He didn’t once mention that he was richer than everybody else, he was simply giving a frame of reference to where he stood financially.

        So you essentially tell him he isn’t good enough, because you know some other guy or gal who makes more them him. Belittling him. Reassuring what men get all the time. You say money doesn’t matter, and then tell him how he needs to reassess his value of himself because other people make more. But the reality is he does make enough to provide quite a comfortable life. It’s mind boggling.

        To be honest, what I took from your comment is that a guy making $200k isn’t good enough for you, you need at least twice that (even though you claim value is more than money, that’s what you focused on of coarse) which probably explains why you’re 41 single with no kids.

        Strange point to make

        1. Well, I can’t stand braggarts that think more highly of themselves than they ought The 200k in DC dude needed to be cut to size a little bit. Did you not see how he was bragging about how he was somehow the prize for making 200k in the DC area? Nothing about character, values, or how he would treat a woman or be a great father? He sounded like a fool in Proverbs because like I said, he really wasn’t as impressive as he thought he was in his own head. And the truth is that you will never see a real high earner bragging about their money. That’s a sign that they don’t really have it like they claim they do. If you read my comment and caption closely, you will realize that people with real money are unimpressed with people who lead with it. This dude was the one posting about his 200k in the DC are and beating his chest about it as if it made him a prize, and I simply brought him back down to earth and informed him that many of us are impressed with men of high value, not men with mediocre money that think they’re high value.

          And you’re correct that many women would rather be single than settle for a KS supporter like him. Why do some of you think that living a single, happy, peaceful, impactful, purpose-driven, friend-filled, family-filled, toxicity-free life is a bad thing. Stop making marriage an idol. And for your information, many of the people in my circle are married, and they despise Kevin Samuels’ message, like REAL high value people tend to do.

      2. Typical spinster response that calls into KS show to argue with him. You do realize people rank and judge each other. Women do it more than men. You are beating your chest with the my circle make at least 100k more than you and we are doctors, lawyers or have STEM careers, etc. More power to you and them. I love to see black people thrive. Please introduce my ex to those guys so she can get out of my personal business.

        But guess what, I don’t care how much your 1 out of 7 make. I care more about MY ability to lead, protect and provide. That is what i’m teaching my 3 teenage black boys. I’m also teaching them to have their children after they get married not before and that marriage is about duty not love.

        And just like KS, I will salute you while the trumpet plays Taps. Good luck out there as you and your circle of single Big Shirley, I’m a PHD female friends will not settle for a man unless he is own your level.

        1. Thank God that in 2021, women no longer need to settle for men with chauvinistic mindsets that think they’re high value because they make a measly 200k in the DMV area. If you think you’re a “legit high value man” because of that then I’m here to tell you that you’re grossly misinformed and self-deceived. So…now that you know, you have two options. Either level up on your character (since more and more women are out-earning you, so they will need you to come with more than your money), or look for a weak woman that you can control and deceive about your self-proclaimed high value status because she doesn’t know any better. I pray that you choose the former and not the latter.

      3. Ma’am Black women are the least attractive which leave them the most unmarried women not just in looks but attributes, obesity, unwed children and even black women must think they are uglier than any race of women that why so many wear fake hair, wigs, heavy makeup, lashes, and long nails…so it seems like to me even black women think their ugly they ownself. And you right, being a high value man is more than just money but having money is a core attribute of a high value man. Without money he is not considered high value no matter how good of morals he has…he has to have high money and high morals. And most women prefer a man who can provide well especially if she wants children.

      4. You just did the same thing he did. Mention a bunch of materialistic nonsense in order to argue against his nonsense. You don’t even realize how much you and him are alike which is why you can’t stand one another.

    2. Look at the other side of that… Your ex may have a chance because the children came from marriage and have active parents that take care of them. The young lady three kids and two-three different fathers… I’m supposed to take my 200k a year and welcome all of that… I’m the prize. But Noooo I’ll find a women with no kids and less baggage. She has to live with the choices she made.

    3. As a 40+ year old married woman.. I agree with your take. KS is giving people who’s cars broke down on the side of a highway a tricycle. They are happy they no longer have to walk, but chances are they will have a horrible time on the highway. The HVM men I know, my husband included, learned to have substantive skills to maintain a relationship. He thought my mind and intellect was also an important part of making his life better. And our collective life together. Anyone who Sees this, Find a partner who is honest, kind, willing to grow and learn, patient, able to set boundaries, and loving.. then BE those things to the other person and it will be fine. HVM and women don’t .. 1. Rate people by numbers 2. Talk body counts and sexual history with strangers 3. Abdicate responsibility to one gender 4. Fall for high pressure sale tactics. And that’s what this self described sales man is offering. A high pressured sale. “Hurry ladies pick a man hurry hurry before your body goes and nobody will want you…” Men tried that on me in my twenties… decades and several dress sizes ago. What they were trying to do was rush me into a bad sale. “Quick mam this car is only available for a limited time. Better act now “ also his definition of HVM 10,000$ a month? That’s such a small amount of money to get what? A man who can’t promise not to cheat.. a man who you have to put ALL your hopes and dreams and actions into in the hopes he will stay. Any attempt to edify yourself or your community outside of the home is selfish… ladies you have to give up alll that…. For 10,000$ a month!?!? I think you all have it in you to grow and do better. You don’t need KS for that. – old married woman…

  11. Great opinion piece. Two years ago he was focusing on men. Are you going to write an opinion piece on how harsh he was to them? Can’t wait to read it.

    1. Hi, Donte

      I’ve heard he’s been really hard on men regarding their income, weight, and penis size. However, this is why it’s so important to have personal value for ourselves. There is someone out there for everyone no matter the income bracket, weight, or penis size. The important thing is to take care of ourselves and to be healthy. Then we will attract someone who values us like we value ourselves. I don’t think I follow him enough to write a piece on how he has been downing the brothers. I’ve heard most of the info from him in Clubhouse rooms and others who have covered him with soundbytes on Youtube. I personally don’t follow him as his messages are off-putting. Be encouraged brotha!

      1. I thought you had followed him well enough to right such, warning alert against him. Dont you think that is deception as a Christian? Or you are just another runaway like him?
        If what i hear women bring up on his show is true and how he is helping men be leaders is true, then i think your article is untimely as a christian. I think you need to learn more about him to warn people or to hold people accountable.✌️

      2. @Russelynwilliams

        Hmm, so this valiant effort for the “sistahood” is based on Clubhouse room hearsay and sentiments/rants from like-minded and embittered individuals? What is this? Misguided girl-power hour? “Off-putting messages” that wound a fragile ego are no excuse for a “Christian” sermon based on rumor. Not sincere. Not mature.

        I’ve just been listening to one of his interviews on the “No Jumper” YouTube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tURjmEohO7I . At 08:40, Kevin states “Here is the thing, it’s not just harsh or direct for mean’s sake. I reflect what I get from people. So, people who watch my show recognize that I just mirror back […] talking to somebody who may come in as an advocate, next thing you know she’s in tears going back to her husband”

        Indeed, he does speak frankly. He doesn’t entertain insolence or a misplaced sense of female-entitlement. So the feminist or modern female who is accustomed to using contemptuous/disparaging language towards men, whose choice of words when taking about men are outright distasteful, will naturally get “put off” when she finally has to swallow her own drivel. It bruises Karen’s inflated sense of self-worth, and it shatters her delusions w.r.t her looks and value of her vagina.

        But then again, yes, there (probably) exists someone for everyone regardless of age, looks, or vagina mileage and elasticity.

        Keep it tight sista!

        1. Thanks for reading my blog Andry. It’s absolutely fine that you do not agree with my article or the fact that I heard about Kevin Samuels from Clubhouse and researched it from his own mouth before I wrote the article. I just appreciate you taking the time to read the article. God bless you!

  12. Wait you didn’t do your own research on him before writing this article? Like you can’t take a day or two of sound bytes without viewing not just his pod cast but the others he has been on. He makes an argument about women who are quick to make opinions and not take in the full clip or clips. He is only doing to women what women have been doing to men. Is what he is doing right, no in the sense of politeness; but that means perhaps women’s demands might need the same scrutiny and or review. I don’t agree with everything he says but pieces like this only prove his point about some of our women not listening to us when we voice concerns. And lay off the scriptures I don’t see women rushing to 1st Timothy 2:12 or other scriptures that don’t fit there narrative. This article shows you really only look at the stuff you didn’t like but refuse to address the points made in the articles with receipts.

    1. I appreciate your opinion, but this is a Christian blog so I have to use scriptures to back up what I say. I respect your opinion and I’m sure he does offer things of value. I don’t necessarily disagree with everything he teaches, but what I do disagree with has been addressed in the article. 1 Tim 2:12 is unfortunately misunderstood by North America as it was written to a different culture in a different context than what many American believers are familiar. There were specific issues in the church of Ephesus where Apostle Paul’s mentee, Timothy was building a church. There was a stronghold in the city where many worshipped the god Artemis who had female priests who believed in and followed the god Artemis who appealed to women because the god promised safety in child-birth and other things that appealed to women. In order to avoid these women from infiltrating the Christian church in Ephesus as they had been doing causing confusion, Paul wrote an answer to Timothy when he shared about the specific problems going on at that church and Paul’s answer was to not allow women to teach or usurp authority of men. This would avoid the confusion that the Artemis followers were causing. This is not an overall rule for churches across the world and was specific to the situation in Ephesus. Even the book of Acts 19:23-41 shares about a riot that occured in Ephesus due to the followers of Artemis. Further, for the same reason Paul shares that women will be safe in childbearing (1 Tim 2:15) because there was pressure and fear taught to women by Artemis followers that if they did not follow the Artemis god/religious practices they would experience unsafe child-birth. We have to be very careful as believers to rightly divide the word of God because when we do not we place others into bondage and that is not the purpose of Christianity nor the Bible.

      1. Hi,

        I appreciate your very balanced response! I am sorry for what you went through with your ex-wife. I’m glad you found healing.

  13. You’re the reason Kevin Samuels has an audience. He’s giving women sage advice and you’re giving advice based on a book written 2000 years ago.

  14. 1 Timothy 4:1-3

    1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

    3 Forbidding to marry,

    *It’s sad to see fornication, adultery, materialism/idoltary being taught instead of being respectful towards others, and faithful to a spouse.

  15. Every one of these points is easily debunked.
    1. Women clearly overvalue themselves.
    2. You don’t want grace for single moms. You want him to say that single moms are entitled to hardworking men with no kids. Make that make sense.
    3. He tells men to make their money because it works. Are you seriously trying to tell us that women don’t go after men with money? They’ll choose someone with money and no integrity over the opposite EVERY day of the week.
    4. He puts the pressure on women because WOMEN are the ones leaving marriages. If your team kept losing because one of your players kept failing, then you need to talk to the player that keeps failing.
    5. No he doesnt. This one is just all emotion. He tells women to choose better. And if you ask me he SHOULD take their right to choose away. It’s painfully obvious that women choose wrong when given freedom. Next time you decide to have kids, make sure the babydaddy don’t got tattoos on his face and a prison record. It’s not that hard.

    Kevin Samuels says marry before you carry. So does god. Also god says a lot of other things that include women being quiet. You should be careful when trying to turn this into a Christian thing cause it’ll make alot of your points invalid.

  16. Preach it, sister! I agree with a lot of what you have written and understand the need to protect the information we consume. However, I can see a lot of bias as well but understand you are focusing on one aspect of it that justifies your viewpoint (the topic at hand) – why you think it is dangerous for women.

    I do not agree with KS’ tone and choice of words but reason with some of the things he says – some are practical truths that modern men and women need to hear in a ‘preach me happy’ world we now live in. Unfortunately despite being a guide, the Bible does not offer practical advice on everything. For example, we know a woman should rightly leave an abusive man despite the Bible not specifying this – this is where the Holy Spirit comes to play.

    There are many things he says that are good for some women. He rightly advised a woman that left her husband because she thought could do better to return to him after 12 years since they were both still communicating, had no partners and have children together – people do not pick some of these up. The session with the young nurse that wanted to leave her husband just because she did not like him anymore is another good one – the doctors at work were talking her happy and it ‘seemed’ she’s happy at the prospects of being devoured by the beasts as opposed to nurturing her decade young marriage. These 2 cases I could relate with regarding how my ‘Christian’ ex-wife broke up our marriage of 10 years and put our children in a broken home. If she could have gotten an honest insight into what kind of life really awaits many single mothers out there – especially those that had a good thing they could nurture but believed they could do better. Her dad (a priest) gladly welcome her back home despite the fact that nothing crazy happened – no cheating, no abuse, she got involved with a guy at work and that was all forgiven… Even the most Christian people around us talk to us happy nowadays because nobody wants nobody to be upset. 3 years later, the grass was not greener and she wished she had not kicked me out and moved the kids 200 miles away just because she felt like it. She and her ‘Christian’ family who encourage her rebellion and move away from her marriage now try to guilt-trip me with every scripture they can find. But it’s already too late, God healed my wound and helped me move on. I would never have left her on my own accord despite being the only one fighting for unity for the last 3 years of 10.

    Modern women need to abandon mere feelings and embrace perseverance and logic. I have seen many homes around me break just because women felt like it. In more than half the cases, the women wished they knew better. These kind of women are better off hearing the honest truth no one else is telling them. He is trying to tell them this truth in his weird ways – single moms that are honest will tell you it is hard out there to get two to tango aright. It is not impossible but expectations have to be realistic and sound – not 6 figure and this physique…

    However, a lot of what KS said is wrong and do not add up because like every human, he is yet limited by his on bias knowledge. Therefore, ‘Guard your heart above all else’ (Prov 4:23) and don’t commit it to every random thing you read or listen to online.

  17. An upset woman speaking to upset women. You are the reason Kevin Samuels is needed. The stance in this article, and some of the comments, is based off of emotions and opinion. KS is saying what men are feeling and the author decides to pick and choose from the bible what proves her point. I search for articles that go against KS because I want to see both sides of the coin. I just find articles like this that just prove that KS is hitting the nail on the head. You got me to read the article and you got another click so good on you. I hope women do not listen to you purely because you throw a couple bible verses in the mix. I am one of the black men that was ignore by black women at my HBCU because I “talked too white” or I wasn’t “hood” enough. I am now enudated by black women looking for a step father, or what they would say, a “king for their queen”. No thanks.

  18. An upset woman speaking to upset women. You are the reason Kevin Samuels is needed. The stance in this article, and some of the comments, is based off of emotions and opinion. KS is saying what men are feeling and the author decides to pick and choose from the bible what proves her point. I search for articles that go against KS because I want to see both sides of the coin. I just find articles like this that just prove that KS is hitting the nail on the head. You got me to read the article and you got another click so good on you. I hope women do not listen to you purely because you throw a couple bible verses in the mix. I am one of the black men that was ignore by black women at my HBCU because I “talked too white” or I wasn’t “hood” enough. I am now inundated by black women looking for a step father, or what they would say, a “king for their queen”. No thanks.

    1. i agree….why should i pour my resources into children that are not mine..it’s a bad deal and no man should take a bad deal…

  19. So you Men are going to act like you don’t have children out of wed lock and that you don’t have to sign birth certificates so the numbers of fathers compared to mothers are inaccurate…men can run from responsibilities after fertilizing a egg and society wants to blame women…stop the RAPE culture all of this ignorance trying to brain wash society into accepting men can’t control themselves sexually and that sex only happens if the woman wants it is dangerous to women…stop excusing men from their sexual actions blaming women because they fertilized a egg and abandoned his child…funny how KS y’alls leader is a product of the exact scenario but he is preaching to abort or look down on the next child growing up in those exact circumstances…he is basically saying he was a burden to his mother growing up and because she had him his mother was undeserving of love lol its sick that he hates himself this much and you Men follow him the product of a single mother home in hopes to learn to become a better man lol he learned from a woman sir lol I’m confused for you Men at this point

  20. This is a very biased and deflective article. KS has been crystal clear on what he’s trying to achieve on his platform and that’s making marriage a priority and not invest in another man’s legacy and a woman’s poor choices.

    I see that you love those comfortable lies instead of uncomfortable truths. And he comes with statistics and he shares that information to teach the masses. Stating that you don’t like his delivery is childish and I thought grown folks are supposed to have grown folks conversations.

  21. If this is what men think and feel then they can all have each other and leave us women the hell alone !!!! Too much responsibility !!! Keep your high value money and your high value time to yourself. No real woman is gonna sit around and entertain this BS !!!! I dont feel im better then any Man. Respect goes both ways and to be honest who wants to marry A man who thinks like KS ???? Dont worry i will wait !!! Btw im engaged to A man who enjoys watching KS but i still have an opinion on how i feel about his views and we tend to agree and also disagree with some of the things he says. Moreover this will never control the amount of love we share with each other and our family. God Bless. And keep your dam money !!!!

    1. @The thinking woman

      Not that it matters much to mankind’s existence (given the immature and confused nature of your ramblings), but here is a response to your brat-like dare: “[…]to be honest, who wants to marry a man to thinks like KS???? Don’t worry I will wait!!!”.

      Well, wait no further. I have appended something even better: an open-testimony from Danielle Cox. This is a woman who not only has had her marriage and femininity improved by the KS channel, but also is actively taking the initiative to educate her misguided little sister from falling for the feminist lie and misery it produces:




      Definitely after watching Kevin’s channel it made me see my husband and how I treat him in a completely different way. He has literally improved my marriage just to change my mindset of one from entitled and selfish, to grateful and cooperative […] I’m 33 now. I started noticing that I was “unhappy” five years ago because I was immersed in feminist propaganda […] After that episode I saw my husband for what he was, I saw myself for what I had become and I began a journey of “repentance” I suppose. I started returning to my Christian faith I had as a child and began to devote myself to my husband and my home life, I stopped watching feminist influencers and media and along the way I found Kevin Samuels channel. I found him very informative and helpful to give clear language to what I had experienced and to what I was trying to reconcile. Mr. samuels helped me recall that there is dignity, purpose and beauty in a wife devoted to helping her husband meet the challenges he takes on by providing peace and a true home. I haven’t been this happy and content since I was first married. I am also trying to help my younger sister in her own battle with the feminist mindset that fights for control over women who do desire a simple life as a wife and mother but feel as if they will be judged by other women. I do hope women can begin to face themselves in the mirror and do what’s best for the sake of their futures.

    2. @The thinking woman

      “If this is what men think and feel then they can all have each other and leave us women the hell alone!!!!”. Hello! This spectacularly proves Kevin’s SIGN (Shame, Insult, Guilt, and the Need-to-be-right) language mantra! A concept that he repeatedly mentions in many of his video/sessions. SIGN is the emotional and unintelligent response that is so characteristic of today’s narcissistic female … especially the ones with conceited self-titles.

      Men have as much right to their own point of view as you do. If you don’t like, feel free to disagree. But you are not indispensable and men don’t owe you a thing. So the idea that “men can have each other” if you don’t like their perspective is as immaterial as the rainy seasons on Mars. You can come or go — life goes on. Don’t flatter yourself.

    3. With that kind of attitude there is no way a man watching KS is engaged to you unless he is a weak BETA, you more likely single just like the woman who wrote this article

  22. Kevin Samuels is right, most Men are tired of taking drama from our Black Women.
    He does say, if you have a child then why did not not stay with that male. He is trying to show both side of Black America that they need work. The truth hurts and Most Black women can’t take the truth. Most Black women really don’t know their value. No Black men nor Women should not settle for less, But because of the Choices you have made and if you don’t do the work How can you expect to move up.

  23. That is not what KS message, forum, or channel is about. I suggest you watch or lsten to a podcast in it’s entirety instead of select sound bytes and clips. This is one sided bias. The man uses his platform to educate women on a man’s point of view and thinking. With hopeful outcome of leading more black couples to marriage. Submission and discretion are purely up to couples to set the parameters of their union.

  24. “While we live in this world we are not to live as those of the world’s system” … and that KS will “lead astray”? Please, spare me the Pharisaical moral tutelage. Just glancing at the choice of “Christian-inspired” female imagery for this post (and other themes throughout the blog) leaves me depressed.

    Indeed, while a bunch of 30/40 year old females in crotch-and-buttocks hugging jeans or leggings (or mini-skirts, etc) is the standard today, it remains as worldly as it is a far cry from the genuine Christian virtues of modesty and decency. It certainly isn’t “offering your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God [Romans 12:1]”. Even a 7 year old can see that.

    In fact, one of Kevin’s talking points is that female self-righteousness does not get to decide (for men) what is or isn’t acceptable/moral (or Christian). Ultimately, it goes both ways: You have the right to your own perspective — including your-dress-your-choice and self-interpretation of “Christian” scripture. But likewise, others too reserve the right to their own (Christian) values; Those men have the right to mind their own business and have nothing to do with you (and your trappings of unity).

    BTW, there goes my nephew as he scribbles something on the dirt … John 8:6-7

  25. The reality is this ladies, he is actually stating what the majority of black men think, you all may disagree but this is the conversations that men have amongst each other. I would encourage all of you to look at the statistics, black men are getting married more than black women that should be the one defining alarm for all the women on this blog. Also if someone says its because we are loyal to black men I would counter with and you all are leading in requesting a divorce and other ethnic groups are not breaking down the door to marry you. Lets be realistic, feminism, wanting to have all the perks men have and none of the problems were the catalyst for the downfall of the black woman.

    1. I am a firm believer in people knowing themselves and marrying someone who compliments who they are. A Black woman who thinks differently plain and simply should not entertain Black men who think like that. Contrary to what some share. Every Black woman doesn’t want what is considered a high value man. Everyone has their own definition of what is high value to them and for women who rightly divide the Word of God and follow the Holy Spirit–this isn’t it.

  26. Your problem is, like a lot of delusional women today, you thought by writing down a brunch of convoluted disingenuous points and then throw “Christianity” in the mix that would somehow make your argument sound logical… Well it don’t. Let me simply put it this way, if all of the disgruntle women would just reflect on what he’s saying instead of listening to be combative your might learn he’s trying to help you.

  27. How dare you bring GOD into a conversation about dating. Why is okay for women to have those standards and not men? This sounds like you tried hard to disprove something but it actually proves all of his points. Where the accountability..

    1. Type of men black women chooses.
      On surface- good looking, show off his money, media popular, drives a challenger, group of friends
      Underneath- cheater, abusive, manipulative, lazy, criminal history.

      Then say blanks aint this but in plural. All blanks aint that. All men dont act like that bc these men get overlooked.

      Type of man who actually can give you what you desire since money not the thing when thats a lie

      on surface- Worker at Krogers, College restruants, volunteer, yardworker etc. Drives a volks wagen
      underneath- home owner, land owner, no kids, family man, well love by community, provides, secure, teaches

      yall dont chase these men who values and moral are far better than the others that are in the surrounded city.

      This may vary with region but
      A person that flexes never had anything and they dont value people if a brand not on them, isnt that woman like

      A person of wisdom lacks the need of outside opinions, he typically stays a lone and lead by example. He looks at woman abd says nothing bc he’s showing you character and respect. Bc he already know his role as of image
      She’s the star of the room and he’s the man in the calling shots.. simplified im the leader, the boss.. she’s the brand, the name, logo.

      In a work place or team wise the name, logo, brand(women) gets credit or criticize 1st before the owner or founder. Until hes brought up.. simplified We men and women are only as good as the other as a whole
      A woman is only good as the man she showers
      A man is only good as the woman who holds him

  28. **ALERT **Christian perspective- scroll down if you feel some kind of way!!
    Ms. Williams-you wrote a powerful article evidenced by the passionate responses pro and con. You are the voice for many women and men who wish to use positive, Christian, ideals to guide them where God leads-you say that from the start, so no apologies necessary.
    Men and women have been at war for decades now, and this division has damaged us, we are the casualties. For men to point the finger at women and women at men and say “It’s your fault” is the battle cry of the immature and unaacountable. Examine where YOU are, and what actions have caused your predicament. Men have abandoned their role as leaders and women have abandoned men to become leaders and control freaks. In the Black community we know that the historical oppression and suppression of our race is rooted in the demise of the family structure which has had lasting effects. Black men were purposely taken out of the role of leader by the slaveholders and one might argue that the DNA for how to be a man was altered. Black women were the mistresses and mothers and nurturers of early American society, so are DNA is wired for survival. Our perverse understanding of the enemy in a intimate setting, our bodies, the source of comfort, sexual satisfaction and even nurture as white babies suckled from our breast. Arguably, every decendant of colonial America is connected to Black women and the roots of that connection has spiritual consequences. To be used in such a way, to be abandoned, to be torn from her black man to warm the bed of her white slaveholder was the slowest of spiritual deaths and women by nature and especially black women became master survivalist. No pun intended. We figured out a way to get what we need by using the slave system and then strategized how to get what we want, just so we can find a way to exist!
    Over the decades, we became warriors, and warriors can become brutal and unforgiving. We hurt black men, because they would not or could not be what we thought a man should be- the one in control- the HERO. We were never rescued by our men. We see white women rescued all the time, their men fight battles for them, wars are fought in her honor but we were never rescued by our men from those slaveholders, (Except in “Django”-our catharsis-WE LOVED THAT MOVIE!!) So we had to save ourselves. Perhaps black men resented her for sleeping with the enemy whether willing or forced it was seen as betrayal. Men are men and no man want his woman fooled with. Fastforward to the present and black women have used the system (education-welfare-corporate) to get what she needs and wants, and when she couldn’t get the love and protection from her man she out grew him in search for the Unicorn we will call the “High Value Man” That’s what money provides to a degree-it just doesn’t last. The true HVM and HVW is someone who places their trust in God-period. We are in need of forgiveness from each other. God forgives us-can we forgive ourselves? The professional image consultant (stylist) and former chemical engineer has done a deft job at pointing out this transgression. The chemist has created some serious Alchemy and uses a little truth to cover a mass of lies. Clever. He saves a marriage or two and the gullable would negate the incredible damage he is doing to men and women by keeping us at war. He is focused in what looks good and pleasing to the eye, and has disdain for what does not. A true epicurean.
    Here is the leader of “MOST” men- Superlatives are subjective and often unfounded, used to coerce and manipulate. “Many” is a better adjective in this case. I would invite the stylist to go deeper into the WHY and not just critique the surface. In going into the social and historical layers of the dysfunctional relationships of black men and women, we will be able to see that the “devil is in the details” and accept that men and women are both victims. He appears to be a conduit of that devisive spirit and therefore deserving of our prayers.Prayers and TIme will tell the truth. The great news is that with God’s grace we are empowered like never before to save each other. Take down these wall of hurtful words so we can finally LEARN how to LOVE each other. This is our test black people. To forgive and to love without fear. Amen.

  29. I just started listening to kevin samuel today, and i like him, i am a man that is now 64 years old. i divoreced my second wife over 30 years ago. and that was the best thing i could have done. i haven’t dated since i been divorced, and these have been some of the best years of my life. no i’m not a democrat (which me i’m not a homosexual). peace and quiet at home, no argument waiting for me when i get home, not worrying about what have i done wrong today. i have 2 grown daughter and 1 grown son, age from 30 to 45 years old. 5 grand kids. and he is right, woman live your life the way the feminist want you to. and miss out on the happiness that a deep loving relationship BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN can bring when they work as one.

  30. Kevin Samuels is actually helping to restore the black family. You wrote this whole 10 page essay based on your own person opinion. You probably aren’t married. You probably benefit from black women being single and bitter like most “feminists” do. Happy, married black women quite enjoy his content. They understand he’s speaking truthfully about the state of the black family unit. Stop drinking the Kool aid of western society and realize women need men. LOL. Go throughout life thinking men and women are the same and watch how miserable your life will continue to be. KS pointing out that men created the world that you live in IS not chauvinistic it’s a statistical fact. And here’s another powerful truth: We build For You! We build so you don’t have to and all we ask is for respect and cooperation And that’s asking too much! The nerve! Well, good thing is this pandemic is exposing the modern liberal feminists and her sympathizers. Good luck but don’t call rela men for help since we’re useless. We’ll just be content with our gorgeous, fit, feminine, cooperative ladies at home …

    1. Nothing was mentioned in the article about feminism or men not being needed. It appears you are responding to a completely different article. I do not put men down or any group of people on my blog. I only build up.

  31. And… African Americans occupy 3 major cities in vast numbers. One thing remains consistent… 56% of the men are single straight no kids. The women 78% have kids and are not in the best of health. The accuse the make is that there is no good men or they are gay…. no sis, we avoid women with those attributes like COVID-19. We don’t have to settle for that nor will we… You had a child out of wedlock and expected a man who has built his wealth and is well established to take you and your Children(s) and unhealthy lifestyle. Noooooo it’s not going to happen. So listen to the person that wrote this article if you want. If your child was raised to be asset to another man then it won’t ever happen for you.

    1. Victor, it’s fine if you don’t want to marry a single mother with children. There are still men out there who will. Your opinion is your right for yourself not for all men. I’ve heard men who are single with no children say they’d marry a single mom. We also see this evidenced with some of our celebrities as well such as Ciara and others. There was a brother I had a crush on from my church and he also chose the woman with two children over me. Research also shows that people from similar backgrounds do well together in marriage. Thus, men with children often end up with women with children. There is someone out there for everyone. Perhaps you should just look for a woman who matches your values with no children. Many of my friends who were single moms have gotten married and are still married. They married men who were also single fathers. There is still hope for single moms to marry. They are not bound to live life alone because they had a child out of wedlock in the past. The majority of my friends are like myself however single with no children. Men who did it right are not alone, but when they speak so vehemently against a woman due to a poor decision in her past it appears as though that man has no grace and will be a hard ass on everyone in his life. People are out here trying to live. They just want a safe place to be. Often they will not even deal with a person who is so hard on everyone. Thank God you waited and did things the right way. God has someone out there for you. Try not to focus so much on the fact that you are seeing so many single moms who aren’t what you’re looking for. Try encouraging those single moms to be the best they can be now and just show love to them. That negative energy toward them will continue to attract more of what you aren’t looking for because that is what you’re focusing on. Also, money is not the ultimate qualifier for a marriageable man. The character and evident values of a man are what ultimately make him attractive. Making more money than the norm is a bonus. I would marry a man who made less than 50k if he had the character, values, attraction and work ethic needed to have a bright future.

  32. Ma’am you wrote this article using Christanity but most of the single black women in the church are unattractive or have unattractive attributes, which leaves most black christian women single, with the obesity rate, out of wed lock children, the average or below average looks that causes them to feel the need to wear wigs, weaves, heavy makeup, in debt/bad credit, really can’t cook or clean, and have bad entitled attitudes…yet they don’t want average joe men who are more on their level but praying to God for a BOAZ that will never happen. They are not desireable enough for that type of man, so I understand why God uses those women so much in ministry because they are undesirable for marriage to the man they really want so they have more time to devote to God and black women have it bad with Keeping themselves before marriage when their bodies and wombs have already been used before marriage. They gapped their legs open on the 3rd date for the no good men or gotten pregnant, then all of a sudden want to act like a virgin for the right one, that is what Kevin Samuels is talking about, to most men that does not sound logical…I’m a woman and saying women did it to themselves…when you decided to have sex/get pregnant before marriage then want good men to treat you like a virgin…only a man who is not very attractive to most women will accept that but most women don’t want that kind of man.Ciara and Meghan Good are not good examples to use because those women are CELEBRITIES…so they have an avantage that most black women/women don’t. ALSO, Ciara and Meghan Goods looks rank MUCH higher than most black women. This article is completely off emotions and not logistics. The church teaches women that with holding sex will allow God to send them a husband, which is giving false hopes in place of the real reason why most black church women are having it difficult with attracting a desirable husband. Some churches preach that women don’t need a man, only God, though there is nothing wrong with relying on God but the TRUTH IS WOMEN NEED A MAN, ESPECIALLY IF SHE DOES NOT MAKE ALOT OF MONEY. AND MOST WOMEN DESIRES ONE, especially church women…The problem is most BW have attributes that a BOAZ don’t want to marry but thats the type of man they want. No! money is not everything to be a high value man but it is a attribute to be one and BOAZ may have been a christian but he still is a man, men are visual and logical. Ruth was a nice looking woman that was fit, feminine, friendly submissive and corrporative, with a good heart, with no children, no entitled, no wigs, no weaves, no lashes, no nails and she was not in debt with bad credit…that’s how she was able to ATTRACT her BOAZ.

      1. I do not like Kevin’s tone but with all due respect to the writer, you did not do your research. Women call in & say they want a 6 figure man. They bring the shallow materialism. Kevin also brings in the shallow equivalent -Looks. So that point on Kevin & materialsm- the women bring that up, so because women choose men based on finances makes a HVM financial because the women say it. It’s not Kevin who says it. Research!

        Also only a minority of callers say they are celibate, & they say because of trauma not values. He tells them to go to therapy, not to open legs. Again Research!

        Then Kevin does not take away the right of women to choose. He tells them if they want a 6 figure man, they should be the attractive one because 6 figures come after a long career. & Not many career oriented men have 6 packs. He tells them the reality. Makes them realise that with what they got they cannot get the 10% men because there are only a few million of them & hundred of million of women who want them. He just paints the reality God created.-Research

        And Kevin’s isn’t against single mothers. He just tells them not many men want to take care of another man’s child. Especially multiple ones, splitting his 100k to give his child 25k because he has to give to the woman’s children. He even asks them if they want their sons to marry single mothers & they say NO! Plus Kevin asks why they didn’t marry their children’s fathers and they say because they’re not good enough. He just tells them no man wants ex convicts & dope slingers swingin by his house to see kids… especially a 6 figure man having these gangstars at his mansion. & Hypothetically I’m sure you wouldn’t want your son to do this too. & It’s unchristian to have children out of wedlock.
        Again Research!

        And also Kevin tells these women to lose weight because they are overweight & it’s affecting their attractiveness. – Research

        Again Kevin doesn’t put women to be the sole marriage maintainers but in the case the callers want. They are the ones who need to fix things not just divorce because they think they can do better.

        I do not condone Kevin’s methods & his views on male adultery but he isn’t the monster you’re painting him to be.
        Kevin just tells women who aren’t having much luck that they’ll have to lower their overly high standards or die alone. Because there aren’t many 6 figure men to marry all these 100 000 ladies. Especially those who have aged & are single mothers who do not want more children. But they demand a single childless man.

        As someone who decided to write an article on Kevin, Especially when you gathered all these scripture verses… You could have made a better article with proper research than using grapevine info…I mean the guy is on YouTube.

  33. @Russelynwilliams Ma’am just because this is a christian article does not mean you have to use scriptures some things is just Facts and reality…is there a Bible scripture that shows that Black women are the Least desireable for marriage?, mainely because of obesity, unwed children? AND entitled bad attitudes? No! there is not. Everything is not “Thus said the Lord”..alot of stuff you arguing about is not relevent to natural facts. Women want to use Bible scriptures after they have had children out of wedlock children and or have slept with several men already. Women who are not highly desired for marriage will more likely just be a sex object for most men anyway, in other words men will have sex with them, men may even get into fake relationships with them but will not marry them, unless he is a man that don’t have many options in women…and most women don’t want a man that is not attractive to other women, in his looks and or money. Instead of using Bible scriptures, it will be better to tell women who are not highly attractive/desired for marriage that sleeping with a man will only hurt them more because likely they will only get used for sex which can cause emotional damage. And thats because alot of times women especially black women want a man who are out of their league anyway…so those men will typically just have sex with them, nothing else. You can’t wait until you have gotten fat, or had children unwed or got into debt/bad credit or got a lot of fake hair, fake etc, etc, talking about NOW you want a good quality, well financial man, most women wants a good provder…lol. ..Whatever man a woman wants, she has to be able to attract him to want her seriously. So having sex won’t get a man to want her /not having sex won’t get a man to want her…if a man/men don’t find favor to take a woman seriously for a wife, either way doesn’t matter. So instead of using Bible scriptures to cover up the real problem…just tell the DOWN RIGHT HARSH TRUTH which is, Women who are not highly favorable for marriage need to not have sex so they will less likely get strong emotionally attached to a man who doesn’t want them as a wife. Sex is really not the REAL issue, the lack of desire of a woman to that man is where the REAL issues lies. WOMEN WHO LACK DESIRABILITY FOR MARRIAGE TEND TO BE THE WOMEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN AND STILL CAN NOT GET A HUSBAND. The rapper Future, who WE ALL KNOW IS FOR THE STREETS, EVEN HE WANTED TO MARRY CIARA, HE PROPOSED TO HER WITH A RING,SHORTLY AFTER DATING and we all know they had premarital sex that lets US know Ciara is a highly favored woman of men. EVEN IF FUTURE SLEPT WITH CIARA ON THE FIRST DATE, AND SHE PROBABLY VERY WELL COULD HAVE DONE SO, HE STILL MORE LIKELY WOULD HAVE WANTED HER , EVEN bow wow still brags on having her, BECAUSE SHE IS HIGHLY DESIRABLE. thats why I SAY CIARA IS NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE TO USE BECAUSE SHE HAS DESIRABLE attributes and FAVOR most BW don’t have…THAT’S HARSH COLD TRUTH. So when it comes to sex, sometimes its not about what you do, but its about who you do it with. Women need to be more realistic of themselves to what type of man will actually marry them…especially if she is not what most men will pick to wife, and so she shouldn’t over rate herself of a man. I can recall one woman calling in to Kevin’s show who claimed she is a single virgin, she was unhappy about not being able to get a mate she really wants, later she revealed she is overweight, …and statistically most men, especially men with better options will not marry a overweight woman. Even if a woman is a slender virgin but she’s very argumentive, men will find that unattractive….lol, but if she’s physically beautiful enough some men even with options will still deal with it or even marry her…lol…HARSH TRUTH! Being a virgin doesn’t mean a woman is favorable for marriage. A woman can still become bitter and cold, and depressed even in being a virgin or with holding sex, IF she is not desired/ favorably chosen by the type of man she wants. And WOMEN who are chosen for marriage by a man they want , she too can become cold and bitter if that man mistreats her bad enough. Thats why i say the sex part is not the issue, its the lack of desirability of a woman and/or her bad choices in men.

  34. I do not like Kevin’s tone but with all due respect to the writer, you did not do your research. Women call in & say they want a 6 figure man. They bring the shallow materialism. Kevin also brings in the shallow equivalent -Looks. So that point on Kevin & materialsm- the women bring that up, so because women choose men based on finances makes a HVM financial because the women say it. It’s not Kevin who says it. Research!

    Also only a minority of callers say they are celibate, & they say because of trauma not values. He tells them to go to therapy, not to open legs. Again Research!

    Then Kevin does not take away the right of women to choose. He tells them if they want a 6 figure man, they should be the attractive one because 6 figures come after a long career. & Not many career oriented men have 6 packs. He tells them the reality. Makes them realise that with what they got they cannot get the 10% men because there are only a few million of them & hundred of million of women who want them. He just paints the reality God created.-Research

    And Kevin’s isn’t against single mothers. He just tells them not many men want to take care of another man’s child. Especially multiple ones, splitting his 100k to give his child 25k because he has to give to the woman’s children. He even asks them if they want their sons to marry single mothers & they say NO! Plus Kevin asks why they didn’t marry their children’s fathers and they say because they’re not good enough. He just tells them no man wants ex convicts & dope slingers swingin by his house to see kids… especially a 6 figure man having these gangstars at his mansion. & Hypothetically I’m sure you wouldn’t want your son to do this too. & It’s unchristian to have children out of wedlock.
    Again Research!

    And also Kevin tells these women to lose weight because they are overweight & it’s affecting their attractiveness. – Research

    Again Kevin doesn’t put women to be the sole marriage maintainers but in the case the callers want. They are the ones who need to fix things not just divorce because they think they can do better.

    I do not condone Kevin’s methods & his views on male adultery but he isn’t the monster you’re painting him to be.
    Kevin just tells women who aren’t having much luck that they’ll have to lower their overly high standards or die alone. Because there aren’t many 6 figure men to marry all these 100 000 ladies. Especially those who have aged & are single mothers who do not want more children. But they demand a single childless man.

    As someone who decided to write an article on Kevin, Especially when you gathered all these scripture verses… You could have made a better article with proper research than using grapevine info…I mean the guy is on YouTube.

    1. Hi, Roxxane

      Thank you so much for reading my article. You are the one who did not research. Every point that I addressed in the article came directly from Kevin’s mouth and it can be seen on YouTube. Just because you aren’t familiar with it doesn’t mean that I did not do my research and I wrote my article based on hearsay. I found out about Kevin from others, but looked into it for myself and decided to write the article. It doesn’t matter if women call into the show asking for a 6 figure man with money. Those women represent just that–those women, not all women. This image of the high value man is not attractive or high value to women of character neither should that stereotype be forced onto us. Kevin has told single moms to give up sex after 3 dates because they are not virgins and men see that as women playing games if she has a child and decides to practice abstinence. A woman has a right to grow and evolve in her personal value system. Finally, it’s unChristan to condemn someone because of a mistake in their past. The Bible clearly says Christ did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him would have life and that more abundantly. Christianity is not about condemnation and pride, but about transformation and life. I’m not the one who is falling in the area of research with all due respect.

  35. KS is only telling the truth. Now it might not fit in with your belief system that you have had to devise living in this world. But it’s the hard truth, everyone wants to marry a movie star or something along those lines, but it’s a fantasy. I get inflating your ego makes you feel good, but after years of believing in a fantasy you will find yourself insane. Women need a reality check, being a single mom is not good, it is something to be ashamed of, your children will grow up missing a lot: missing a father, missing the extra income, ect. Now your going to bring a fatherless child into this world to suffer, and you have no shame? His message has helped many men and women, I was in a toxic relationship with an alcoholic woman who refused to get help, I had no idea how it was effecting me until I found KS.

  36. Delusional women protect other delusional women.
    And this post is delusional.

    The women who call in would not marry or even date the Male versions of themselves.
    I can use a gender changing app, take a picture of one of these women, present them with the Male version of themselves and they would swipe left.

    Imagine a 45 year old man 5′ 5″ tall, 230 pounds talking about if a woman doesn’t look like Halle Berry he won’t date her. That’s basically what happens on the show. Delusional women demanding men that they can’t get / don’t deserve. Other delusional women listen in and “feel” Keven is being mean to these women, but if these callers were men other women would be laughing at how delusional and crazy these men sound,

  37. The things that Kevin Samuels teaches on his YouTube channel can very easily lead many away especially women. Her content focuses on life and relationship lessons from a Biblical perspective, with a special reach for singles and single women in particularly. Her newest venture is http://www.holyneckswirl.com, A movement that surrounds her new book.

  38. You seem to quote the Bible a lot in your statements and views. So one would assume your doctrine or what your belief is Christian values. So if we take that into consideration the Bible stated that the Lord blessed King Solomon with unlimited wisdom and understanding. The Lord said there was no one wiser than him. It is reported in the Bible he had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines. If anyone knows women in my humble opinion King Solomon qualifies. Do you know what his view on women were? Are you familiar that he stated he never knew a noble women or one he could trust? Why was his view on women not favorable being the wisest man?

  39. I think Kevin Samuels is toxic to women. I believe that the women who follow are participate on his show are insecure & have either had a few failed relationships of have difficulty getting into one. His constant numerical rating of women is crass and shallow as relationships are complex and involve two INDIVIDUALS. Individuals are extremely unique and therefore the interaction between two people is very unique in itself. Since he keeps referring to women as an adjustable 6 I’ll refer to him as an adjustable 5( meaning his package) and in a good day he’s a 5.5-6 . Maybe that’s his issue and hostility towards women in general ;” I’m a PhD!!”

  40. This article is just another hit job on a man who is deceased. We live in an era of PC and cancel culture minded individuals. Kevin Samuels was as real as it gets. He told the world who he was and how he got to where he was. He was an advocate for men. He was a consultant who had a background in sales and marketing. Business professionals asked for his style advice for the corporate look. They in turn shared their inability to find meaningful relationships to foster and grow. Some men and women these days have unrealistic outcome expectations. The person who wrote this article in my opinion is a fraud. Most people will only ever live at the average income lifestyle because they will be single. These are facts. You need 2 incomes in this these days, and yet you have unmarried women having children out of wedlock looking for a husband. That makes no sense, and y’all want to drag Kevin for pointing out the obvious. No he wasn’t toxic, he was unapologetically truthful about the data and statistics that plague the black community. Degreed women with student loan debt and a careers that pay median income. Criminal justice, communication, Social Studies and those are just are just a few degrees that don’t pay alot of money. Again more truths that the author of this article doesn’t want to acknowledge. There was no such thing as Kevin Samuels teachings, just honest advice and hard-core reality checks. Just because he’s gone, his mark was made and the realities he spoke of still exist. I’m the same age as Kevin was, and twice divorced because I wasn’t appreciated. I don’t talk to either ex’s, but I still see them in passing. Both make average income,still single and both regret how they acted towards me. I make more money than both of them and I’m single because I’m not entertaining the idea of marriage again. People need to choose better, but unfortunately that’s not the world we live in. Most men don’t make the kind of money these women out want. I’ll close with a quote from KS, ” Be the best version of yourself then choose from the options you have”

  41. It seems like the author of this article hasn’t listened to the full body of KS’s work. They are just addressing a popular opinion that many women have based on only part of his focus. He started by addressing men and what they need to do better to position themselves to be strong providers and quality men in our current society. Part of what this requires is a strong ability to make and manage money well. Money is not the only factor, but it is one that one must begin to focus on early in life to avoid certain pitfalls and to take advantage of certain opportunities while we are in our prime grinding years. Quality of character and discipline was also a requirement of men of value and high-value men. He wanted men to be what they needed to be to be good husbands which includes knowing how to choose quality women who want to be quality wives. There are realities and truths that both sides need to understand to be successful in that arena. Because of the influence men and women can have in each other’s lives, he spoke on what qualities (or lack thereof) to avoid for both, while also teaching what qualities are needed to be successful in a relationship as opposed to what a majority of society says should be. Being in alignment with a majority of society has produced a very high divorce percentage and more specifically, been very destructive to the strength of the black nuclear family. Focusing on his tone vs his message is what many people have a difficult time navigating. That did not take away from the value of the message, and those who think that it does, are the ones who will miss out on the value of what he truly attempted to accomplish for those willing to listen and learn.

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