4 Things I Wish Single Christian Men Would Get About Single Christian Women

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There isn’t enough money in the world to buy me:
If all of the nations of the world put together all of the money in the world to buy me it still would not be enough because I don’t want to fall in love with the money a man makes. I want to fall in love with the man himself. While I appreciate a man valuing me enough to spend money on me taking me to nice restaurants.  That is not the main or final indicator to me that I should stop waiting and settle on a gentleman. A man being able to provide is the bare minimum of a requirement for a man who wants a family. That’s why the Bible says a man who does not provide is worst than an infidel because providing is expected. Meaning, there isn’t even a need of a revelation from God to do that nor a requirement to have a relationship with God to do that. It’s naturally wired in a man’s nature. A woman of higher character, quality, and standard is going to be checking for more then that. The Bible says that her price is far above rubies. That’s more than what money can buy.

When we see a man who leans more heavily on his money and notoriety from wealth instead of his own personal development and ability to authentically show himself and be himself, it points to a greater insecurity: When I see a man over compensating with his pocketbook, being flashy, or creating what they feel is a highly sought after image; I can’t help, but to think it is due to some form of insecurity. We all have our various insecurities in life, but if we become vulnerable enough to deal with them even if that means exposing them to trustworthy people; we can overcome them. It is better to deal with the insecurity rather than to cover it up and pretend like it isn’t there because it will come out at sometime or another.

Also, affects of the insecurity can come out in the relationship, and because the insecurity is hidden, there will be a big question mark as to what is really going on in the relationship causing distrust. Things like this cause couples to break up and they don’t even know why. When God sends us someone it will be someone who has the grace and love to deal with our insecurities. The right woman will be secretly praying for you regarding this instead of putting you down. Remember perfect love casts out all fear. You should not fear showing the right woman your insecurities. You should be checking her out to ensure she is mature and trustworthy just like she should you.

When I hold Up a Standard and Walk in My God Given Identity, It is Not Because I Am a Controlling, Manipulative, Jezebaal:

When a man finds a wife, he finds someone who is good, and favor awaits this man. However, some men mistake what is good for something bad because the woman does not immediately shift to what that man wants in that moment. Have you as a man ever considered that God has placed specific boundaries around a woman to keep her ready and to see her develop for the man, life, destiny, and calling that he has for her. Why should a woman put down the boundaries that have kept her safe, and sound all this time because she meets a new gentlemen who seems different from the rest?

It is through being consistent in maintaining her identity that she has become the woman that has gained your interest. Now, you ask that she throws that away because you are different. That is a bit much to ask. If a man leaves a woman because of her God given standard; I am convinced he really did not want her in the first place. It is built within a mature woman of God to desire to submit to a man, but single women have to be discerning about what they are submitting to.

If a man is operating out of a spirit of confusion and instability communicating mixed messages such as: One week he wants us the next he doesn’t. Has no clarity, provides vague instruction; or operates strictly out of the flesh, and not the Spirit of God, our standard or boundary may tell us to take a step back so we are protected from confusion and lack of peace. Women are responders when it comes to submission to a man and letting a man lead. If the man is confused; we will be confused. Thus, we have to take a step back in that moment as we pray for the man to work that out with God and his leadership that he is submitted to. Yeah, brothers you gotta be submitted to other godly men. It will be hard for a high quality godly woman to trust a prideful stubborn man who insists on walking alone. We have to protect ourselves.

Because I do not want to get physical right away, meaning to kiss, doesn’t mean that I am asexual:
 A real woman of God who is whole and knows who she is; is soft, feminine, and desires to unleash all of her love and affection on one man, but this has to be done in a place of security. A woman longs for two main things to be loved and to be secure. A real woman of God knows the difference between a man saying he loves her and showing that he loves her. Until a man is willing to give a woman these two things by meeting the qualifications God has set up for the particular woman consistently; she cannot accept a ring to unleash her wild beast on a brother. It takes time to build these things. It takes openness and vulnerability on both the man and woman’s part, and most of all it takes both individuals willfully, and intentionally submitting to Christ as the center and foundation of the relationship.

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