3 main ways, You’ll Know You’ve Met the One – Part II

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Do You Fully Love & Accept Yourself ?

​Singles are often encouraged to lower their standards to prove they are good enough to have somebody. I did this before. I was tired of everywhere I turned having to fight for peace and rest giving explanations to others on why I was still single and not dating. I tried to make it work with a guy who was not on my level, but he was saved.

Of course, I could not be myself all the way. I had to be quiet more about what I saw in his life that was simply out of order for a man who was pursuing a woman of God as not to appear as a nag.

There is no way our relationship would have worked without him coming up on his own. I would have had to operate outside of my role as a woman to be in a relationship with him. I would have had to do both my role and his to a large degree because he did not understand who he was and what his role was and if he did he was operating in rebellion which is another animal.

If you have to modify, change, or lower yourself away from your identity in Christ, it’s not it. If you do not know your identity in Christ, you should not be dating.

Instead, seek the Lord and see what he is saying to you.

I had been seeing myself too low due to the warfare I faced as a single woman over the years and some other things in me that needed to be dealt with.

Instead of seeking to make a relationship work that isn’t for you, seek the Lord and see what he is saying. God may want to do some additional work within you that you aren’t aware of even needing.

Whatever the word of the Lord is over your life, submit to that. God is committed to making us whole before joining us with someone else. It doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect before meeting an appropriate person. It means that you have to be healthy enough to still be who God wants you to be even while being joined to another person.

Maybe, it isn’t time to seek a relationship. Maybe God wants you focused on something else.

When we are married, we will be more vulnerable than we have ever been before, and thus we will be more open to being hurt more than we have ever been before. We all have heard it before, it’s those closest to us who hurt us the most. God wants us to be able to still be good after going through various things with our future spouses.

This is why it is so important to be whole when dating someone. Only when we are whole we will make healthy choices for ourselves without bending who we are to make something work with someone who doesn’t have God’s best interest for us.

If you are experiencing signs that you are doing it on your own; don’t be rebellious. Humble yourself and be willing to let it go. Begin to allow healing to take place until you come to a healthy place and make your relationship choices out of that healthy place.

I recently read an article about a popular comedian, Leslie Jones, who tweeted that she does not feel optimistic about finding a marriage partner for the future because men aren’t noticing that she is working out.

She made the comment that because of that she just may die alone. Her statement reveals a broader issue of how she feels about herself. It appears she isn’t in a healthy enough state about how she perceives herself to date at the present time.

She needs to fall in love with herself to the point where she doesn’t care if any men are noticing her because she notices herself. At that point, she will be whole enough to be noticed by someone who shares the same value for her that she holds for herself. It doesn’t matter what age we are whether 50 or 30. Age is not a requirement for readiness for courtship and marriage. Wholeness is a requirement. Wholeness includes seeing ourselves the right way.

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