3 Lessons to Take Away From Fences Pt. 3: Celebrating and Honoring Our Fathers…

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Celebrating and Honoring Our Fathers is Necessary:

After making up our minds to forgive our fathers of their shortcomings and deciding to honor them, it becomes easier to honor them when we look for the good in them. There was definitely good in Troy as there is good in most all men.
Troy tried to teach both his sons, Cory and Lyons the importance of hard work. He encouraged Cory to prioritize money based on needs versus wants first. He encouraged the importance of accepting the responsibility to take care of one’s family to Cory. He loved him in the best way that he knew how. He felt that he prepared him for the world in the best way that he knew how.

He encouraged his other son Lyons not to just focus on the passion of music, but to work also, so he would not have to borrow and beg while pursuing music. He was looked at as being harsh to Lyons for being reluctant to loan him money, but that is what fathers do. Fathers give hard lessons to attempt to make their sons men. These were all good qualities that Troy had. When we focus on our father’s good qualities like those of Troy, it makes it easier to celebrate and honor our fathers.

If for nothing else, we should honor them for the fact that they stayed in our lives to do what it is that they knew to do. In most cases, what many men have known to do is to provide. If nothing else, a man often always knows about that responsibility, and there are many men out there who do it well.
Instead of dishonoring our fathers, we should be sure to cherish them, talk with them, build relationship whenever possible even through times of hurtful forgiveness. Because like Troy, one day he isn’t going to be there, and we will wish we had of honored him while we had the chance. Our fathers our needed, and worthy of love and respect even through their imperfections.

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